My Secret to Being Super Busy at Home

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There is a big difference between being Super Busy at Home and being Super Lazy at Home.

Which in the past I have been.

About two years ago i started using Advocare’s spark drink. My homeschool friend, Natasha, is a dristrubutor and she was so good at helping to answer all of my questions about it and helping me order. (That’s just a shout out to her, Hi Natasha, love you lady!)

I am in no means a dietician or a nutrition expert but I love this drink! It is sugar free, low in calories and has caffeine. It also has a bunch of vitamins and minerals to help aid your body to get rid of brain fog that sometimes comes around when you are a mom with a million things on your plate.

You guys, I love it. The flavors are all amazing and every single one that I’ve tried has been amazing. My favorite is blue raspberry right now and it tasted like Sharkleberry Finn Kool-Aid. Nick’s favorite is cherry. We also have mango-strawberry, and watermelon flavors at our house.

I can’t believe how much energy I have these days when I should feel exhausted but can just keep plugging away. Some days life is hard but I have a deep rooted energy when I drink Spark that I can feel continues on so I can keep going.

I drink one, sometimes two glasses a day. I drink them in the afternoon and I love that it is easy to go.

While I am telling you about this and you are more than welcome to seek out and try Advocare Spark, I am not trying to push Advocare products or Spark. Instead, here is what I am trying to say…

If you are not feeling well, or motivated, or energized, then get out there and find something that will help you. It is an important part of self-care that we pay attention to our bodies and try to nourish and fuel them in a way that will help us to live out our best lives with our best bodies. For me, Spark helped because I think I was severely depleted in vitamins and minerals. The caffeine is just an added bonus, ha.

Also, I would not be a good friend if I didn’t share with you about this cup

I have this cup and it is a must if you use Spark or any drink that needs to be mixed. -

Are you listening you guys? It is seriously the best.

I even have it in this color called Scuba with Pink (Emma thinks it should be called Mermaid) but they have lots of other colors to choose from. So fun!

The proper name for it is the “Contigo Autoclose Shake & Go”. The lid has a little flappy door where the straw goes in so you put your water and ice in, and whatever mix in you want for your water put the lid on and shake to your little hearts content. THEN you put the straw in and it opens the little hatch for the straw to go in. It’s genius. When I first got it I was a little skeptical about the flap. I am not a momma who likes a lot of moving parts because to me that is just more to wash and more to break.

I have had my cup for over 3 years and I’ve never had a problem. It does beautifully in the dishwasher. I’ve dropped it a handful of times and has done great.

I do not recommend products to you guys unless I think they are helpful and are things I love. I LOVE this cup. I use it daily and if you follow along on my instagram account, you’ve seen this cup in action.

If you get this cup I’d love to know what you think!

And if you are interested in Spark by Advocare you can check it out here at my friend’s site.

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