
The No-Spend Year through a Child's Eyes

So, hi guys, this is Emma. 

I'm sure that you've heard my Mommy talk about our "no-spend year" before.  Well, I'm going to tell you more about that from my perspective. 

When mommy first told Cal and I about her idea, I thought that it would just be cutting off Matilda Jane clothes, and fast food. 

This, however, was not the entire idea. 

I seriously think that our family is reverting back to the early 30s.  I mean, back then people didn't really just go buy stuff, but they saved any money that they could to send their children to school, or buy food.  Half of thetime, if you were a kid or an adult, you would be hungry.  As in super hungry.  We probably won't be going without lunch.  That makes me hungry! ;]

 When most people think about the early 30s, they think that people kind of just had the stuff that they needed.  Such as: food, clothes, and shelter.  Well a lot of them didn't have that unless they worked HARD for them.  My great grandma told me that back then they had to make their own clothes.  Shirts, pants, dresses, socks, underwear, and they only had a very small amount of them.

We luckily will not have to do that.

Not only are we just buying what we need, but we are also trying to get rid of the stuff that we don't need. We are trying to get rid of some old clothes, toys, and just general stuff. I got rid of some dresses last week that I either didn't wear, or are too small.  My brother has a hard time getting rid of things, for some reason.  He keeps EVERY little thing.  I have explained to him that all the things that he gets rid of [if it isn't just trash] goes to kids who have none, or little. He is so difficult sometimes!  Grrrrrrrrr!

So far it has been hard to stick with our plan, but I'm sure that it will all turn out O.K.

I really don't know about the rest of my family, but I am starting to realize that we just don't need all of this stuff. 

I kind of want to scream sometimes because it can get pretty angering to not get what you want.  I mean, I don't get what I want outside of the no-spend year, but I get even less of what I want in the no-spend year. 

You might think that I am exaggerating but I'm not. 

Well, I hope that this has been helpful and inspiring.  Bye.

Guest Blog: Emma's Perspective on Homeschooling

Emma came to me last night and requested to be a guest blogger on the site.  How can you say no to someone so cute?   So without further ado, I bring you Emma writing about all things homeschool:

Homeschooling from a 4th Grader's perspective.  Super Busy at Home.

Home schooling- one of the marvelous things in this world.  When you home school you get to learn about anything you want. 

That's right you can learn about sheep, whales, space, you can even learn about toaster ovens!  If you want to learn yep, this is how you do it.   I am home schooled and I have to say it is really cool. 

You can name your school anything.  My schools name is the Acadamy of Excellence. 

Our everyday subjects are, Math, Grammar, World history, Science, And Foreign languages.  We also do way more than that. 

In the morning, after breakfast I love to go to the classroom and clean out my desk, Sharpen my pencils, and to top it off get a good long book, snuggle down in the book nook and just read my heart out. 

My brother and I love world history. We think that Rome is the most interesting.  We love coloring sheets of Gladiator fights, Roman homes, and of course market places.  We have the exact same rules as normal schools though. the raise your hand and the stay at your desk are the most important.

I am so bummed out that we have to do school in the summer. The good side is that we do get longer holiday breaks. But I guess school is really fun if you think about it. 

I hope that westudy Zebras this year. I find that Zebras are interesting.

Well I hope that everyone has a good summer vacation.

A Letter To My 10-Year Old Daughter

Dear Kazoo,

I cannot believe that you are ten. 



I know that parents say that so often that to be honest, when I see it on social media, I just kind of roll my eyes and blur over it all because we all keep saying it. 

Grandma Peg told me that my time with you would be over before I know it and she sure was right.  Like sand, I feel like I am watching time slip through my fingers faster than I can do anything about it.

In only 8 years you will be leaving the nest.  For bigger and brighter things.  To live out your hopes and dreams, to spread your wings and fly. 

8 years probably seems like a lifetime to you and a microwave warm up to me.  We've got all kinds of development between then and now to go through.  Things to love and things to hate.

With that in mind I thought I would send you this letter and let you know all of the many, many things going on in my head. 

-I first and foremost want to say thank you.  On behalf of your autistic brother and your Daddy and I, we thank you for being the kind of sibling and daughter that anyone would be proud to have.  You take on the role of sibling to a special-needs child with such grace and dignity.  I have no idea how we would have gotten through everything without you.  You always seem to know when to cut your brother some slack and when he needs to be reeled back in.  You always tolerate, always teach, always protect, and always, always love in ways that blow us away.  We know it stinks sometimes when your things get broken, your feelings get hurt, your turn isn't realized.  We want you to know that we are trying to be fair.  In reality, it isn't always going to be. But we love you even more for understanding that and being okay with it.  That's where we need God's grace and you get that too. 

-In the coming years we are going to have to expose you to some hard topics. You think weed means a dandelion. You have no idea what sex is.  You think "butt" is a cuss word. You think the signs "don't drink and drive" mean not to drink Pepsi while driving home from Taco Bell.  Your naivety is what we have craved for you to have in this world.  But Daddy and I figure it's probably best to expose you to these things eventually rather that drop you off at the doorstep of William and Mary to just let you figure it all out. So we're going to have to have some worldly talks.  Some exposure.  It makes me want to throw up thinking of explaining sex, drugs, and rock and roll to you, but we will. Because we love you and we want what's best for you.

-We want you to know that to the ends of the earth we will love you.  No matter what weird experimentation you go through.  No matter who you find out you are.  We will love you to the ends of the earth and back.  You will always be our favorite and our best.

-We know you want to be a vet but here's the thing.  Nothing in this world comes easily.  Nothing.  Please be prepared to work your tail off for what you want.  Don't let anyone get in your way or try to discourage you.  You will fall.  You will fail.  You will want to quit.  Don't.  Don't ever quit.  Pull that competitiveness out of you and use it to get what you want.  We promise it will all be worth it.

-Please don't try to grow up to quickly.  Stop it.  Knock it off.  It's all a lie.  All of it.  We know you want your own cell phone and you think it's cool to have an ipad and headphones and dance around.  But please don't put the American Girls away just yet. Don't forget how fun it is to spin in a pretty dress.  Don't let the world make you someone you aren't.  Remember, you can be as young as you feel, not as old as you are real.

-Above all please remember to just follow God's will.  Like I've always told you, my life is so much better than I ever could have imagined it to be.  All because I did what God wanted me to do.  I followed Him.  I promise, do what He wants;  Seek him.  Be in love with Him.  And life will beat your best dreams on a good night.  Cross my heart, kiss my elbow.

-Remember how you love our home?  How you call it a peaceful mansion?  How you say it's your favorite place in the world?  Well, it's not going anywhere.  It will always be here with open arms.  So you can drag your drunk, goth-clad self home from college if you need and we'll be here with a strong cup of coffee and open arms.  Because we are family.  And family sticks together.

I hope you have the best tenth birthday ever. I hope you dance and twirl and giggle and whirl.  We're going to party, as you always misquote and say, like it's 1799.  Sure, we'll get our petticoats swinging around.

A Letter to Our 10 year old daughter.  Super Busy at Home.

We love you Kazoo!  Happy Birthday to you!

Cupid's Fantastic Float

Treat your loved ones to these super easy and fun drinks!  Get the scoop at Super Busy at Home.

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, love is definitely in the air!

The love of all things sweet that is.

The boys went to Boy Scouts sometime and Emma and I got together to concoct this yummy drink to share with y'all. We came up with this which we're calling Cupid's Fantasic Float (isn't the name adorable?  Emma came up with it...love her!)

Here's what we love about our float: It's super easy to make, super cute, super yummy, and a tad healthier than other drinks we've seen around.

So without further ado here's the recipe and step-by-step directions:

Cupid's Fantastic Float

Treat your loved ones to these super easy and fun drinks!  Get the scoop at Super Busy at Home.


1-1/4 cups Raspberry Juicy Juice

1 cup club soda

2 scoops vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt

1 red vine or twizzler


Treat your loved ones to these super easy and fun drinks!  Get the scoop at Super Busy at Home.

1. Measure out juice and club soda into a glass ball jar.

Treat your loved ones to these super easy and fun drinks!  Get the scoop at Super Busy at Home.

2. Gently plop a scoop of ice cream onto the top of the drink. Stir gently to combine and when it melts in a little plop another cute little scoop on the drink to float on top.

Treat your loved ones to these super easy and fun drinks!  Get the scoop at Super Busy at Home.

3. Snip both ends off of a twizzler to make a fun straw. (optional)

Voila!  A fun drink to surprise your kiddos with!  Emma loved this! 

Treat your loved ones to this super easy and fun drink.  Get the scoop at Super Busy at Home!

I called the twizzler optional because you could always serve with a fun-colored straw and then you would have a completely natural colored drink.  No red dye 40 in sight if you forego the straw! Or you can purchase these panda red licorices that are all natural and amazing!

I hope you enjoy this drink as much as we do. It's a sweet thirst quencher for sure.  

Give these a try and we're sure you'll LOVE them like we do!

Be sure to let us know how you like them!


Today I'm the Birthday Girl!

Birthday Celebration with Super Busy at Home

Today I turn 34 years old!  


And while at one point that would have seemed like an old geezer, I am so excited to have a birthday today! 

This past year has been so life changing for me.  We've taken a lot of steps to simplify our lives and to make sure that unnecessary problems have not flooded in.  Standing up for myself and placing my life in God's hands has made such a difference in the world.  I am learning that I have so much value and can have so much self-worth in my status of being a child of God. 

Wow. Word to your mother.

And so in doing that I have changed my point of view from feeling I am shy and meek and not worthy of being listened to, to feeling that I am here, I am me, I have a story God has given me, and here I am to live it out and share. 

And golly, wow it just feels amazing. 

Joy filled is my life and I am hoping to just keep spreading the joy around. 

And so as I turn 34 I am feeling so happy that I am here, with my family to celebrate me, to celebrate life, and to celebrate all that God promises to bless us with.  We have God's favor friends, and that is everything to me! 

Today has been so wonderful. My favorite coffee is one that my Aunt Jan and Uncle Bill introduced me to.  I LOVE it but they're from the East Coast and we can't find it around here.  But Nick surprised me with two cases of coffee.  He's so thoughtful! It's called Jet Fuel and has lot's of caffeine (perfect for homeschooling Momma's like myself!). Anyway, yummy!  

Birthday Celebration with Super Busy at Home

Then our sweet Emma made me a "Birthday Scavenger Hunt" full of sweet clues and helpful hints.  

She had me follow the hunt to the kitchen, she gave me juice, then cookies.  Then she gave me my gifts: a gorgeous beeswax candle she hand dipped and a bracelet she made.  I was floored.  This sweet little girl loves me and I love her and we have such a great relationship.  That alone is the best gift ever! 

I pray that today I will be able to show you all how amazing God's love can be in your lives. And if you have Jesus in your hearts I pray that you will ignore what the world tries to tell you (that you are not enough...that you're not skinny, popular, smart, daring, sexy enough) and know, KNOW that you are so loved by the creator of this Universe. 

Can I get an amen? 

Today my wonderful in-laws are taking the kids and Nick is taking me around to wander.  One of my favorite things.  Just stop here to look at this and then meander through this other shop.  Then they are having the kids and we get to, gasp, sleep in!  How racy, I know! 

Want to help me have the best Birthday ever?  Show me some Birthday love! Comment on my blog, pin a post, like my facebook, instagram, or pinterest page...or like all 3!...stay in touch so we can be friends forever!  

Follow me today and I'll be posting Birthday highlights!

How do you celebrate your Birthday?


Fernwood from A Child's Viewpoint

I spoke last week about how changing my perspective on our things that are cluttering our home is helping me to keep things tidier around here.  You can read more about that here.  

Well apparently I'm on some kind of "rose colored glasses" or "the eye of the beholder" kick because I am really trying to look at things from others' perspectives.  Neat how God works on your heart and it kind of takes over all aspects of your life, right?  

Anyway, we went to Fernwood (are you surprised? My kids BEG to go there) with my Mother-in-Law.  Anyway, I should have taken my phone for pictures but it was dead.  Dead, doorknob territory, dead.  And my camera battery had crawled in the same cemetary plot with the phone and they both were dead. 

I should have been really mad and frustrated with myself because that's what I do, but I wasn't.  I sought out the genius of it all and came up with having the kids take their point and shoots that their Grandma gave them for Christmas.  They LOVE taking pictures so it was fun to have them taking pictures around Fernwood of what they see and what they think is neat.  

So without further adieu here is a view of Fernwood and our day from about 48 inches up...

A Kids Eye View of Fernwood at Super Busy at Home

You've got to always love goofy looking selfies, right?  

Oh geesh, kids these days and their selfies.  

Kids Eye View at Super Busy at Home

Kids Eye View at Super Busy at Home

One of the reasons I love seeing kid pictures is because they see things from a perspective that is so ofter overlooked.  For example, this plant you walk under when you leave the main building.  I don't think I've ever paid much attention to it but it was a focal point for Emma.  Kids are pretty fascinating, aren't they? 

Kids Eye View at Super Busy at Home

I think with the kids being city kids they would be content just looking in the wetlands section to find bugs or frogs and then leaving.  Seriously, I cannot be the only mom whose kids love to spend time in this part can I?  

Kids Eye View at Super Busy at Home

Sisters are the only ones who catch their brothers being "eaten" by elephants, right?  So silly! 

Kids Eye View at Super Busy at Home

I have to tell you that my goofy, fashion plate of a daughter got down in a photographer pose and started clicking her point-and-shoot away saying "this piece is really speaking to me".  She cracks me up.  Love her and this photo! 

Kids Eye View at Super Busy at Home

I'll end you with this piece because it kind of spoke to me on a mothering level.  

Emma took this when we went on the river trail and then were headed back towards the nature center.  At least what we hoped was towards that way.  No one ever said I would win any awards when it came to following a map.  

I thought the little waterfalls were neat but in her tween way she seemed like "how lame mom" so we moved on.  But this photo of one of the mini waterfalls tells me that she was listening and watching too.  And she thought it was neat too.  

Ha!  So I guess the point is that even if they act like they're too cool for school and they don't want to be out in nature, they really do and they are seeing and noticing and getting it.  Everything works out the way it's supposed to, right? 

I hope you enjoyed this little perspective (ha! get it because she's short!?) of fernwood.  It's so fun seeing things from your kiddos angle and viewpoints.  

And if you are looking for a Christmas gift for a kiddos might I suggest a Fernwood Membership?  Or maybe a camera?  Or maybe both!  

Tigers and Bridges and the Randomness of it All

Sometimes life is a bit odd...

Like maybe you have a tiger for dinner.  

His name is Hobbes by the way.  

He wasn't thrilled with us not having tuna but he was a trooper and stuck around. 

There are some deep conversations going on.  


And then there's this girl.  Oh my, she has our whole big heart.  This girl is now a Junior Girl Scout.  No brownies for us around here.  

Sniff, sniff.  

I usually can make it through things pretty nonchalantly.  

Like sands through the hourglass...so are the days of our lives...

But this was taken during bridging ceremony which had me tearing up.  I think specifically because I kept remembering this silly girl in a blue daisy vest who had no problem wearing pigtails wherever she went.  

Where have those times gone?  

She just looks so grown up, I can hardly stand it!!!  


So that's the gist of what we've been doing in these parts.  

Oh and traveling.  

Lots and lots of travel.  In the last month we've been to Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky.  Whew!  I'll blog about those sometime but not now.  

Now is built for randomness.  

Along with randomness comes random thoughts and here ya go...

 I was thinking about this past year that happened. I know that is something that generally people do around the first of the year but I am a late bloomer so here I am. 

I am just in awe of how God has shaped my life.  I have made peace with things I've struggled with for years.  FOR YEARS!  Things that you want to talk to people about and wrestle with and fret over and then it just eats you up .  Anyway, I finally took the plunge and answered God's calling to make things right and you know what?  It really was no big deal.  I mean it was a big deal but not nearly as big as my worried mind had made it into over the years.

I've also made things right with someone I was mean to in the past.  Do you have those people where you think about your past with them and kind of cringe?  Am I the only one who has done that?  Anyway, this person isn't really in my life anymore, but thank goodness for Facebook and its reconnecting ways!  I was able to reach out and apologize and I felt so much better.  Whether it was accepted or not I at least tried to make things right.  And you know what?  They forgave me and we were able to move past it which is so amazing.  God is just so good!

And on the other end of things I was able to finally bury the past with someone else who it just didn't work out with.  Someone who we had tried to make things right with and it was not reciprocated.  Shortly after we decided to cut ties (by we I mean Nicholas and I as we try to make decisions together) I read this devotion about not being close with everyone.  It gave the example of David not being all buddy buddy with Saul when he was trying to kill him but fled.  So I have felt such peace with the need to flee after a season of trying.  

And that's just the way God is.  I am so reminded of Romans 8:28:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

And I could go on and on with other examples about how God has helped us in family situations or I've seen God stand up for me.  In things with our house and car and traveling mercies, so much God has done this past year.  God is working everything out for our good.  It's so awesome to know that and have the peace that that brings. 

And so whatever you are going through, whether it has to do with having tigers over for supper or big girls walking over a bridge towards you and their future, just know that God works it all out for your good.  

Love you friends! 

Dear New Mommas...A letter from a Mom Celebrating her Baby's 9th Birthday

Today my little girl turned 9.  Even typing that seems absurd to me.  As I look back I just can't believe how quickly time has flown by.  

When Emma was born I was a working career woman.  I was exhausted.  And confused.  And I felt alone in the whole new-mommy thing.  I wish there had been things people had told me.  Here are a few things I've come up with along the way that I would tell all of you new Mommas.  Or even Mommas who aren't so green to this game we are all playing:

1) Write it down.  When I was with Emma and she was tiny I remember smelling her and looking at her so intently that it was like I was trying to consume her.  I was sure I would never ever forget those moments, that those would be permanently stamped in my brain and when I get old and gray those would keep me warm at night.  But the fact of the matter is that due to hormones and lack of sleep and life moving so fast, I can hardly remember any of it.  In fact when I squint really hard and cock my head to the side, trying to remember the newborn days, all I can really remember is the feeling of engorged breasts.  And let tell you, I'd rather that doesn't follow me into my golden years. 

I wish I had scribbled things down.  Things to jog my memory or little moments that have all meshed together into a giant fog of love. I started this a few years ago and it does help.  I write them in a format that I can someday give to my kids or at least share with them if, when I try to give it to them I find myself screaming "mine!mine!mine!".  After all, they can have it when I'm dead.

Just write stuff down. 

2) Do not wish the days away.  Ever. Even in your worst day there is someone laying in a hospital bed praying to the Lord to have one more day.  Never ever think "God please let this day just be over".  I've been there and I've done it and now I really would do anything to be back in those nasty days of diaper pails overflowing, three days of dishes in the sink, and a fussy baby wanting nothing but time with their Momma. Those days don't come back to you, trust me, I've tried.  No DeLorean can do it for you. 

3) Just savor it. Multi-tasking: that's my middle name.  I blog while family movie night.  I do devotions while folding laundry.  It's totally a mom thing to do.  But while you are sitting there breastfeeding, I invite you to put the God-forsaken facebook down and just breathe in the moment you are in.  Cry about it.  Pray about it.  Thank God for it.  He will meet you wherever you are.  Just take it all in and don't let the moment pass you by. 

4) Don't forget they're still little.  My Emma-Kazoo is 9 and I so often find myself thinking "wow, she's so big" but the truth is that she is so much smaller than she will be in 9 years when she is out making her own way in the world.  So don't stop doing the handprints and the painted feet just because they aren't simply toddling around.   You'll want these soft small hands recorded as well.  

5) It all works out.  If you are having your first baby, you're probably freaking out about everything. I remember Emma had really bad cradle cap and fretting and worrying about it.  But here she is 9 years later and not a smite of cradle cap exists.  Even the big problems all work out.  It all seems to work itself out in the end and nothing ever seems as bad as it does when you have too many hormones and too little sleep.  Just remember that.  

I hope my experience with my sweet baby girl helps you to stop and enjoy your sweet littles. They are such a blessing from God and worth every bit of worry and sleep deprivation and vomited nights and engorged boobs :)  

The Art Institute

Emma and Baby Grace...isn't she an adorable Momma?

Thoroughly enjoying smores!

Emma and I making smores...somehow we slaved away while the boys enjoyed the fruits of our labor...teehee!

I think he has too many marshmallows in that cute mouth

My cuties in the museum

Here we are!

Daddy and Emma

Today we visited the Art Institute and had such a wonderful time! We truly are blessed by our family and we always have such a great time together. It amazes me how funny our children are. We have such well behaved children, it always amazes me!

We also ate at a restaurant which served smores you could make at the table and had a great time! Afterwards we did a bit of shopping where Emma took Baby Grace with her...so cute!

All in all it was a wonderful day of beginning cultural experiences for the children. While at the museum we discussed which colors make us feel happy and the textures of the paintings...how Vangogh used a skinny brush and monet used a lot of oil paint and it looks very chunky...who knows if they wull ever use this info but at least I will know it is in their cute little brains somewhere!

The Nutcracker

Since Emma is only two we didn't know if she would be ready for the ballet. We decided to chance it and try it. She loved it! She was very still until almost the end when she decided that she was a ballerina too! I could tell she was getting restless so I asked her if she wanted to go. No she said. But when I said do you want to go get ice cream she jumped up and yelled "Bye Daddy!" Apparently she thought Nick was going to stay for the ballet's finale while we wined and dined on icecream! All together it was a wonderful day and I could ourselves blessed that we can take her to things like this...I know this is just one thing that is lending itself towards cultivating our little girl into a cultured, polite little lady.

Here we are at the ballet

Here we are at the icecream shop...they have a playground!


Last weekend we took the kids to Chicago. I was a little skeptical going as I didn’t want to spend vast amounts of money but I decided to let my frugal guard down and just enjoy the weekend. And boy did we have fun! We went to Ikea and did some shopping as well as Trader Joe’s before heading downtown. There we parked (Which by the way cost us a whole $.75) and went to Millenium Park and the Garden of the Art Institute of Chicago. We had so much fun! There were so many neat things to see and do and there was a fountain for Emma to play in…she loved it! The thing I loved about Emma playing in the fountain was that she didn’t seem to mind the scads of other kids surrounding her, lately she has been a little intimidated by other kids. Anyway, we had such a wonderful time! We look at one another on the way home from days like this and revel at all of God's blessings and wonder if there is a family as wonderful as ours. Um, I think not.

Here is a picture of the bean in the park...it is sooo neat! This is a picture Nick took of me at the beanAnd here we are inside of the bean...this is kind of hard to explain

This is the picture of the fountain...the pictures are of people in Chicago and they change periodically. It really is amazing! Here she is at the base of the fountain

My New Home!

So I am going to be blogging here. Unless I absolutely am hating this, and then maybe I will move back. Either way, here I am right now. Well this weekend went well. I think that I am really liking this whole, cool weather thing going on this October. At first I was freezing, but once your body gets used to it, its not so bad. We went and got a pumkin at the pumpkin farm. As you can see, Emma is not too sure that she wants to share her wagon with a pumpkin.

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Babies R Us today and I can now say that we have all of the bedding for Baby Calvin. It is going to be cute. When we got home, Nick primed the walls and Emma and I booked it to the library (ha, gotta love puns!) He is now officially done with sanding the drywall so I was even able to hang some of Calvin's clothes in his closet. Here's a question for you...how is it he still isn't even born and yet Calvin has more clothes than me? Life is just odd. So I hope you enjoy this blog. Let me know what you think with comments. Love you all!