
Cleaning the Homeschool Slate

Cleaning the Homeschool Room on Super Busy at Home.

Freshening up the homeschool room.  That is what I am doing this week. 

I am a chronic "can't get this right-er".

The first semester I start out with very high hopes of how the homeschooling year is going to go.  I am going to rock the socks off of these kids.  They will learn so much.  Fireworks will go off.  Marching bands will play.  It will be glorious. 

Sadly, we start right after Labor Day in September and by Halloween, October is ending, and I am holding on by the skin of my teeth when it comes to lesson plans: we're grotesquely behind in grammar and math, no one has been able to find the science book for a couple of weeks now, and Latin has become "reviewing flashcards" rather than actually diving into any form of lesson.

Oh how lovely.

From there it is a steep, falling down a slope with jagged rocks fall into some sort of pit we could simply just call Christmas Vacation.

It ain't pretty friends. 

Those weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving are littered with Halloween worksheets we didn't get to, Thanksgiving crafts that have no merit of learning in them (they would have had we not been doing them the past three years and so now they are tradition and cannot be deemed learning as both of the children are too young for any of the crafts). I try to do schoolwork somedays when we are not plastered with ballet practice for the Nutcracker or bell ringing with Boy Scouts, therapy, cooking, cleaning, baking, and parties.  AHHHH!!!!!

So now that all of the misery is behind us we are in the new year, it's a chance for me to start over and try to figure all of this out.  Again. 

Again, again.

And probably one more again thrown in for good measure.

Can any other homeschool Mama's relate? 

Can I get an Amen?

And that's just talking about our lesson plans not to talk about how the classroom looks like it's trying to eat itself by the time we get to Christmas.  How I bought all of these cool manipulatives before school started and have pretty much forgotten where I even put them.  Epic.mom.fail.

It's always amazing to me though how God takes these failures of mine and shows his grace to me through it all.

Cleaning the Homeschool Room in an effort to keep my sanity at Super Busy at Home

And unlike the post Christmas trash and clutter is a constant reminder of my failures, God takes our failures and wipes the slate clean.  Like it didn't happen.  How amazing is that?  I don't have to have a constant reminder of my clutter, of my disorganization, of the lack of time I spent when I should have to put things away rather than let them pile up and pile up.  Rather I can clean it up and there will be no trace of what was here.  Just like God's grace.

I have to tell ya I am an organizational book junkie.  I could sit for hours reading about how to organize and clean, what to use, etc. etc. Unfortunately the problem with those is that those hours spent on the couch reading those books doesn't actually clean hour house. Darn.  But a tip I learned from one of those books is to look at the space where whatever you are picking up actually was.  Acknowledge the spot of floor you can see when you pick up the pile of race cars, or whatever.  But see the cleanliness you have made in what could be a sea of dirtiness. 

Cleaning the Homeschool Room in an effort to keep my sanity at Super Busy at Home

Amazing friends.  Simply amazing.  And so today whatever junk you are cleaning up I encourage you to take the time to see what you have cleaned up and acknowledge that.  Be it the box of gift boxes that finally got put in the attic (that would be me I am looking at here!) or laundry you are determined to tackle, or whatever!  Acknowledge what you have gotten done rather than focus on how dirty the other parts are.  I think that's the best any of us can do, right?

I'll be here trying to get all of this right but fortunately we have the power of the Holy Spirit we can call on.  We don't have to do this alone sweet friends!  How amazing is that? 

Let's roll up our sleeves, wipe our slates clean (with God or in our homeschooling rooms!) and let's face our second chance in the face with a smile. 

Happy Monday friends!

What are you all working on this week?  I'd love to know so I can encourage and pray for you!  Comment below :)

The "Fun" of Christmas with Autism

This isn't one of those posts where I'm all like "Christmas with an Autistic Child is like a dream come true..." because it just stinks.

The case of the stinks starts pretty much right after Thanksgiving. Or rather on Thanksgiving.

Christmas tree getting leads to over load.  Decorating leads to overload.  Cookies lead to overload.  Church performances lead to overload.  Shopping leads to overload.  Everything leads to overload.

And a lot of times people don't see it unless you are in the house with an Autistic child.  THEN I'm sure you see it. 

Our son, Calvin, will fall asleep when he's overloaded.  People say "oh, the poor thing's had a busy day." 

Nope, he just can't take anyone or anything, anymore.

Which is a great coping mechanism until it's 2 am and he's raring to go while punching me in the face to watch this one commercial with him.  Over and over and over and over.

Oh the Christmas joy.

Then there are the times when he doesn't even try to hide his overloaded-ness from anyone.

Take last Sunday in church for example...

Our cute, adorable Emma (who I always seems to describe like Grover) sang in church with some other girls. Nick pulls out his phone to video tape it. 

So here is the next 2 minutes of Calvin, full volume, in church with a somewhat Veruca Salt tone in his voice:

"I knew you had your phone. 

Why can't I play games on your phone?

No cell phones in church!

No cell phones in church!

Let me play games on your phone!

Why not?

No cell phones in church!

No cell phones in church!

You never let me play games in church!"


If you seeing me saying this to my son it's not because I don't love him but rather because I am tired of whisper arguing in church after 3 sleepless nights.

Anyway, this is one of those Autism Mom Public Service Announcements to say, if you know someone who has an Autistic child, please cut them a little slack.  We all have a lot on our plates this time of year but for those of us with a child from Autism it takes everything to a completely whole new level. 

Just imagine we're trying to pacify one child so they won't completely fly off the handle at an event or at home and we are trying to make sure the children who don't have autism aren't feeling like the autistic child is spoiled and everything is focused on them and we are trying to plan for every little thing...is aunt so and so wears her strong perfume and they are going to complain loudly about how bad she smells what are you going to do? Or if that dog that they hate is there what are you going to do? Or if other kids want a turn with the toys at Grandma's and they don't' understand, what are you going to to?  We have 18 backup plans with 2 more to have as backup plans to our backup plans.  All that coupled with remembering green bean casserole and wrapping gifts and everything can just feel chaotic and overwhelming.

So if you know a Momma (or a Daddy!) who's little one has Autism, a hug and a starbucks giftcard can go a long way towards making us feel like we're not in this alone.  That you get it.  That you're here for us. 

And if you are celebrating Christmas with a little one on the spectrum please don't be freaked out.  Be understanding but don't treat them with kid gloves.  They will be able to sense it and that alone will feel weird and foreign.  Just be you to them and loving and understanding if they need to back away.  Look for those signs.  The child isn't trying to be defiant or naughty by not wanting to participate or do something but rather that may be their way of shutting down as a coping mechanism to try to avoid overload. We sure love our little ones don't we?  Christmas is so special for them and even if they aren't participating or are struggling, they're still here doing it with us.  They know everything around them and they get it on a deep level, trust me. 

All that being said...

Merry Christmas!  I have a feeling it will definitely not be a Silent Night.



This Year's Christmas For Real

So this is a behind the scenes I'm going to be honest post. 

This holiday season is not going as planned.

Picture me, early November, all curled up on the couch dreaming of how the holiday would be after Thanksgiving:

I'd get my decorations out before Thanksgiving to have time to mull over what I wanted to use, what I didn't want to, yada, yada.

Everything would be decorated and the bins would be put away by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend.

From there, every day we would make a magical recipe and would store them away to give for gifts or in anticipation of the big day.

I would tidily wrap 5 gifts a day and would be done by the week before Christmas so I didn't have to bother with last minute things.

All of this was just a big, fat wrong.


Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Wrong. Wrong.

And wait for it...


So here has been the reality.  The week before Thanksgiving my grandmother passed away, which I wrote about here. She had been sick, she's in a better place, but somehow there has just been this fog.  I know you can't rush grief or getting over someone being gone but it just feels hard.  And foggy.  Some days I just want to stay home. And what should seemily have taken me no time (in my mind) and been done by now is still languishing around.

Further more from a working/website perspective this has made it so I have nothing to say. No fun Christmas tutorials over here. No house tours ready from this gal.  Unless you want "today I put on jeans and not leggings, and you can too" then yesterday I totally nailed that.

But the sad truth is that as I was wallowing.  Because that's what it's been, wallowing, I realized that maybe I'm not the only one wallowing.  And maybe that's the beauty from ashes that God pulls out of all of this and wants to use. 

This isn't our first Christmas that things haven't gone as planned.  It's not always happiness and sunshine over here folks.  There have been Christmas' where the tree fell over. Where we had no money when it certainly seemed we should. When there was no work and we had no money and it made sense we had no money.

But somehow God works through those tough times.

And I know He will work through this.

Everything will come together in His time.  I just have to give myself the grief and time.  To cry over the Christmas card I got from Grandma last year I found that sent me to grief all over again.  And the crying when I unwrapped the Christmas ornaments from her. It's all there.  All under the surface.  And I just need the time.

So I apologize to you readers.  I had a really great "Christmas countdown" series planned with games and strippers and rides and fun.  Well only one of those things was included but I digress...

Instead I am here with real life, living real, feeling real, hurting real, healing real.  And it's going to be okay. 

I hope that whatever you are going through this Christmas, your hurts, your pains, your money issues, the betrayals that you've been hurt with, the shocking news you just can't bounce back from; that that is the message of hope that I can share with you:

"It's going to be okay."

Forgive me for being absent.  Love you all.

Amazon.com: Over Half Off on this Doll Bike Seat Sale!

Emma has been asking for one of these forever and to be honest I've never seen one of these so complete and cool!  

Amazon.com has this set on sale today for 44% off!  Right now it's $24.95, regularly $44.95! 

It can go on the front or the back of the bike and it also comes with a water bottle, handle bar streamers, and a name plate to decorate.  So many cool things to put on a little girl bike!  

The bike seat fits all dolls and stuffed animals 18"-22", 

You can buy this set here! 

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here.

Christmas Tree 2015

Last year we had a great time getting our Christmas tree.  You can read all about it here

Our old c7 bulbs died and we had to buy new LED bulbs.  Don't get me wrong, I love them and they're pretty but they just aren't the same.  Here's our picture of the tree last year. 

I had the hardest time trying to explain this to people but while the lights were almost annoyingly bright the tree was dark. Do ya know what I mean?

 So this year this is our tree.  

It pretty much looks the same except this year it's a little glowier.  What's my trick?  Those cheap white twinkle lights.  We took 2 strands of white twinkly lights (100 bulbs per strand) and wrapped them around the trunk of the tree.  Our tree is 9 feet tall and the 2 strands worked great.  So we kept those strictly on the inside of the tree and then on the outside we put our fancy dancy LED lights. 

And this is the result.  I'm loving it!  

Our tree decorating and chopping has been a bit weird this year.  We always go the day after Thanksgiving.  But this year it was rainy and gross so we didn't go until Sunday. So we shopped Friday, decorated the house Saturday, and Sunday we were ready to get the tree.  

Most of us were ready.  This guy was just sleepy or sick or off or something.  He just was not feeling it.  

Here he's standing next to our fire pit.  My in-laws rent us a fire pit every year and we have a tailgating type party with food and drinks and good times. This year friends stopped by and we saw lots of people we know, it was so much fun! 

These kiddos have my whole big heart. Here we are on the tractor tram ride thing. Off to get our tree! 

After searching and searching an searching we found our tree!  It took lots of looking and walking and hunting and backtracking and grumbling but we found it!  And this was the best picture we found because Nick's parents were off looking for their tree, Emma wanted to be with them, so it was the three of us hunting for the perfect tree.  I've gotta tell you though, it was super weird and cray having a picture of just the three of us.  

This adorable guy has the biggest heart and decided that this year it was his year to cut down the tree!  He was so careful with the saw and was all business about it.  

He was trying so hard but it wasn't long before he asked for his Daddy to help.  These guys are so cute together!  

This is a picture of Cal getting to push the tree over.  He yelled "Timber!".  There are some days when I forget that he has Autism.  These days remind me that Autism is something like being left handed. It doesn't define him, it is just part of who he is.  We're not dragging it behind us like some type of cumbersome burden but rather it's just him, pushing a tree over and laughing.  

And just as easy as that we are ready to go!  

These cute guys are all throughout the forest and the kids love spotting them as we ride through on the tractor ride to the trees and then back to the firepit.  

And then it was time to eat and warm up by the fire!  By the way Cal here is eating a gluten free cupcake from the King Arthur Flour brand.  They are so super yummy and moist!  

There's my PSA, go buy this cake mix if you are gluten free.  Yum! 

After lots of snacking we came home and got to decorating!  Who doesn't love to decorate the tree? It was so much fun!  We got all of the decorations down before so the kids weren't sitting around waiting for us to find the decorations. 

So there was our Christmas tree experience this year!  

And our 25 day countdown to Christmas started yesterday!  Did y'all get started on a countdown or an advent calendar?  Let me know in the comments, I love all of your ideas!!!  






Thanksgiving Printables Roundup

FREE Thanksgiving Printables.  See what Super Busy at Home rounded up for you!

The week of Thanksgiving is a major drag when it comes to Thanksgiving.  In essence I'm supposed to be teaching them something but really my mind is preoccupied about making the turkey, and did I remember to get the heavy whipping cream and did I tell my mom to pick up soda?, and on and on.  

Basically I'm a hot mess any other day but Thanksgiving just kind of sets a 450 degree fire under me to elevate me into a bunch a lotta fun mess. 

But you still love me, right?

So we will be doing a lot of worksheets.  A lot of printables.  A lot of turkey, gratitude themed worksheets that will hopefully sneak some learning into my kiddos without them figuring it out.  Oh the twisted webs we weave...

So here are some things I've found on the world wide webs.  

Do you like how I say that like old people say "the sugar diabetes"? 

Of course you do. 

Here's what I've scrounged up for you...

I've been a fan of Free Homeschool Deals as long as the day is short and let me tell you, this time of year is no exception.  

This downloadable packet from Only Passionate Curiosity is perfect for those of us who more than one child because there are sheets on different levels. 

Then there's this entire e-book from Apologia that I can't wait to tear into!  Apologia is the publisher of the chemistry book we are using this year and so far I have been loving it! There are lots of little science snippets, printables, craft ideas, and more!  Super fun! 

Over at the Proverbial Homemaker she has a neat Thanksgiving Lego Challenge.  This set features lego challenges, copy work, memory verses, coloring pages, devotionals, and more!  So amazing for those of us with little ones obsessed with Lego! 

Confessions of a Homeschooler has a really great Thankful Turkey craft.  Lots of fun to cut everything, assemble, and talk about what you are thankful for. 

Confessions of a Homeschooler also has an adorable Thanksgiving Preschool Printables.  Full of different activities you can have fun with puzzles, pre-writing, graphing, and more.  I just love all of her products! 

So there you have it, my list of printables I have found! 

If you have others you'd like to share, please comment below.  I love all of your comments and read each and every one of them.  You guys are so precious to me and I am so THANKFUL for each and every one of you!  I hope these printables help ease some of the stress around the holiday so you can have a blessed time with your little ones! 

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here.

Thanksgiving Outfits

Thanksgiving has never been my favorite.  Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I do love Christmas so to me Thanksgiving is just that moment before you are waiting for the plane to take off and you just want to get there already! 

However I do things to try to get myself a bit more in the mood.  One of the things that I do is to make lots of food.  That way I am vested in the holiday so I get a little more involved than bringing the canned cranberry sauce.  

Another thing I do is plan our outfits.  That way it is more exciting than just throwing on some clothes and getting out the door.  So today I am talking outfits and hoping you guys can help me plan what I am going to wear. 

First of all, this is the outfit that Emma is wearing.  isn't it fun?  It's fall colors without screaming Thanksgiving.  I let her pick her outfit this year and this is what she chose.  It's from Jelly the Pug.  I LOVE this brand's clothing!  They are sassy like our Emma, super colorful, and soft boutique clothing.  Jelly the Pug is only sold at boutiques or online at boutique stores but every once in a while you can get it on Amazon.  Check out their selection here!   Now if only it were so easy for me to pick an outfit.

Okay, so here is what I am thinking of...this is what I am liking on Pinterest right now...

As you can see I am feeling the black boots with a scarf or something tunic-y on.  Something cozy to gobble turkey in.  By the way if you are feeling my style feel free to check out my Pinterest Style Pinboard.  You know, I'm super trendy over here.  Ha, not quite but I try.  I'm aspiring you might say. 

So I love jane.com.  Have you ever been to their site?  They had amazing deals that designers put on there.  They are only for a limited time though so you have to snatch them up when you can.  I've ordered loads of things from there and have loved everything.  Here are some things that I am liking on jane.com :

Which one do you guys like?  

I'll try to remember to snap a picture of what I wear on the big Turkey Day!  I'd love to know what you all are planning on wearing for the big day too! 

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here

Today I'm the Birthday Girl!

Birthday Celebration with Super Busy at Home

Today I turn 34 years old!  


And while at one point that would have seemed like an old geezer, I am so excited to have a birthday today! 

This past year has been so life changing for me.  We've taken a lot of steps to simplify our lives and to make sure that unnecessary problems have not flooded in.  Standing up for myself and placing my life in God's hands has made such a difference in the world.  I am learning that I have so much value and can have so much self-worth in my status of being a child of God. 

Wow. Word to your mother.

And so in doing that I have changed my point of view from feeling I am shy and meek and not worthy of being listened to, to feeling that I am here, I am me, I have a story God has given me, and here I am to live it out and share. 

And golly, wow it just feels amazing. 

Joy filled is my life and I am hoping to just keep spreading the joy around. 

And so as I turn 34 I am feeling so happy that I am here, with my family to celebrate me, to celebrate life, and to celebrate all that God promises to bless us with.  We have God's favor friends, and that is everything to me! 

Today has been so wonderful. My favorite coffee is one that my Aunt Jan and Uncle Bill introduced me to.  I LOVE it but they're from the East Coast and we can't find it around here.  But Nick surprised me with two cases of coffee.  He's so thoughtful! It's called Jet Fuel and has lot's of caffeine (perfect for homeschooling Momma's like myself!). Anyway, yummy!  

Birthday Celebration with Super Busy at Home

Then our sweet Emma made me a "Birthday Scavenger Hunt" full of sweet clues and helpful hints.  

She had me follow the hunt to the kitchen, she gave me juice, then cookies.  Then she gave me my gifts: a gorgeous beeswax candle she hand dipped and a bracelet she made.  I was floored.  This sweet little girl loves me and I love her and we have such a great relationship.  That alone is the best gift ever! 

I pray that today I will be able to show you all how amazing God's love can be in your lives. And if you have Jesus in your hearts I pray that you will ignore what the world tries to tell you (that you are not enough...that you're not skinny, popular, smart, daring, sexy enough) and know, KNOW that you are so loved by the creator of this Universe. 

Can I get an amen? 

Today my wonderful in-laws are taking the kids and Nick is taking me around to wander.  One of my favorite things.  Just stop here to look at this and then meander through this other shop.  Then they are having the kids and we get to, gasp, sleep in!  How racy, I know! 

Want to help me have the best Birthday ever?  Show me some Birthday love! Comment on my blog, pin a post, like my facebook, instagram, or pinterest page...or like all 3!...stay in touch so we can be friends forever!  

Follow me today and I'll be posting Birthday highlights!

How do you celebrate your Birthday?


Ooey-Gooey Caramel Apples

We have apples coming out of our ears.  

For real. 

You can read all about our apple picking adventures here.  For some reason I always say we're not going to get that many apples this year...

And then we wind up with gobs and gobs of apples.  Budget fail!  Because they always go bad, ya know?  It really is true that one bad apple ruins the whole bunch...

Anyway, so I've been trying to use up these dern apples and I decided to just go for broke and make something super nutritious...

Caramel apples.  Which sounded super easy until I realized I have never made them.  So here's what I came up with and what I learned along the way...

I made my caramel sauce in the slow cooker.  I found a bowl that fit in my crockpot that still had room around it so I could lift it out.  I am sure this will be different for everyone so just mess with your bowls until you can find one that works for you. 

And by the way if you need a crockpot you can buy the same one I have on Amazon.  And right now it looks like it's on sale for 45% off for only $29.99.  You can click here to check it out. Deal!

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

Anyway, I then opened up the two bags of caramels that I bought at the store.  I got about half way through unwrapping one when I got this great idea and called in the kids to finish the rest.  I have no idea how many they ate.  I decided to turn a blind eye and not judge them. 

Anyway, a few minutes and a ton of wrappers later they were done and all of the caramels were ready to go. 

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home
Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

I then poured water carefully AROUND the bowl (not in the bowl).  You have to play around with this too.  I think I ended up with about 6 cups of water.  I say I think because I dumped a bunch of water in there and then when the bowl began to float I had to take some out.  As difficult as caramel apples are I didn't want to complicate things by having to follow a bobbing bowl around in the water. 

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

I then turned my slow cooker to high and let it go.  I stirred it about every half an hour to see how it was coming along.  My caramel took about two hours to get soft enough to dunk apples into.  The photo is what it looked like when it was time to dip.  I posted that one to show you what it should look like.  I didn't think it would be ready but upon completion of stirring it was ready and we were thrilled! 

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

I dipped the apples just as a precaution but the caramel didn't get too hot so I probably could have let the kiddos.  But safety first!  As you can see I used popsicle sticks and just jammed them in there about half way through the core.  None fell out which was good.  And no one had kabob skewers to try to impale each other with so even better! 

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

I would like to point out that these caramel apples are not what you would call "magazine perfect" but they are what you could call "kid perfect" because they helped and loved them and to me that's all that matters.  And besides who doesn't like an apple with ooey-gooey caramel running down the sides?

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

We dipped half of the apples in sprinkles and the other half left bare. I was thinking nuts but we had these when we had new friends over and I wasn't sure about nut allergies.  So maybe nuts would work next time.  I'm also posting these AFTER Halloween because I thought that chopping up leftover candy and using it as a topping would be a really great idea!  

Yummy Carmel Apples on Super Busy at Home

My mother hen piece of advice here is to make sure you really scrape down the bottoms of your apples before you put them on the wax paper.  The caramel will ooze that way as God dictated that's how gravity works, so only scraping a wee bit off results in this big boogery end.  Which is just all caramel and sprinkles which can't be totally bad, right?

Oh and I thought that was my last bit of advice but it wasn't.  Make sure you spray your wax paper with a cooking spray.  We did not and on some of the apples I was stuck (get it? ha!) trying to pick wax paper pieces off of the apples.  Not so fun.  

I hope you enjoy making your own ooey-gooey caramel apples!  

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here

Halloween Recap

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed trick or treating with your little ones.  

We saw many so cute little outfits while we were out in the rain (yuck) going door to door for candy.  We live in a National Historic District Neighborhood and it is always so picturesque and wonderful meandering through our streets. 

Last year even before Halloween was over Emma was begging us to have Frozen costumes.  So for a year our fate has been sealed as to what we were going to be.  Nick and I have never dressed up before with the kids so this was a first for us. 

I will say that we had a lot of fun as a family.  This year already Calvin has already chosen what we will be for next year and while I am going to keep it a secret I will say I think that it will be a lot of fun and super cute!

And has anyone noticed that Halloween has become this huge two week long spectacular?  I am pretty sure that everyone could find something Halloweeny to do every day during the two weeks leading up to the big day.  Trunk or treats, Harvest Parties, Halloween Haunts, on and on are going on. 

Halloween at Super Busy at Home

We went to the Fernwood Halloween event and to a party our realtor's office had.  Both were a lot of fun and the kids had a really good time.  It really makes the cost factor a lot easier to justify to Nick for costumes when we will be in them more than just one time.  

I just love their decorations at fernwood! 

Well anyway, I've got to get back to homeschooling but hope you all had a spooky weekend!  And don't forget today's the last day to sign up for my Usborne Sticker Book contest....I'm giving a book away and would love for you to sign up! 

Happy Monday friends! 

Giveaway: Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book

Here in homeschool land we are back to learning about the Ancient Times this year.  This week we are covering when Joseph took care of Egypt by preparing for the famine.  

And since we were talking Egypt and it's the week of Halloween I surprised the kids with sticker books.  They were so thrilled!  It's so fun seeing them get excited over books.  

Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book Giveaway on Super Busy at Home #superbusyathome #usborne

It's the Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book.  It is so much fun and packed with stickers and things to do so it provides of quiet play and learning for kids.  How amazing does that sound?

Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book Giveaway at Super Busy at Home #Superbusyathome #Usborne

As you know I am an Usborne Books  Consultant and so I just think these books are so amazing.  The biggest feature I love about Usborne is my patented saying that they are "sneakily educational".  And that is so true with these books too.  The Usborne website explains how this was written with an Egyptologist. so all of the facts that you are reading are accurate and not just bland facts that every book has.  That is the coolest thing!  

Usborne Egyptian Mummy Sticker Book Giveaway at Super Busy at Home #superbusyathome #usborne

So I started our morning out with a spooky halloween breakfast of warm apple cider, cocoa puffs, and a marshmallow peep (because it's Halloweeny time!). Then while they noshed and worked on their sticker books I read to them the chapter from our history book.  And seriously this would be one of my biggest learning tips, especially if you have boys: when you're reading to them let them do something with their hands  Anything. Stickers, playdough, legos, blocks.  Their brains absorb so much more when their hands or bodies are moving, it's incredible.  

Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book Giveaway at Super Busy at Home #superbusyathome #usborne
Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book Giveaway at Super Busy at Home #superbusyathome #usborne

Anyway, because I love this book I've deciced to give one of them away to one lucky reader!  The sheer fact that there are over 650 stickers in this puppy is just mind blowing!  There are lots of ways to enter into the drawing and the drawing will go all through the spooky Mummy filled weekend.  I know we're all super busy this weekend with our littles so this will give you plenty of time to get those entries in.  

Usborne Egyptian Mummies Sticker Book Giveaway at Super Busy at Home #superbusyathome #usborne

If you would like to purchase this book (or others) in the event of not winning be sure to check out my website here!  I'd love to see you get good books for your kiddos that they will love! Good luck and I hope all of you  mummies and deadies have a wonderful weekend trick-or-treating! 

How Money Making Mom is Helping Me in My Quest for Awesomeness

Yesterday I was blessed with the opportunity to be on a conference call with Crystal Paine.  And it was such a blessing.  

She is the creator of MoneySavingMom.com and is a New York Times Bestselling Author.  

Not to mention she wrote Money Making Mom which is being released November 3rd!  (but you can pre-order it now!!!  Go do it!  Click here  to go get it...I'll wait!) I am so blessed to be part of the launch team for the book and having read it I can tell you it is a-to-the-mazing! 

She's like Elvis to me. 

Like Spock to a trekkie.


So I figured I would only have the chance to listen to her but it would be neat so I did it.  And truth be told I almost didn't.  The kids had a harvest party at the exact same time but when I was talking to Nick in the morning he said "I really think you need to take that call."  So I did. Husbands are great for stuff like that. 

During the call, the moderator started reading questions that launch team members had written to ask Crystal; I was shocked when my question was read and then I had the chance to hear her answer it.  Later on in the call I indicated I had a question, never thinking that she would take my question. 

But she did. 

I felt like I was talking to Elvis. Or Alf, which is basically Elvis but cooler.  I'm not sure where I'm getting the hang up on Elvis, but let's just go with it shall we?

I asked her about keeping your self-confidence up and how to keep writing when self-doubt creeps in and you wonder why you should even write and/or you wonder who even cares about what you have to say. 

And the Lord must have known what I needed to hear because it truly felt like He was speaking through her.  She told me, "Lindsay, no one else has your story.  You are the only you.  The world needs to hear your story."  By the way I know what she said because I was frantically writing because I'm a dork like that.  You know it! 

Wow.  It was amazing and I thought she was such a good motivational speaker but as the conversation went on she didn't say "so and so's name, cool words, cool words, cool words" like she did with me.  It was truly heaven sent. 

Because if you've been paying attention it's been a little quiet on my end lately.  The self-doubt has crept in again.  I've been trying to fight it.  I've been trying my best to get the blog off the ground and running and trying to appear all cool when I'm not.  But I feel like I've been failing.  And if you've been around here, loitering for quite a while, then you know this is a broken record from me.  Lindsay writes, Lindsay feels like a fool, Lindsay doesn't write. And repeat. 

Don't let the pigeon drive the bus!

But I know this is a new page for me.  A new start.  Why you ask? Well...

I've been reading the Money Making Mom book and it has been simply amazing!  It got my creative juices flowing.  I've been lugging a journal around with me everywhere I go to write lists and hopes and dreams and just in general, to write. I love to write.  I always have.  When I was a little girl I used to BEG the teacher to LET me stay in from recess so I could work on a story I was creating. This book reminded me of that little girl: that I love to write.  It fuels me and makes me feel like maybe I'm not quite as awkward as I think I in real life am.  

The whole basis of the book, Money Making Mom is that all moms possess some star they can hitch their wagon to.  A God given talent that we can groom into something amazing.  I'm guessing (just guessing here) that we're not all going to come out of the gate making six-figure salaries a year but at least we can find something to do that will bring us joy or extra income to bless with or at least bring some grown-ups into our line of conversation before the monotony of cheerio scraping gets all seeped into our brains.  And isn't that what it should be about?  The blessing part, not the oat cereal goo that coagulates on high chair trays...you know what I'm talking about. 

I love this quote because it's not an inward, "what can making money do for me and my family?" perspective but rather an outward, God's love pouring out to help others through our talents perspective. That will help keep me pushing on when the walls feel like they are closing in and I lose sight of the talents and passions God has gifted me with. 

I really want to encourage you to go buy this book.  And if you're lazy like me and have dried glue on your sweatpants (I'm not even going to try to be cool today and call them yoga pants.  They're straight up, bought at K-Mart, sweats) from constructing zigurats then you can buy from Amazon.  That's how hipsters buy you know, so see?  You're one step closer to cool. I bet hipsters don't get dried glue on their skinny jeans.  I bet google would know...

And I bet that google knows that I'm back, Jack!  I've got a story to tell!! And it would tell you that Money Making Mom is a really good book.  Like I just did!  

In the meantime I'm working on conquering my fears and this doubt that Satan loves to bait me with.  And I'm working on understanding conference calls.  After multiple texts to my husband on the proper time to call in and how to do it and do I mute and this that and the other I realized that I have truly become a stay at home mom.  When conference calls seem foreign that fact kind of smacks you in the face like a good book.  A good book like "Money Making Mom."  You should go buy it. Work on it.  Amazon it.  Now.:)

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here

Apple Picking 2015

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

These are the moments that I try to shove into the deep recesses of my mind so when I am old I can remember them.  I am so thankful for things like blogs so I can jot down the details of the day along with all of the wonderful photos and try to remember the time when they are this small.  I love these two children so much.  They fill my life with such joy.  

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

We go apple picking every year.  This year however was the first year that we went during October.  Picking apples in October apparently is very lame as there were hardly any apples.  But we learned our lesson and from now on will make sure that we go in September.  Before apple picking we always travel all the way to Bonneyville Mill for a picnic and some football.  

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

They have the most gorgeous Dahlia garden.  Seriously, out of a dream or something.  So of course I love taking pictures of our little lady with her little lady.  Can I please just bottle this age up of carrying a doll around in a sweet dress? I am sure I will blink and it will be gone.  This sweet girl and her happy heart captivate me.  I love being her Momma. 


And in a stark contrast from the sweet girl in a flower garden is the rowdy boy having fun climbing all over an old dam.  I love his adventurous spirit although most of the time it makes me feel like my stomach is up in my throat and I am suffocating.  But I am learning to let go and try to watch him have fun exploring.  

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

If you ever get the chance to go to this mill when it is operating you have to go.  You just have to.  Built in 1832 it's incredible that it is still working.  They have the cutest store that we buy our cornmeal from every year.  The photo above is the chute of the cornmeal coming out from the stone. 

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

There were these darling old bags and promotional items posted up from back in the day.  I thought they were so neat.  

After that we left the park and made our way to the orchards. 

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

These two are the apples of my eye...ey?  ey?  Ya get that? 

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

For the past few years I've been able to say "okay, bucket heads" and they've put their buckets on their heads.  But this year it was aparently cooler to shove his sisters bucket on her head than to put the bucket on his head.  

<sigh> it's the end of an era...

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

This year it was nice that they wanted to use the grabby stick thing because up high was about the only place that we could find apples :(  Boo.  

Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home
Apple Picking Bonneyville Mill Kercher's Orchard with Super Busy at Home

Success at last!  This seriously felt like it took forever!  Forever, Jerry! And can I please just have her clothes in my size?  So stinking cute! 

Apple Picking at Kercher's, Bonneyville Mill with Super Busy at Home!

And then there's this guy.  He is such a goof.  Which I love.  He thoroughly enjoys going before me and looking for ways to make me laugh.  That or ways to make me freak out.  Either way he's looking out for my entertainment benefit.  I guess I will choose to look at it that way.  

Apple Picking at Kercher's and Bonneyville Mill exploring.  Fall Fun with Super Busy at Home

Is there anything more peace inducing than to take the time to look at an apple and it's leaves.  It's such an amazing thing that God created because He loves us.  It just takes my breath away and I love sharing this type of thing with our kids.  The way that the star is formed inside the apple, all of the varieties, the way they grow on the tree, it all is just simply amazing.  

Apple Picking at Kercher's and Bonneyville Mill exploring.  Fall Fun with Super Busy at Home

This is all we picked this year.  One reason because all they had were the "delicious" varieties which I tend to not find so delicious.  Another reason was that you could see these were heavily sprayed.  And the third reason being that Meijer has apples on sale for 59 cents this week and these puppies were 85 cents.  We got this amount for the memories, thank you. 

Have y'all gone and done your apple picking?  Were you late this year like we were or did you go earlier?  I'm curious is apples were in short supply this year or if it was because we were a week later than we normally are.  

Happy Fall, Y'all! 

Fernwood is Boo-tiful!

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood with Super Busy at Home

We are so excited to be attending Fernwood's Annual Halloween event!  This year The Halloween Happening is taking place on Saturday, October 24th from 6-8 pm.  You can find our more information here on their site but from their website they said:

Calling all ghosts, ghouls, and witches! Dress in your best costume and find your way to Fernwood to celbrate Halloween with activities and treats for the entire family. Create Winifred’s magical bubbles along with Cheri Hallwood, local award-winning author of Frogwilla, Winter’s First Snowflake, The Curious Polka-dot Present, and One Wish for Winifred Witch. Her books will be available for purchase and signing. Enjoy trick or treating in the gardens, pumpkin decorating, spooky creatures and stories, and more!
Also, delicious spooky snacks will be available for purchase.
— http://www.fernwoodbotanical.org/october-24-fernwood
A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

Last year we took a gorgeous American Girl's Samantha Tarkington and a handsome Luke Skywalker to the Halloween Happening.  It was such a wonderful evening.  

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

The kids loved trick or treating around the gardens. Who doesn't love to get candy?  And they loved to see all of the volunteers in their costumes.  Everyone was so nice and the whole outfit had such a great atmosphere. 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

And as much as my kids love to see the trains (you can read all about the train garden and our deep affection for it here), they love it even more when it is spooky and scary.  Well maybe not scary but a lot of fun! 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Garden with Super Busy at Home

One of our favorite times of the evening though was roasting marshmallows over the fire and making s'mores!  Such a fun time sitting around the fire with other families and making a snack.

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

They had a variety of snacks available and it provided a laid back time for our family. 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home
A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

After the snack we made our way to the main building.  And as much as the kids loved the event I was just amazed by all of the details that Fernwood did.  All of the lights  in the trees and all of the fun.  You can tell they put a lot of thought and time into the event.  

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

The last thing we did for the evening was to paint these adorable pumpkins.  

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

Aren't these little pumpkins just the cutest?  Our kids had so much fun!  

If you are looking for a fun event to celebrate Halloween we'd love to hang with you at Fernwood this year.  I love that there is trick or treating, decorations, fun spookiness, snacks, crafts...a little bit of everything to do! 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

These two will tell you you'll have a hauntingly good time!!!