
8th Grade Curriculum Choices for 2019/2020

As much as writing about our choices for Cal’s 6th Grade Year made me feel old, Emma being in the 8th grade makes me feel straight up ancient.

It’s been so fun though to watch her grow and mature through the years and I just couldn’t be prouder of her than I am!

8th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.

And this girl is such a beauty, on the inside and the out. The boys are starting to notice too so Nick will definitely have his hands full in the coming years, I am sure.

This year after a lot of praying and debating we decided to stick with Classical Conversation again this year. In the end we decided to stick with CC and Emma just started her year in the Challenge B leve.

A lot of her curriculum is what they have chosen however the majority of it is not specifically a CC resource meaning that even if you are not part of Classical Conversations you may glean some of these resources from here and decide to use some of them with your kids.

That being said, here is what we are using:

Writing: The Lost Tools of Writing

Emma used this book last year as well. It seems to be a wonderful program however, we got a little busy last year with travel and felt like we got a bit lost in the program (see that pun? lol). This year we are gearing up to use the program again and I am trying to get a better handle on understanding the program so it will be smooth sailing all year long.

History: Story of the World, Volume 2: The Middle Ages

I dislike that Classical Conversations does not have an actual history program beyond the 6th grade. While I understand that they use literature to facilitate discussions involving history, I think there needs to be an intense study when the students are older about the cultural and psychological changes that take place among people and entire populations of countries surrounding the timeline of events. I find that to be something that is both fascinating and important in understanding the world.

To compensate for that we will be using The Story of the World. While this is really basic for Emma I think it will serve as an easy read that can them propel us onto deeper reading if time allows or at least to create opportunities for deeper discussion.

So we will be using the softcover chapter book by Susan Wise Bauer (the history reads like a story which we all LOVE!) and the Activity Book. There is an audio book of this available as well as tests. We don’t use either of those materials though.

Latin: Henle Latin, First Year

In true Classical Education fashion we will be doing Henle Latin for the second year. We started doing year one last year and will go through it again this year. Last year I felt like we started with a good base of knowledge based on doing Latin before we joined CC but as the year progressed we started knowing less and less as it got harder and harder. It was very graceful for us to know that we will be studying the same material this year, hopefully understanding and learning more through this second time around.

We will be using the paperback book, the Grammar book, and the answer key.

Typing: Jump Start Typing

This is an older program. Honestly I think I may have purchased it from a Scholastic Book Order when Emma was in preschool (gulp!) but it is still available. It works really well for us and is game formatted which both kids have enjoyed.


We will be following the CC weeks of Science and adding materials in that pertain to each week.

We will also continue with Kiwi Crates because the kids love doing those. So excited to do experiments with our kiddos who LOVE science! We are so blessed. Allow me to just randomly interject that little statement.


We will be following the Story of the World’s maps as well as tracing maps that go along with Cycle 2 of Classical Conversations.

Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2

In total mom confession mode here I am going to share with you that I hardly ever do math with Emma. Maybe once a week. She gets it, her homework problems show that, and reading the work herself proves to help her understand the information better than me reading it to her or working it out with her.

However, we are starting to get to the point where I am going to have to actually do it with her. She is starting to have questions that for the most part I’ve been able to look at the book and figure it out but I can see that I am standing on the edge of the land where that just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

So this year I am planning on doing math with her. Sitting down and doing it myself. We homeschoolers call this “redeeming our education” meaning that we are relearning things that, let’s be honest, no one wanted to learn the first time around.

Other Activities Emma will be in:

Youth Group



We will be adding in unit studies as we can and nature studies here and there as we have time.

So I’m curious. What are your curriculum recommendations? I love having new ideas so comment below!

I hope you have a lovely school year. Give me all of the coffee is what I’m feeling like right about now towards school, lol.


It's time to celebrate.png

6th Grade Curriculum Choices for 2019/2020

Eep, y’all, can time please stand still? I don’t know how I became the mom of a 6th Grader who is my baby but I’m pretty sure someone is going to quickly realize I’m really only 15.

6th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.

At least that is still how I feel. Is there a medical condition for never feeling like you are growing up and still feeling completely inadequate to adult? What is that called? Because I have that.

Needless to say Calvin is going in to the 6th grade or perhaps we should call it 6th grade-esque. We are after all homechoolers, folks. You know how we like to be all loosey-goosey with those rules.

This is the first year in a while that I am not changing everything under the sun for Cal in a wild effort to find something, anything that will help the kid to learn. Can we all get a Hallelujah because I am one happy momma that I am not having to spend hours reading scope and sequences for curriculum and compare them and stalk people on the interwebs who have used said curriculum to see if their children look relatively uncouthed from the curriculum or if it has changed them and not for the better. Like Becky Sue with that mule. Cross eyed one minute, straight back the next. Don’t buy curriculum that’s like the mule, folks.

All that to say I feel free but like I should be doing something. I choose to ignore that feeling most of the time and instead watch more Hulu. Hulu and I are friends.

As promised, today I’m sharing our 6th Grade Curriculum picks, so let’s get to it!

Here is our curriculum line up for this year.

Writing: IEW Medieval History-Based Writing 

Grammar: Essentials of the English Language

(Available to purchase if you are in the Classical Conversations Essentials Program). If we were not in the CC Program we would be doing First Language Lessons or Rod and Staff English. We’ve used both in the past and I really liked both of them.

History: Story of the World, Volume 2: The Middle Ages

We will be using the softcover chapter book by Susan Wise Bauer (the history reads like a story which we all LOVE!) and the Activity Book. There is an audio book of this available as well as tests. We don’t use either of those materials though.

Latin: Latina Christiana Level 1

Typing: Jump Start Typing

This is an older program. Honestly I think I may have purchased it from a Scholastic Book Order when Emma was in preschool (gulp!) but it is still available. It works really well for us and is game formatted which both kids have enjoyed.


We will be following the CC weeks of Science and adding materials in that pertain to each week.

We will also continue with Kiwi Crates because the kids love doing those. So excited to do experiments with our kiddos who LOVE science! We are so blessed. Allow me to just randomly interject that little statement.


We will be following the Story of the World’s maps as well as tracing maps that go along with Cycle 2 of Classical Conversations.

We tried about 5 different math curriculums with Cal (that just made me think that maybe I’ll talk about that sometime) before we found this curriculum. It plays really, really well with the autism because it is very large concept thinking. Things that I never would have thought of. It’s also extremely out of the box thinking which seems to help pull Calvin in and keep him challenged on a fun level rather than being bored with the work. I highly recommend this math curriculum!

Other Activities Cal will be in:





We will be adding in unit studies as we can and nature studies here and there as we have time.

So I’m curious. What are your curriculum recommendations? I love having new ideas.


6th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.
6th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.

2018s First Day of School

And just like that we are out of the gate with this years new school year.  

Emma is in Challenge A within the Classical Conversations program.  It is basically their version of 7th grade.  While we are so excited for her and for the chance to watch her grow and mature within the program, it has been a difficult transition into conforming to someone else's schedule.  We have always been a family who started school after Labor Day so we could soak up every drop of summer.  But being part of this community means things aren't always just about our schedule and so we've had to start school earlier than we usually do.  I keep giving myself a pep talk about it...starting sooner will allow for more breaks and for us to end the school year earlier than normal! 

We usually take photos of the kids each year.  Last year we did this can read about it here. This year, though, was a bit weird in how we started.  Usually Nick tries to be home and we all kind of do it together.  But he and I were gearing up to leave and the air conditioning in the Flex had taken a nose dive so he was out getting refrigerant to recharge the system.  We started without him but had a great time taking pictures together.  In a weird turn of events, Emma's back to school outfit from last year still fit and she wanted to wear it.  I think anytime you're 12 year old daughter is still willing to wear an Eleanor Rose outfit with Joyfolie Mary Janes, you should take that opportunity and run with it.  Emma is the sweetest thing in mostly letting me dress her still but I know any day now she will be declaring her independence.  Calvin can sometimes have strong opinions about his clothing but thankfully he was easy peasy.  "here're some shorts, here's a shirt" and he's just "okay".  I'm so blessed you guys! 

Back to Home School for Seventh Grade with Eleanor Rose and Joyfolie.  Super Busy at Home is talking about how to have a good school year with cute clothes and lots of excitement!
Back to home school time. We're starting our fifth grade year with our boy.  Read more on Super Busy at Home.

We had a good breakfast together and had our morning time while we sat around the table.  Morning time is simply a time that we are together and doing things together as a family.  We sang a hymn, read some poetry, and read a portion of a book together. We also did a devotion and then I introduced them to their new devotional books that they will be working on individually.  It's a great way to begin our day together.  

Even though we homeschool, we give our kids lists that we take to go do back to school shopping.  The kids love doing this and then when we get home I arrange their school supplies for them.  Some things like paper and glue sticks just go into communal receptacles for everyone to use and some things get placed into their desk so just they can use those.  This always seems to work great for us and it's always fun to see them excited about getting to use their school supplies! Who doesn't love new pencils?!?

Back to School time means lots of silliness and fun school supplies! Read more at Super Busy at Home.

After morning time the kids worked on their work...Calvin only had math, spelling, and handwriting to do. His Classical Conversation community days don't start for a couple more weeks, so until then, he will be doing light classwork.  This gives him an opportunity to ease back into the school schedule. Emma had some "about me" papers to fill out for her first day with her CC class and then had latin to do.  She was very diligent about her work and very thorough with her tasks.  I am hoping she will continue those traits throughout the school year.  Sometimes raising a tween is tough! 

After school work came chores and piano practice.  All in all it was a great first day of school. 

That night we dropped the kids off at my mom and dads and took off for our anniversary trip.  It's weird to not be with them for their first week of school but they were given all of their work to do with grandparents and they know what is expected of them.  And like I said, they have a really light school load this first week so it will be okay. It was hard for my Momma-heart to accept not being with them but in the end this was the way our schedules converged so we made it work.  

And that's our day! I can't believe the kids are in seventh and fifth grade!  How did this happen?  When did they get so old?  When did I get so old?  Yeesh! 

Back to Home School Time.  Super Busy at Home.

Happy back to schooling y'all! xo 

A Homeschool Momma's Back to School Supply List

A list of things a homeschooling Momma needs when for back to school!  Super Busy at Home!

With school days coming closer it seems we all have our kiddos supply lists in mind.  And I do too.

However, I think it's important that us Momma's have some supplies of our own. 

Afterall, we're the ones who have the keep this ship running smoothly.

One of the biggest things I'm thankful for is that my husband gets this too.  He always gets me the best "supplies".  When I have my heart set on something he gives me a little smile and says something like "well you might need this for your school year."  And just like that, here I am at the threshold of the newest schooling adventure and I have amassed the coolest supplies. 

I thought you would like to know what's been on my supply list that I got.  And I don't think I got any of them at Walmart.  ;)


Paula Deen Coffee Mug

I love a good cup of coffee.  One with stevia and a splash of heavy cream.  I am a Trim Healhy Mama and I love savoring that cup of coffee in the morning.  Nick bought me this cup from the Paula Deen store in Pigeon Forge and I am so smitten with it. 

I love the two little chicks with their Momma.  It's just like me with my kiddos.  And who on earth could ever resist a mug that says "rise n' shine y'all".  It is reminiscent of my sweet grandma Wannie wakin' up with biscuits and grits in the morning.

That being said I can't find this cup to save my life online to give you a link.  But do yourself a favor and get yourself a cute coffee mug.  One that you don't mind looking at every day and makes you feel a little bit happy to be awake ;)

Starfish Pants

Okay so these are from Lands' End and they've been around for a while.  I've been hesistant to jump on the starfish pants wagon so here I am a starfish virgin.  One night about dark o'thirty, Nick was away on business and I was bored and shopping.  I found an amazing deal on these pants (I think they were running a 40% off sale???) and I was intrigued.  Upon googling reviews of them I found blog after blog from fellow SAHM's just swearing up and down about how awesome these pants are.  How they are life changing.  How life will never be right if you don't have these pants

So Nick got me some.  I now have a black pair and a navy pair.  I've tried them on but they are heavy so in this heat and humidity I am not wearing them regularly but on the plus side of that I can tell they are going to keep me warm in the freezing winter months. 

The things I have not tried out yet are the facts that you can wear them with a nicer top and have them look like dress pants while still feeling like you're in sweats (score!) and you can wear them around without them getting all stretched out and baggy (yahoo!).  So we will see but so far I am loving them. 

Also in case you don't buy a lot from Lands End, let me tell you, I LOVE their clothes.  They are guaranteed for life so if something goes horribly wrong they make it right.  I love and stand by companies who do the same with their products.

Jelly the Pug Dresses

Zulily had these amazing dresses on sale.  I picked up three or four of them.  They are cotton and so cute and unique.  Dresses are perfect for mornings when I just need to throw something on and go.  Pair them with a cute pair of flats and I am ready to go! 

I love dresses and I've loved Jelly the Pug for Emma so women's Jelly the Pug dresses are perfect for me.

Tervis Cup

So I know I mentioned that I have a new coffee mug but I also have to give props to my tervis cup.  It is super great for hot and cold drinks.  It doesn't sweat all over my desk and it keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold. 

Plus Nick bought this one for me after the kids picked out and I just adore things that they get for me.  Who wouldn't want to be called the best mom?

Tervis also has a lifetime warranty which I love.  And there are a bajilllion different designs to chose from. LOVE!

A Homeschooling Momma's list of must have's for back to school.  Super Busy at Home!

Crabtree & Evelyn Hand Therapy

Here in Indiana it can get really hot and then in the winter it can get bitterly cold with lots and lots of snow.  During those cold months my hands always tend to rebel by cracking and drying out. 

I like to sit at my desk and relish the time that I have to rub a luxurious lotion onto my hands. 

I don't like a lot of florally or overpowering smells so I really love the Avocado scent of this Crabtree & Evelyn hand lotion

I also feel very fancy having something decadent for myself sitting on my desk.  It makes me feel special.

I like feeling special, ya know?

So that's my list of my school supplies.  I think they will make me feel more special this upcoming school year. 

Let's be honest: us homeschooling Momma's (or any Momma for that matter!) have a huge amount of work to do.  It's nice to treat ourselves (or have someone else treat us...even better!) with some basic items that will make life easier and make our daily lives feel a bit more special. 

Of course these are only some suggestions of Momma back to school supplies.  I'm sure y'all have your own lists and I'd love to know what's on yours! 

Comment below with your own Momma' school supply list!

A Homeschooling Momma's list of her essentials for back to school.  Super Busy at Home!

Our Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day we went to the Indianapolis Zoo.  I wasn't sure what to expect going to the zoo when it was only 7 degrees out but we went anyway.  It was amazing.  Even though not many animals were out we had an amazing experience.

As I mentioned in this previous blog, to get in we only had to pay with canned goods to help the local food bank.  How amazing is that?

The first thing we went to see was the indoor aquarium. 

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

There is something so magical about taking the time to just let the world go by behind you while you gaze at the fish swimming contentedly around.  And then there is something to ethereal about watching your children be able to do the same thing.  It is such a joy to watch them enjoy God's creation and to discover all of the attributes about it.

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

I think our favorite part was getting to watch the Dolphins.  They have this walk through thing where the tunnel is under the water and the dolphins swim by. Because it was the winter and there was hardly anyone else there we had the whole place to ourselves and the kids and I laid down and watched the dolphins swim over us.  At first Emma thought I was crazy but after we left she said that was her favorite part.  See?  Sometimes it pays to be the weirdo mom :)

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Other things the kids loved were the penguins waddling around,

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

the walrus under the water eating his fish and then spitting it out at us (I refrained from posting those pictures on here.  You're welcome! :)  ).

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.
Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

The orangutan exhibit was so neat and we spent lots of time there watching the apes (not monkeys as we learned!).

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

We also saw a polar bear,

Winter Trip to the Indianapolis Zoo.  Super Busy at Home.

a tiger that looked like he just wanted to be pet (or eat our face off but you know, whatever), and more!

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All in all it was a super fun day.  I think our most memorable thing though were the dolphins. After lunch we returned to the zoo for the dolphin show.  The kids had no idea that dolphins were capable of performing and doing all of the neat tricks.  They were squealing with delight, it was so precious.

So there ya have it, our fun, freezing trip to the zoo.  If you go in the winter I do highly recommend it because we were able to have so much more interaction with the cold weather animals and with such low attendance it practically felt like we had the place to ourselves.

Have you ever been to the zoo in the winter?  Did you like it more than other times? Comment below, sweet friends!

Homeschooling Science: Bouncy Ball Fun!

Learn how to make bouncy balls with this fun science experiment!  We're learning about chemical reactions and more over at Super Busy at Home!

In science we've been learning about Chemical Reactions and rubber and naturally we decided to make bouncy balls!  How fun, right? 

I thought I would show you how we made a bouncy ball.  The ingredients are for making ONE bouncy ball so if you want to make TWO bouncy balls then you need to double the ingredients...I'm so smart, right?

Okay so here's what you need: 

List of Supplies: 

Safety Goggles

1/2 tsp. Borax

1 tbsp. Cornstarch 

1 tbsp. White or clear school glue

2 tbsp. warm water

few drops food coloring

2 small plastic cups

a spoon

a timer

zippered plastic bag

Have your supplies together?  Okay, here we go...

First things first we're going to mix the water, food coloring, and borax together in one of the cups.  

Stir, stir, stir until it is all dissolved. 

Fun Bouncy Ball Science Experiment / Project.  We're having a bouncy good time here at the Super Busy at Home!

Okay, next up you're going to take your other cup and pour in the glue and 1/2 tsp. of the borax solution from the first cup. 

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Now add 1 tbsp. of cornstarch to the borax/glue fun in your cup but DO NOT STIR YET!!!

Allow it to sit for 15 seconds EXACTLY...<cue the Jeopardy song>...

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Then you're going to mix the solution with your spoon until it becomes impossible to stir.  

And then we mix it, mix it...

Can't stir no more? 

Take it out of the cup and form it into a ball with your hands.  As expected this is kind of a stick mess so if you have a sensory sensitive child like I do, you may have to do it for them.  

So there you have to make a bouncy ball so your kids can have tons of fun with their very own creation!  

I got this recipe from the kids Science book: Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics by Apologia.  You can get your copy here.  

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here

Thankful For My Babies

What a rollercoaster of a year this has been!  

As we roll into the week of thanks, I find myself particulary thankful for these precious children of mine.  

So blessed God chose me to be their Momma!

As we go through life doing this super, crazy busy life, I am thankful for the opportunities God has afforded us...that I can stay home, that I have such an amazing husband, and such a great family network surrounding us.  It's just amazing.

Not sure how much I will be on here this week with Thanksgiving preparations under way.  So in case you don't see much of me I hope you have an amazing holiday with your family and stay safe!

Count your blessings, name them one, by one, count your blessings...