
Fernwood in May

If you are looking for something to do with your littles, make sure you check out the events at the Fernwood Botanical Gardens.  Their Nature Saplings and Knee-High Naturalist programs have some super fun programs starting.  May 27th the Knee-High Naturalists are learning about snakes!  These are really good programs to get your kiddos into nature to begin developing that love of nature so many kids aren't enjoying these days.

May 1st is the start of their Summer hours too so you can meander your days away through the gardens and nature trails.  You can find their hours on their website here

And the thing that we are so super, duper excited about is the reopening of the railway gardens.  After a fire tore our beloved trains apart, it is so amazing and exciting to see that they are back for their seventh season at Fernwood! 

I am excited to see if it will be the same or a newish design.  If you all get there before me you have to let me know, okay? 

And for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, Fernwood Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve is located in Niles, Michigan and it is an amazing place.  If you live close it is definitely worth visiting and even if you don't live close it is something that should definitely go on your "must visit" list for vacationing.



Halloween Recap

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed trick or treating with your little ones.  

We saw many so cute little outfits while we were out in the rain (yuck) going door to door for candy.  We live in a National Historic District Neighborhood and it is always so picturesque and wonderful meandering through our streets. 

Last year even before Halloween was over Emma was begging us to have Frozen costumes.  So for a year our fate has been sealed as to what we were going to be.  Nick and I have never dressed up before with the kids so this was a first for us. 

I will say that we had a lot of fun as a family.  This year already Calvin has already chosen what we will be for next year and while I am going to keep it a secret I will say I think that it will be a lot of fun and super cute!

And has anyone noticed that Halloween has become this huge two week long spectacular?  I am pretty sure that everyone could find something Halloweeny to do every day during the two weeks leading up to the big day.  Trunk or treats, Harvest Parties, Halloween Haunts, on and on are going on. 

Halloween at Super Busy at Home

We went to the Fernwood Halloween event and to a party our realtor's office had.  Both were a lot of fun and the kids had a really good time.  It really makes the cost factor a lot easier to justify to Nick for costumes when we will be in them more than just one time.  

I just love their decorations at fernwood! 

Well anyway, I've got to get back to homeschooling but hope you all had a spooky weekend!  And don't forget today's the last day to sign up for my Usborne Sticker Book contest....I'm giving a book away and would love for you to sign up! 

Happy Monday friends! 

Fernwood is Boo-tiful!

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood with Super Busy at Home

We are so excited to be attending Fernwood's Annual Halloween event!  This year The Halloween Happening is taking place on Saturday, October 24th from 6-8 pm.  You can find our more information here on their site but from their website they said:

Calling all ghosts, ghouls, and witches! Dress in your best costume and find your way to Fernwood to celbrate Halloween with activities and treats for the entire family. Create Winifred’s magical bubbles along with Cheri Hallwood, local award-winning author of Frogwilla, Winter’s First Snowflake, The Curious Polka-dot Present, and One Wish for Winifred Witch. Her books will be available for purchase and signing. Enjoy trick or treating in the gardens, pumpkin decorating, spooky creatures and stories, and more!
Also, delicious spooky snacks will be available for purchase.
— http://www.fernwoodbotanical.org/october-24-fernwood
A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

Last year we took a gorgeous American Girl's Samantha Tarkington and a handsome Luke Skywalker to the Halloween Happening.  It was such a wonderful evening.  

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

The kids loved trick or treating around the gardens. Who doesn't love to get candy?  And they loved to see all of the volunteers in their costumes.  Everyone was so nice and the whole outfit had such a great atmosphere. 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

And as much as my kids love to see the trains (you can read all about the train garden and our deep affection for it here), they love it even more when it is spooky and scary.  Well maybe not scary but a lot of fun! 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Garden with Super Busy at Home

One of our favorite times of the evening though was roasting marshmallows over the fire and making s'mores!  Such a fun time sitting around the fire with other families and making a snack.

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

They had a variety of snacks available and it provided a laid back time for our family. 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home
A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

After the snack we made our way to the main building.  And as much as the kids loved the event I was just amazed by all of the details that Fernwood did.  All of the lights  in the trees and all of the fun.  You can tell they put a lot of thought and time into the event.  

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

The last thing we did for the evening was to paint these adorable pumpkins.  

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

Aren't these little pumpkins just the cutest?  Our kids had so much fun!  

If you are looking for a fun event to celebrate Halloween we'd love to hang with you at Fernwood this year.  I love that there is trick or treating, decorations, fun spookiness, snacks, crafts...a little bit of everything to do! 

A Boo-tiful Time at Fernwood Botanical Gardens with Super Busy at Home

These two will tell you you'll have a hauntingly good time!!!

Train Fun at Fernwood

I know I have spoken of Fernwood before.  

It is hard to put into words a place of visual beauty. 

But I'll try. 

Or you could just go.  You know, just saying. 

The kids and I went there.  It is instantly so peaceful.  The greens against one another invoke a tranquil atmosphere...

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

That is until someone spots a snake and then times because a bit more raucous.  

But that's the fun of going.

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

Armed with a Water Bottle...

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

And a map, we set out for the Railway Garden.  Not that we needed a map but in school we have been learning map skills so they were having a good time locating where we were on the map as we walked towards the trains.  

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

The Railway Gardens are amazing!  Water features, secret doorways, and plants all mix together around 4 trains as they pass through tracks on various levels...above you, under, below, beside.  It is just amazing and so fun! 

It always seems too that everytime we go we find something new to see!  

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

This time I caught sight of this darling covered bridge!  Isn't it just the cutest little thing?  

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

There are also all of these amazing buildings like this one nestled in for the trains to pass.  They look like local popular buildings. 

We are on Chapter 9 of "The Borrowers" and Emma and Calvin really enjoyed imagining Arrietty exploring the garden.  

But anyway, like I said before, so many things to spot! 

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

As many things as there are to spot our absolute fave is this cute, little ladybug train car.  How adorable is this? It zips around and the kids squeal when they see it and run to show me where it is...so many precious moments for me to remember.  Love sharing this with them before school gets started again.  

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home
Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home
Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

This train is my fave!  

Fernwood Botanical Gardens Train Garden Super Busy at Home

I had to practically peel these two away from the trains.  If you have a little train lover you should go too!  When Cal was huge into Thomas (like 3-ish) we loved coming here are seeing all the "choo-choo's" whirring by.  And now look how grown they are :(  But they still love coming :)  

Fernwood's website says that the Railway Garden will be closed for the year after October 31st, so be sure you go check it out...it's a must if you live in the area!  


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