
Fall Decorating Ideas

Fall Decor Ideas.  Making a big impact with what you have.  Super Busy at Home

I'm thrilled to show you some of the fall décor around our house! 

Mainly because I finally got around to doing it, ha!  Last year I kept meaning to show you my décor but we were so busy that I never got around to do it. 

This year though I am doing great with my schedule and am feeling like I am ahead on things.  When I have the time and am doing great around the house is when I have time to blog and show you the things that I am excited about.  If you check out my blog and it's all crickets then you know I must be under water here and can't come up for air let alone to blog. 

Anyway, I have a multi-faceted fall décor approach. Anyone else do this?  Labor Day I decorate with just leaves, apples, general fall stuff.  October 1st I add the Halloween décor I have.  November 1st I will swap out my Halloween stuff for my Thanksgiving stuff.  And then tada!  That's fall folks!

Here you go, let me show you around our home:

Fall Decor Ideas.  Making a big impact with what you have.  Super Busy at Home

Okay, for starters this is on our coffee table in our living room. I have a hazelnut scented candle in this simple votive.  It is just a votive but it makes me smile...I have had this since we first got married.  Back when we didn't have any money this was just one of the few decorations for fall that I had.  So when I see it, reminds me of simpler times.  I still love it.

Fall Decor Ideas.  Making a big impact with what you have.  Super Busy at Home

In the same room is our tv above the fireplace mantle.  I gotta tell you a secret: there are times I hate having the tv above the fireplace.  I know it's convenient but it really makes decorating a challenge sometimes. I can't say this is exactly my favorite thing in the world but I think it is nice.  I would like to have some more colors but the monochromatic is also nice. 

I know I am not the only one who has to decorate with kids in mind.  I say that because if you will see on top of the middle pumpkin there is the wii sensor. Of course.

Fall Decor Ideas.  Making a big impact with what you have.  Super Busy at Home

I got the garland from QVC.  They light up and twinkle with LED lights.  It's so pretty and romantical when Nick and I are watching sports after the kids are in bed. The pumpkins are mercury glass.  I got them from the Yankee Candle Flagship store.  I believe you got one when you spent $100 or some absurd amount.  As you can see from my pumpkin amount, I have a hard time saying no to candles...they seem to leap into my cart when I am in that store.

Fall Decor Ideas.  Making a big impact with what you have.  Super Busy at Home

In our living room between that and the blue room (yes that's what we call it) there is this weird window thing.  It is tall and just begs for tall décor.  It's always fun to see what I can come up with.  So I have a million artificial flowers and leaves and leaves and flowers, oh my!  My grandma decorated the altar at her church for years and she is always giving me tons and tons of arrangements.

This year I came up with this arrangement.  Nick had purchased this vase for me a while back.  The studio where Cal takes pottery classes frequently has things for sale and he purchased this for me (isn't he just the sweetest?). 

I just came up with this arrangement to be honest.  I knew I was going to need a biggish vase so I saw it and just started cramming everything in.  I love the leaves on top and how it all kind of fans out.  On the other side of the arrangement is the blue room (where the kids play and eat their lunch) so I made sure that the back of it looks nice as well. 

Next to the vase I have a simple candle votive and a statue of our family.  I love it!

How to decorate for Fall with things you already have.  Super Busy at Home

In our dining room I again used when I had to make my decorations.  You should notice a theme around these parts, folks :)

This year I filled this hurricane with apples.  I had bought a kajillion pounds of organic apples at the store.  We go picking too but I couldn't beat the price for organic apples to I bought tons.  These were some of the ones that I still have and I just love the look of them. They are sitting on top of our china cabinet. 

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

I also have this sitting on our china cabinet as well.  I purchased this lantern years ago at a thrift shop.  I never knew what to do with it but somehow it just spoke to me.  So I have it crammed with all things fall.  I put a cute bow and some flowers on the handle to dress it up a little more.  I love it. 

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Even this cute guy (a gift from my Grandma Jean!) makes an appearance in our dining room.  Our dining room is very formal but for holidays it's always nice to make things fun and celebrate.  After all, making others happy is what makes ME happy!

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

Moving on to our downstairs bath will give you an example of how I "sneak" fall décor into little areas of the house.  I love putting small things around.

I found this sweet sign and just had to have itHow sweet is it with the fun background pattern and the adorable burlap flower?  This is on a 9 cubbie shelving unit we have where I keep loads of cleaning supplies. 

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

Even on the back of the toilet I have some fun pumpkins.  Have I mentioned I love decorating??

In our solarium I must admit, I don't do much.  I have several large pieces of furniture but never know how to do anything with them.  Instead I like to put little hints of fall around.  This apple plaque and stand are from Hallmark and I paired them with this sweet apple basket candle holder I have.  How adorable is this thing?

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

In our foyer are these fun plates.  These suckers were super popular a few years ago. It seemed like everywhere you went there were tons of sets to choose from for tons of different holidays and occasions.  But I think they have faded in their popularity because they have been pretty difficult to come by.  But I love them anyway, and that makes me cherish the ones I do have even more!

On a side note you can see that we have a real "mission control" situation going on with the switches.  Geesh, it's a lot of them to handle!

Also in our foyer is this sweet shelf from Pottery Barn.  I like to put definite kid-friendly things here as this is what our kiddos friends see when they come to the door to ask if our kids can play.  Also, our kids are in the foyer lots in the autumn with their shoes and as they start to get back in the habit of wearing jackets again after the summer weather. 

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For serious though, how stinkin' cute are these little guys? 

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

Our outdoor décor is where it's at.  Legit.  Which by the way, I had lunch with my best friend this afternoon and she reunited me with that word so you can thank her for that.  Legit.

Anyway, here's the "from far away" view of our door.  You've got 'cha garland and pumpkins, and ornamental kale, and pumpkins, and gourds, and mums.  The standards are there.  

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

I love our pumpkins.  Love, love, love.  Has anyone else seen a price increase in pumpkins?  Our pumpkins cost us $40 this year!  I almost fell a pumpkin!

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

I always love a good pumpkin tower.

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

I love this sign on our house.  I purchased it earlier this year when we were visiting Tennessee and have been so excited to put it up! 

How to decorate your home for fall using what you already have.  Super Busy at Home.

The last photo I have to show you is this festive wreath that my sweet grandmother made.  I love the giving spirit that my grandma has passed down.  She is always making things for people just to make them happy.  It makes me smile when I see it because it reminds me of her!

So there's a taste of our fall décor.  I hope you enjoyed seeing what we have been up to in our house.  I love decorating and enjoying the seasons with our sweet, little family!







This Year's Christmas For Real

So this is a behind the scenes I'm going to be honest post. 

This holiday season is not going as planned.

Picture me, early November, all curled up on the couch dreaming of how the holiday would be after Thanksgiving:

I'd get my decorations out before Thanksgiving to have time to mull over what I wanted to use, what I didn't want to, yada, yada.

Everything would be decorated and the bins would be put away by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend.

From there, every day we would make a magical recipe and would store them away to give for gifts or in anticipation of the big day.

I would tidily wrap 5 gifts a day and would be done by the week before Christmas so I didn't have to bother with last minute things.

All of this was just a big, fat wrong.


Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Wrong. Wrong.

And wait for it...


So here has been the reality.  The week before Thanksgiving my grandmother passed away, which I wrote about here. She had been sick, she's in a better place, but somehow there has just been this fog.  I know you can't rush grief or getting over someone being gone but it just feels hard.  And foggy.  Some days I just want to stay home. And what should seemily have taken me no time (in my mind) and been done by now is still languishing around.

Further more from a working/website perspective this has made it so I have nothing to say. No fun Christmas tutorials over here. No house tours ready from this gal.  Unless you want "today I put on jeans and not leggings, and you can too" then yesterday I totally nailed that.

But the sad truth is that as I was wallowing.  Because that's what it's been, wallowing, I realized that maybe I'm not the only one wallowing.  And maybe that's the beauty from ashes that God pulls out of all of this and wants to use. 

This isn't our first Christmas that things haven't gone as planned.  It's not always happiness and sunshine over here folks.  There have been Christmas' where the tree fell over. Where we had no money when it certainly seemed we should. When there was no work and we had no money and it made sense we had no money.

But somehow God works through those tough times.

And I know He will work through this.

Everything will come together in His time.  I just have to give myself the grief and time.  To cry over the Christmas card I got from Grandma last year I found that sent me to grief all over again.  And the crying when I unwrapped the Christmas ornaments from her. It's all there.  All under the surface.  And I just need the time.

So I apologize to you readers.  I had a really great "Christmas countdown" series planned with games and strippers and rides and fun.  Well only one of those things was included but I digress...

Instead I am here with real life, living real, feeling real, hurting real, healing real.  And it's going to be okay. 

I hope that whatever you are going through this Christmas, your hurts, your pains, your money issues, the betrayals that you've been hurt with, the shocking news you just can't bounce back from; that that is the message of hope that I can share with you:

"It's going to be okay."

Forgive me for being absent.  Love you all.