Our New Easel

Emma at her new easel

I was so impressed with this deal that I just had to share it. Emma has been due for an easel for some time now and we are thinking that Auntie Bean is getting one for her for her third birthday. She loves this easel and has so much fun with it. When I saw this one I couldn't help but get it. Even if it doesn't last long it is still considered such a deal. I was at Target Friday just browsing when I saw it on the clearance rack. I found it for $4.24 which was 75% off. Isn't that amazing? Get out there and look for deals!

Calvin is One

January 10th we celebrated Calvin's first Birthday. It was a wonderful time and it was so nice to get our friends and family together. I am still kind of in shock that Cal is already one. I had this idea this morning that maybe this is all some type of mind game; maybe I am dreaming and he isn't really One already, he is still 4 months old and small and snuggly with that cute little bottom that fits in your hand when you are holding him. But then I woke up and realized that there is snow on the ground, it is January again and so in fact he is One. I just can't grasp it. It also probably has something to do with the fact that this is our last baby, who in fact officially isn't a baby anymore. My precious little guy is getting older and soon won't need me anymore. As much as I rejoice in Calvin growing and thriving, it is also depressing that he is getting older and closer to having one foot out the door.

Here's our Birthday boy all geared up for cake!

With an eye on the party, we had a wonderful time. I decided to go with a sports themed first birthday. It started when Cal was first born and I found really cute first birthday supplies at Target with sports balls on them. Score! I thought, as I planned to watch them on clearance, scoop them up and save big. But alas they were gone in a wink of an eye and have never been able to find anything even closely like it. So I bought general sports things and tied into "I am One" kind of stuff. My lovely cousin Jaime designed and made a banner that says "Happy 1st Calv" with pennants. Totally cute and totally cheap for a unique banner. Almost all of the paper products I bought at the dollar store and most of the decorations too. I have to say if you are going to buy something for a party, look at the Dollar Store first. I know it smells in there but it is totally worth it for the money you can save. Things these days are tight so the most you can save will really make a difference.

Calv in his Birthday outfit. Thanks Uncle Marcy!

With the sports theme we went with concession stand food but in appetizer form: pizza bites, scoop chips I piped cheese into, cocktail weiners in a blanket, wings, cookies, and cake. It was a nice mix of food. Make sure if you are looking to make money to not make things with a lot of meat or cheese...those are the things that will really eat into your budget. Just an idea.

Here's Emma outside while her Daddy is shoveling before the party.

This party was one where I can add a piece of advice to the next time you are party planning: make it simple. At first the sports themed one-year old party seemed like a good idea but I couldn't find any continuity between the two themes. I wish I would have just gone with a "fun at 1" party theme or something. It would have been much easier.

Here is Calvin before the party...so handsome.

I Have Returned

Lindsay here. I am back as promised. Whew what a whirlwind of a time. It seems kind of late to be talking about in February, but we had a fantastic Christmas and such a relaxing New Year's...how about you? Did you enjoy everything that happened? Are you still savoring your memories? I personally am still buying Christmas items on clearance. I came home Friday and Nick said "oh great more Christmas stuff." But at 90% off you can't go wrong. My one and only resolution at New Year's was to become more organized. I am by nature an organized person so the fact that my house has been turning into a wreck every day has been sending me into panic attacks. So I vowed to become more organized. Even doing simple things like cleaning off the refrigerator has helped me find my inner peace. Look around your house and see what you can do. I moved where I keep the produce and it has changed my life. Just simple things like that can be done.

Anywho, thank you for coming back to read the life and times of Lindsay. I hope you enjoy. And please leave me a comment or two...I missed you too!

Free Cosmetics

Photo courtesy of thisgirlangie
I know I am on a blogging hiatus for the month but I felt it necessary to interrupt the silence to let you know about this settlement. If you have bought cosmetics from a variety of places in a ten year time span you are eligible to get free makeup beginning this Tuesday while supplies last. You can read all about it at cosmeticssettlement.com. I have been addicted to Clinique so I am definitely included in the settlement. At the website there is a list of things that you can choose from and I think I am going to be getting some j'adore perfume. This is something that I would never buy for myself under usual circumstances because we could use the money for other things, you know? So this will be a much needed pampering. Anywho, save yourself some money and go get yourself something nice. See what shopping will get you? It really does pay off.

Taking a Break

I am so sorry that I have not written in a while on here. I am so disorganized at home which causes me to have panic attacks and have a constant feeling of guilt. It has effected my marriage, my relationship with my children and my opinion of myself. So that is why I am taking a blogging break. I am planning on being back in full swing come February 1st and I will update you on all of the crazy and wonderful things that have been happening. I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and I hope you have a rocking new year.

The Nutcracker

Since Emma is only two we didn't know if she would be ready for the ballet. We decided to chance it and try it. She loved it! She was very still until almost the end when she decided that she was a ballerina too! I could tell she was getting restless so I asked her if she wanted to go. No she said. But when I said do you want to go get ice cream she jumped up and yelled "Bye Daddy!" Apparently she thought Nick was going to stay for the ballet's finale while we wined and dined on icecream! All together it was a wonderful day and I could ourselves blessed that we can take her to things like this...I know this is just one thing that is lending itself towards cultivating our little girl into a cultured, polite little lady.

Here we are at the ballet

Here we are at the icecream shop...they have a playground!

My Hero!

This is the man who saved our lives...by our lives I mean all of the pictures of our lives up to this point. He was able to recover all of our pictures off of our old computer. And he offered to do it out of the kindness of his heart...for free. It brings tears to my heart to know how close we were to not having our baby's first pictures. Thanks again Dave, you'll never know how much this means to me.

Its Cold in here...

Please be praying...our furnace was not working when we woke up this morning...yikes. Fortunately we had our furnace serviced this Fall and the guy had showed Nick a part that was getting ready to go. We decided not to replace it at the time so the furnace man showed Nick how to replace it. Nick thinks that is the part not working so we are praying he can fix it and not have to call in for an emergency fix. I'll keep you updated.

Haven-making is a Serious Job

Here...read this, its wonderful! I can wait until you finish reading. I'll just sit quietly here....and hum to myself. are you done yet? Nope? okay. How about now? Nope? Still not done? How about....NOW? Well geesh silly, its about time! So do you agree that we should treat our jobs at home like actual jobs? I know I do. When I am at home I think it helps immensely to wake up early, get dressed and get things around that I need to have a productive day. For example I often times will get the kids breakfast made in advance as much as I can: oatmeal in the bowl ready for water, vitamins on the table, babyfood and spoon ready for the opening. Taking care of our homes really is the most important job. We need to take it seriously to make sure we are having serious fun. We need to make our home a haven for our loved ones. They should WANT to be at home. The other day Emma and I were away from home for a long time and by the time we were almost home she was saying that she wanted her bed and Calvin and Daddy. She was yearning for home and I loved that. Does your family yearn for your home? If not what can you do to make it more haven-ish?

Farewell weekend

Photo by Amelia P S

This weekend has been one of the most odd ones in my life. It was strangely chaotic and peaceful all at the same time. I felt and still feel like crap but am somehow rejuvenated. Let me explain. Friday Emma was sick and suddenly Friday evening I was hit like a ton of bricks and within half an hour was down for the count with whatever flu/cold is going around. I felt miserable. However Friday night was the first night I got a full night's sleep...Calvin slept in his bed! So that was heavenly to wake up to Saturday but still felt like crap. Saturday morning we braved the cold and snow as Nick went to get tires, I had to unexpectedly pick Nick up with the kids, take him home, go to a meeting, go to Toys R Us, then Walmart, then home, all the while still feeling like crap, but humming Christmas tunes. We deemed I was too sick to go to the family dinner at Nick's moms so he made the dish to take and I helped with the kids. We had a matress delivered which resulted in an hour long ordeal of doors being slammed, delivery men mad and my husband being more upset then I've ever seen. Matress in place, children's coats on my family sans mommy faced the cold winter to go to the family event. And suddenly I was alone...and free...albeit the running to the bathroom and the constant drip coming out of my nose. I got all of the Christmas decorating done, I got things organized, and vacuumed, and mopped! I got bathroom's cleaned and laundry done...and folded! I felt accomplished, I felt like myself again! Today Calvin was sick and so church was out as Emma is still sick too. A family of four sick behind one door. During naptime I took to the mall where although it was busy and my throat was killing me, I managed to enjoy myself. When I got home we went out to eat and had a wonderful family time. Now that the house is under control I think I can handle another week. Bring it on.

Turkey Day

Emma and I watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade

This is my youngest sis basting the bird

So Thanksgiving went really well, how was yours? My cousin Jaime and I were in charge of cooking the meal and I think we did a pretty darn good job of it. We went in thinking that we just didn't really care and did a nice job. I bought a plug in roaster and did the turkey in that and it turned out FABULOUS. We spent the night at our Gram's the night before with Emma and had a great time. My sister's joined us and had a great time too...they set up the table and did dishes afterwards which worked splendidly and they did a fab job! One of my favorite memories of the day was getting to watch the Macy's Day parade with Em (seen above). She was super excited and really seemed to enjoy it. I remember how much I loved it as a little girl too.

Jaime making a super cute face, right?

My captions are being stupid...above is my sister Lacey with Calvin and this last pic is us at the Thanksgiving table.

I'm Baaack...

And still sad. Still no pictures. We have one more IT guy to schmooze to hopefully try to get our pictures and then it looks like data recovery is our last hope...which the minimum that will cost is $500.00, I guess my question for you guys is, is there amount that is too much to get your pictures of your babies? Opinions please. Anyway, hopefully when the kiddos are napping tomorrow I will be able to get you caught up on Thanksgiving...of that I have pictures!