Christmas Gifts

Gift Ideas All Kids Will Love

One of my readers wrote me and requested a holiday gift guide for a boy who isn’t into the traditional boy items…no legos, no super heros, etc.

So I put my thinking cap on and came up with a few items that our our families faves. These are items our son loves to play with. Here we go:

Qba Maze

Seriously the coolest maze, hours of fun and there are so many add on pieces and kits.

Calico Critters

Both my son and daughter have loved to play with these through the years so I can attest that these are popular! They are so detailed and fun that your family will have years of enjoyment with these cuties.

Cooking Set

Nothing gives kids confidence more than having tools that were made for them in sizes that are easy for them to use. We love these kits from Williams Sonoma because they are durable and fun!

Weaving Loom

Both Emma and Cal love using our Weaving Loom. It’s a great item for when we are reading as it is quiet and something they can do to keep their hands occupied.

Gem Kit

These dig kits are so fun and they can be educational when paired with a gem book or a fossil kit paired with a dinosaur book.

Magic Kit

This is something that is so fun and can spark a curiosity that can last for years. A starter kit is a great place to begin and then trickier tricks can be added in.

If you don’t want to purchase a physical gift, a gift of an experience is always a hit! We love our membership to the Western North Carolina Nature Center because we have reciprocity to the ASTC and AZA centers…that’s over 450 zoos, aquariums, and science centers nationwide that are included. We love our membership and know you would love one too!

So those are my suggestions, do you have any to add? I’d love for you to list them in the comments!

Sweet Gifts for Kids who Like to Bake

I love baking with our kiddos. I always have. Ever since they were little we would bake together and it has always been a very special time that we all enjoy.

Now that we have a tween and a teen I am finding them starting to bake on their own, expressing their creativity (and hello? math skills!) through making sweet treats for the fam, which is totally a-ok with me.

If you are buying for some kiddos (or a family, or just mom) who like to bake, these would make some pretty sweet gifts:

Color Gel

For super vibrant colors in frostings, you are going to want to switch from liquid food coloring to gel. This will really make your cookie decorating fun!

American Girl Baking

This is Emma’s favorite baking cookbook of all time. And I have to admit that we have enjoyed every recipe out of it that she has made us out of it. Great recipes, easy to follow, and overall fun, this is a book that will be perfect for your little girl!

Cake Decorating Set

This set has a lot of equipment in it for an amazing price! This would be an amazing gift for someone who loves cake decorating or for someone who has a 4-h cake project coming up in the next year.

Matching Aprons

Emma and I have fallen in love with matching aprons and these are amazing with their vintage cuteness! If you like baking with your daughter, there is just something about donning matching aprons that takes the fun up a notch!

Kid Chef Book

Our kids have LOVED using the Kid Chef books. There are several of them to choose from. They are fun books and have easy to use instructions for cooking. This baking cookbook would be great!

As we get closer and closer to Christmas (can you even believe it is almost here?) it sometimes gets harder and harder to think straight without the chaos and the pressure of the season taking over your good senses. So if you are in need of a gift one of these items would be great. Or you could group a few of these things together to make a gift basket for someone…even if they don’t like to bake (yet!) you never know but you might be sparking a new love for a hobby they will love for years to come!

A Very Merry Christmas

As our family celebrates the 12 days of Christmas, I don't feel it is too late to wish you a very, merry Christmas!  After all, it is only the 4th day of Christmas. 

Today was Nick's first day back to work in two weeks and we sure do miss having our guy around :(  It's hard to get back to real life. 

Celebrating Christmas with Super Busy at Home's Family!

But this is what we are doing today...just chillin'.  It is so nice to have these days of no where to be and nothing to do.  To stay in our pjs or sweats all day and have some really deep relaxation.  I am trying to soak all of this in since we start school Monday and will be on the run again before we know it!

This Christmas was so magical!  My cousin, Andy, stayed with us and it was so nice having him around and having lots of family pop over to just hang out.  That is what Christmas is made for!

Celebrating Christmas with Super Busy at Home's Family!

This photo is from our ugly sweater party!  It was a small group this year but we had so much fun laughing, snacking, and watching our traditional movie of Christmas Vacation.  Memories!

Christmas morning I woke up before the children to make some coffee and get myself prepared for the mental anguish of the wrapping paper blizzard that would ensue. 

I know you know what I am talking about here ;)

Celebrating Christmas with Super Busy at Home's Family!

Check out our Christmas tree!  Santa came!!!

The kids were so gracious about their gifts and it was so fun to watch them open everything they got from us and then from Santa.  They loved all of their toys and since have been having a blast playing with everything!

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Here's Calvin with his lego bible.  It is so fun!

Celebrating Christmas with Super Busy at Home's Family!

Here's Emma with her weaving loom!  She asked Santa for it and has played with it every single day!

After the kids opened their gifts I insisted we take some family photos.  This year the kids had REALLY wanted us to all have matching pjs.  Let me tell you, that is easier said than done.  Has anyone else endured this nightmare? After 3 pairs of pjs we landed on matching pjs from Burt Bee's Organic Cotton collection and we LOVE them! 

Celebrating Christmas in matching pjs with Super Busy at Home's Family!

Of course we had to take some silly photos after we FINALLY got a good one!

Celebrating Christmas in matching pjs with Super Busy at Home's Family!

I think this one is adequately silly, don't you? 

Nick and I got one another some pretty great gifts too!  Nick got me an Erin Condren planner (I've wanted one FOREVER!!!), he also got me some le creuset kitchen items, a ton of wool socks, and spent way, WAY too much Shearling slippers for me.  When I scolded him he said "you're always here doing so much for all of us.  You deserve warm feet."  He is just the sweetest man!

I got Nick a big tv for our bedroom...he's wanted one FOREVER and I was so excited to actually surprise him with it...I've had it hidden in my dressing room for months!  I thought for sure he had discovered it but he hadn't and I was so tickled to surprise him.  I also got him some cubs memorabilia from their big win!!!  this year.  And I got him the book The Secret Garage, about praying for your family. 

We've had the best holiday, not to mention all of the wonderful gifts our families gave us!  We received some amazing camel for my nativity, awesome travel mugs, and more! 

We hope you and yours are having a very merry Christmas season and that your days are merry and bright! 

Merry Christmas!

Save 60% Off Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite for Kids Today Only, with Free Shipping!

Today and today only you can save 60% off the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite Kids Edition! If you have one of these on your kiddos Christmas list make sure you get this today as it's on sale for $59.99!

Watch imagination come to life with Samsung Kids. With engaging educational apps for every age, Samsung Kids inspires a love for learning.

  • Bring your kids the educational content you trust from Dreamworks Animation, Sesame Street, National Geographic and more. Apps that automatically adapt and grow with your kids so they’ll stay engaged at every age.
  • It’s all on the durable Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite featuring parental controls.
  • Converts to standard Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite when the time is right to graduate from Samsung Kids Mode.
  • 7″ touch screen, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS, 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, 8 GB Flash Memory, 1 GB RAM Memory

And shipping is free!!!!

These are regularly priced at $149.99 so this is an AMAZING deal!

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here . Over Half Off on this Doll Bike Seat Sale!

Emma has been asking for one of these forever and to be honest I've never seen one of these so complete and cool! has this set on sale today for 44% off!  Right now it's $24.95, regularly $44.95! 

It can go on the front or the back of the bike and it also comes with a water bottle, handle bar streamers, and a name plate to decorate.  So many cool things to put on a little girl bike!  

The bike seat fits all dolls and stuffed animals 18"-22", 

You can buy this set here! 

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here.