Harvest Festival at Dollywood

We attended the Harvest Festival at Dollywood last year and fell absolutely in love with it. Dollywood is absolutely amazing but the natural wonderment of the amusement park flows perfectly with all things fall, y’all. I mean, their world famous cinnamon bread. What other time is better to enjoy a loaf than autumn? I mean, hello? Perfection!

If you’ve never been to Dollywood and would like to read our full review, I invite you to check out our article about it here.


As we walked deeper into Dollywood I started to notice that not only did they have adorable displays but they also had cute pumpkin vinettes. I mean, a pumpkin carved with a momma duck followed by pumpkins carved with her sweet little baby ducks? So sweet!

Everywhere we turned they had these fun pumpkins. Even just pumpkins randomly placed by themselves with fun carvings abounded.

It was so much fun to simply walk through and see what you noticed.


When we entered the Craftsman’s Valley we saw a pumpkin artist set up carving these pumpkins. Which was seriously impressive. After seeing all of these amazing displays and then seeing an artist actively making them was incredible. It definitely made the art work more impressive knowing that they weren’t just ordered from somewhere far off or saved from the year before. Also, the pumpkins were so intricately carved.


But not only are there cute small pumpkins around but these massive pumpkin works of art around. You guys, it was incredible! And if you are reading this thinking, oh yeah, pumpkins, I get it. That was kind of my thought before we went and I was researching this event. All of the photos had pumpkins but I didn’t feel overly impressed. But one you see them in person you get it. So if you are on the fence about going then you should definitely go so you can see all of this amazingness in real life.


As amazing as everything was in the day time, we became even more enchanted with the park after the sun set and we entered the Great Pumpkin LumiNights event…now everything is lit up and what was cute became eerily enchanting.


As a mom of two scardey-cat kids I would like to preface that I was a bit nervous about what all of this would entail before we went. But after researching it and knowing the heart behind Dolly and her Dollywood, I knew we would have nothing to fear. And we didn’t. So if you are looking for blood stained scary people to jump out at your or zombies to chase you around…this is NOT the place to find those things.


What you will find are spectacular light displays, perfect photo ops for your family, fun rides, spooky lights, and just a lot of good old fashioned fun for you and your family. And like I said in my Dollywood post, there is nothing to worry about. Everything has been taken care of.


And guess what? Harvest Festival at Dollywood opens TODAY!!! I am so excited to share all of this with you because you now have the opportunity to visit this year. They have even more fun effects and a bigger area to decorate with their new Wildwood Grove open! You can read all about it and purchase tickets here.


Let me know if y’all are planning on going or if you have any questions that I may be able to help you with! I’m always happy to help as you know and hope this helps you to plan your trip with your family!

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