
Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village

Holiday Nights Greenfield Village

Each Christmas we visit Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan for what is arguably the best holiday experience ever…Holiday Nights.

Last year, of course, was no exception. 

We could write so many posts about our experience there.  The weaving, the glass makers, the carolers, the model T rides, the food, the entire experience?  All worthy to write about.

Ringing in the Yuletide while walking along streets lined with greenery and lights is magical.  Add that the street is within a handcrafted village made of original historic homes and it is absolute heaven.

Christmas Decor at Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village

Upon our arrival we were greeted with free hot cocoa to enjoy in the line and a map of where to go once we were through the gates.  Once the event was open and we were through the admission gate we made our way to the Model-T rides.  Authentic Model T rides through the village are such a fun experience and it is such an amazing way to see the village bustling with holiday excitement.

Model T rides for everyone! @ Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village
Roast Beef at Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

After our amazing ride we walked along the streets to take in the sights and smells. Chestnuts actually roasting over an open fire piqued our noses.  Next to the vendor they were selling hot cocoa and hot apple cider in the cutest souvenir mugs in all the land (still using mine daily for my coffee!). 

And then we went ice skating!  That’s right, real life, ice skating!  It was amazing and fun and silly.  A huge bonus is the skates they have for you to borrow, for free!  It is so nice to go ice skating without having to lug around skates or to pay extra money to borrow a pair of blades.

Ice Skating @ Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

After our ice skating experience (the only picture I got was the one above!) we went and got some food. After all, as much fun as we have ice skating, we’re kind of like a hot mess. Hats traded, gloves lost, who knows where Nick went. At least the kids had fun and we all had some laughs. And we earned that food! They have so many yummy choices to eat. Each year we’ve gotten a roast beef sandwich but this year we decided to mix things up and we got a ham sandwich! The roast beef and ham are cooked on a spit over an open fire and when you order it they cut the meat to order. It is so much fun. They also had a huge cauldron and we could not pass up the smell so we got a bowl of their chicken dumpling soup. It was amazing!

Chicken and Dumplings, some of the good food at Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

One of our family’s favorite areas is the Liberty Craftworks area. We were able to watch a lady weaving on a giant loom, watch glass blowing, and tin works. It is so fun to watch!

The warm glow of blown glass, Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village
Seasonal Decor for purchase Holiday Nights Greenfield Village

The whole night was cloaked in nostalgia as we passed groups of carolers singing while warming themselves around bonfires.  Each turn was another holiday moment we each talked about storing up for days when you feel blue.  So many things to be seen around each corner…like Santa reading from his nice list at Robert Frost’s home!

Santa reading the names of children Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

My favorite moment was touring Noah Webster’s home, decorated to celebrate New Years Eve!  It was so festive and fun to see how they lived back then.

Victorian Christmas Table, Noah Websters House, Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village
Carolers @ Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

The evening ends with a group of carolers leading a procession across the green up to the town hall with lanterns.  When they come to the town hall you realize that every single caroler is in traditional nineteenth century clothing.  All at once you are transported back to a place in time where everyone in a town knew one another and would gather for fun and memory making.  As songs are led and letters to Santa are read a camaraderie develops, not only with the carolers leading the event but with the strangers around you. It is a precious moment, fragile and fun, a time that you don’t want to see end, despite the cold..  The evening ends with Santa coming to say farewell and fireworks start from afar to show the reindeer where to land.  It all is magical and festive. 

Santa Dropping a beat, Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

To end the night with thousands of strangers singing “silent night” in harmony is a feeling that brings such wonder and honor to the Christmas season. 

We know you will love Holiday Nights as much as we do!

Holiday Fireworks, What???, Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

Our Wonder Collective’s Summary


This is the most family friendly event. Despite thousands of tickets being sold for each evening there is never any drama... No skiving, yelling, or rudeness. Everyone is kind and friendly.  

This is an educational event as well as festive. Listening to Thomas Edison's original wax recordings on his own phonograph in his workshop and seeing the desk where the Wright brothers worked out their calculations is very wonder filled.  If you are homeschooling this can totally be counted as a field trip.


The Weather-there is nothing that can be done about this but this is an outdoors activity and it is Michigan.  It can be bitterly cold so make sure you come prepared!

There is a lot of walking. Although we see lots of people with their kids in strollers we have encouraged our extended friends and family to wait until your kids are a bit older before coming. To each his own but that is our opinion.

Additional Suggestions

  • If you are going on a model-T ride we highly suggest you get in line when you first arrive.  The line seems to become progressively longer as the evening goes on. 

  • Bundle up! I feel like I cannot say that to you enough. This year it was in the 40’s and we still bundled up. Don’t be deceived by warmer temps…standing outside in the middle of winter is still standing outside in the middle of winter no matter how warm it may seem when you are sitting in your hotel room.

  • Budget extra money: Please be aware that food is not included in the admission ticket. If you are going to want to eat or drink while you are there then make sure you plan on extra money for the event. All vendors take credit cards/debit cards so you don’t have to bring cash. There are other things to purchase as well. One of our favorite purchases are the lanterns they sell at an open air tent just down the street from the Wright Brothers shop.

Light the Lamp, Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

We know you will love Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village! If you’ve gone, please comment below with what is your favorite thing about the event.

Our Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day we went to the Indianapolis Zoo.  I wasn't sure what to expect going to the zoo when it was only 7 degrees out but we went anyway.  It was amazing.  Even though not many animals were out we had an amazing experience.

As I mentioned in this previous blog, to get in we only had to pay with canned goods to help the local food bank.  How amazing is that?

The first thing we went to see was the indoor aquarium. 

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

There is something so magical about taking the time to just let the world go by behind you while you gaze at the fish swimming contentedly around.  And then there is something to ethereal about watching your children be able to do the same thing.  It is such a joy to watch them enjoy God's creation and to discover all of the attributes about it.

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

I think our favorite part was getting to watch the Dolphins.  They have this walk through thing where the tunnel is under the water and the dolphins swim by. Because it was the winter and there was hardly anyone else there we had the whole place to ourselves and the kids and I laid down and watched the dolphins swim over us.  At first Emma thought I was crazy but after we left she said that was her favorite part.  See?  Sometimes it pays to be the weirdo mom :)

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Other things the kids loved were the penguins waddling around,

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

the walrus under the water eating his fish and then spitting it out at us (I refrained from posting those pictures on here.  You're welcome! :)  ).

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.
Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

The orangutan exhibit was so neat and we spent lots of time there watching the apes (not monkeys as we learned!).

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

We also saw a polar bear,

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

a tiger that looked like he just wanted to be pet (or eat our face off but you know, whatever), and more!

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All in all it was a super fun day.  I think our most memorable thing though were the dolphins. After lunch we returned to the zoo for the dolphin show.  The kids had no idea that dolphins were capable of performing and doing all of the neat tricks.  They were squealing with delight, it was so precious.

So there ya have it, our fun, freezing trip to the zoo.  If you go in the winter I do highly recommend it because we were able to have so much more interaction with the cold weather animals and with such low attendance it practically felt like we had the place to ourselves.

Have you ever been to the zoo in the winter?  Did you like it more than other times? Comment below, sweet friends!

Ice Fishing

This past Sunday we went up to Nicholas' Grandmother's house to go Ice Fishing.  She lives on a lake which she assured us was frozen enough so off we went.  

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go...
 There was no way in this whole wide world that I was going to go on the ice.  I stood on the pier with my mom parts all in a ball of worry as my children stood in the middle of a frozen lake with 40 degree temperatures warming the earth.

I was so, so scared the ice was going to crack and just envelope the whole fold of them.


The picture above is Emma and a friend of Nick's Grandma's, Keith, who was taking them out.

 Nicholas and Calvin making their way.

 Calvin on the ice....allow me to interject an EEEEK!
Here they are doing the actually fishing. Nick had the camera.  So at this point my beautiful children, my hot hubby, and my uber expensive camera are all standing on ice in the middle of the lake.  Oh joy.
Here's a picture of Nick's mother and me standing on the dock.  At this point I think we were both yelling at them, trying to entice them inside with hot cocoa.  Heehee.
They are pretty cute ice fishing though :)
I mean, seriously, look at all that water!!!  Freaking out looking at these photos!  And they are safe in our living room right now, ha!

They finally came inside and I was okay.  I stopped hyperventilating a few hours minutes later and realized they had a lot of fun and got to experience something interesting!

Ice Skating

The kiddos got to go ice skating.  Emma loves going ice skating but I am horrible at it!  HORRIBLE!!!  Horrible I don't think even captures how truly bad I am at skating.  And Nick can't skate well either, but was a trooper and went with the kiddos.  Thankfully Nick's mom, Grandma Peggy, likes to go skating with the kids, so she agreed to go too.  

 Here's our gang out on the ice...Nick's mom in the blue hat, Emma, Cal, and Nick.  Cal isn't very good with balance so ice skating is a definite challenge for him.  Emma isn't the best skater in the world but she has been in hockey, so she knows the basics of skating.
 I love these two.  I love Emma's heart.  She is always so quick to put aside what she's doing and help her brother.  God definitely knew what kind of big sis this little guy needed.
 Here she is trying to help him...again.  I think by this point he was beginning to get it.  I love these two with my whole big heart.
Look at that face!  He's so proud.  Skating with Grandma Peggy he did his best skating.  I'll have to remember that the next time they want to go skating.

Our local rink offers homeschool skating on Monday afternoons and while I haven't taken the kids to it, I am thinking I may in a week or two...provided the weather cooperates with us!  I think you all in the Midwest can relate with me!  Ha, this week we have rain and snow in the forecast together.  So funny to me, but so typical of this time of year.

Happy Ice Skating!!!  Is anyone else horrible at skating like I am???

A Week in Pictures

Here's the way this last week looked.

We did a little sledding at our neighborhood hill, which I LOVE:

As you can see they loved to sled. Then we went to Lowes. What do you do when you're bored with Lowes? You're silly of course!

And maybe a little contemplative of if your family MIGHT have gone off the deep end. Especially when you look in the rearview mirror to see....


And then there's our little diva, Miss Kazoo

Also we are not really keeping Gingerbread house kind of people...

We also like to play dress up althought to Aunt Jan's chagrin, this is no dress...

I have no idea what in the world is going on here. Do I even try to ask?

So that's us in a nutshell. Enjoy!

Farewell weekend

Photo by Amelia P S

This weekend has been one of the most odd ones in my life. It was strangely chaotic and peaceful all at the same time. I felt and still feel like crap but am somehow rejuvenated. Let me explain. Friday Emma was sick and suddenly Friday evening I was hit like a ton of bricks and within half an hour was down for the count with whatever flu/cold is going around. I felt miserable. However Friday night was the first night I got a full night's sleep...Calvin slept in his bed! So that was heavenly to wake up to Saturday but still felt like crap. Saturday morning we braved the cold and snow as Nick went to get tires, I had to unexpectedly pick Nick up with the kids, take him home, go to a meeting, go to Toys R Us, then Walmart, then home, all the while still feeling like crap, but humming Christmas tunes. We deemed I was too sick to go to the family dinner at Nick's moms so he made the dish to take and I helped with the kids. We had a matress delivered which resulted in an hour long ordeal of doors being slammed, delivery men mad and my husband being more upset then I've ever seen. Matress in place, children's coats on my family sans mommy faced the cold winter to go to the family event. And suddenly I was alone...and free...albeit the running to the bathroom and the constant drip coming out of my nose. I got all of the Christmas decorating done, I got things organized, and vacuumed, and mopped! I got bathroom's cleaned and laundry done...and folded! I felt accomplished, I felt like myself again! Today Calvin was sick and so church was out as Emma is still sick too. A family of four sick behind one door. During naptime I took to the mall where although it was busy and my throat was killing me, I managed to enjoy myself. When I got home we went out to eat and had a wonderful family time. Now that the house is under control I think I can handle another week. Bring it on.

Well The Weather Outside if Frightful

But our fire is sure delightful. Oh I love my three snowbunnies! Today it actually snowed here for the first time this year...winter is definitely on its way. Thank the Lord we are prepared...our savings account is somewhat ready for the bills, we have hats, gloves, and coats, and our cars are equipped with proper tires and batteries...God is good all of the time. Bring on the snow!

Snow Falling

There is something absolutely magical about snow falling. I am always in awe of the erie silence that falls around the house as it lightly touches down on our roof and the ground around us. I love how from somewhere it picks up little hints of light so it resembles glitter falling all around you. Last night was our first big snowfall and it was magnificent. It was glorious to be able to lean up against the window and just watch the big flakes fall luxuriously down around us. Something about snow makes me feel like a little kid all over again.