I know I know, another year, another set of resolutions that you may or may not follow. Why make them. I learned a long time ago, that resolutions do not work, and making them, at least for me, is nothing but an exercise in failure. Instead of making several resolutions, by yourself, why not make a covenant, or a promise to someone else of one thing that you feel you can accomplish, and that your spouse/partner, coworkers, employees, family can be a part of your success, or their success as well.
This goes for personal life and the life of your business. While we are not at the fiscal start of the year, we are at the new year, a great time to usher in improvement in whatever ways we can. We clean our houses, purge the stuff we don’t need, get rid of clothes, and kitchen utensils we bought off of infomercials. We work out for three weeks before we convince ourselves we are too busy to keep on. We stop smoking for 2 weeks before we say I just need one to deal with the stress of that last meeting with the boss. You get the idea.
By involving other people into our own plans and adding accountability, we are creating a situation that we are not only letting ourselves down, but letting others down as well. As much as we can live with our own failure, how much do you like to live with failing those you care about. I read recently in a book, “if you had a friend that constantly let you down, would you still be friends with that person, or would you excuse them out of your life”. Then why are you any different to yourself.
This mentality goes for your business as well. Setting goals for your company feeds down to your divisions/departments down to your managers/supervisors down to the people handling each individual task. With clear expectations at every level, individual and group success, and layers of accomplishment, you create a challenging and rewarding environment where the life of the company is on each individual and not just the shoulders of few.
Implementing a Quality Management System is exactly what your company needs to organize, implement, and sustain this success throughout your organization. By establishing clear expectations and direction you not only allow people to understand the details of what is required, but will allow for benchmarking the success, or the need for improvement that you need to meet your goals.
Check out the contact page to see how The Witwer Group can help you realize continued success and not just a failed resolution.