As our family celebrates the 12 days of Christmas, I don't feel it is too late to wish you a very, merry Christmas! After all, it is only the 4th day of Christmas.
Today was Nick's first day back to work in two weeks and we sure do miss having our guy around :( It's hard to get back to real life.
But this is what we are doing today...just chillin'. It is so nice to have these days of no where to be and nothing to do. To stay in our pjs or sweats all day and have some really deep relaxation. I am trying to soak all of this in since we start school Monday and will be on the run again before we know it!
This Christmas was so magical! My cousin, Andy, stayed with us and it was so nice having him around and having lots of family pop over to just hang out. That is what Christmas is made for!
This photo is from our ugly sweater party! It was a small group this year but we had so much fun laughing, snacking, and watching our traditional movie of Christmas Vacation. Memories!
Christmas morning I woke up before the children to make some coffee and get myself prepared for the mental anguish of the wrapping paper blizzard that would ensue.
I know you know what I am talking about here ;)
Check out our Christmas tree! Santa came!!!
The kids were so gracious about their gifts and it was so fun to watch them open everything they got from us and then from Santa. They loved all of their toys and since have been having a blast playing with everything!
Here's Calvin with his lego bible. It is so fun!
Here's Emma with her weaving loom! She asked Santa for it and has played with it every single day!
After the kids opened their gifts I insisted we take some family photos. This year the kids had REALLY wanted us to all have matching pjs. Let me tell you, that is easier said than done. Has anyone else endured this nightmare? After 3 pairs of pjs we landed on matching pjs from Burt Bee's Organic Cotton collection and we LOVE them!
Of course we had to take some silly photos after we FINALLY got a good one!
I think this one is adequately silly, don't you?
Nick and I got one another some pretty great gifts too! Nick got me an Erin Condren planner (I've wanted one FOREVER!!!), he also got me some le creuset kitchen items, a ton of wool socks, and spent way, WAY too much Shearling slippers for me. When I scolded him he said "you're always here doing so much for all of us. You deserve warm feet." He is just the sweetest man!
I got Nick a big tv for our bedroom...he's wanted one FOREVER and I was so excited to actually surprise him with it...I've had it hidden in my dressing room for months! I thought for sure he had discovered it but he hadn't and I was so tickled to surprise him. I also got him some cubs memorabilia from their big win!!! this year. And I got him the book The Secret Garage, about praying for your family.
We've had the best holiday, not to mention all of the wonderful gifts our families gave us! We received some amazing camel for my nativity, awesome travel mugs, and more!