The Heart Behind Super Busy at Home

When I was a young mom I started the blog, Super Busy at Home, as a means to share with my extended family (who were about my only readers) about our kids and life. It was fun and kitschy.

A few years later, working at the local newspaper, I had the opportunity and good fortune to have my blog turned into a newspaper column and moms website blog. It was amazing and a lot of fun as well as a huge learning curve for me.

The Heart Behind Super Busy at Home

A few years after that I decided to stay home as a mom. Cal had just recently had some health issues and we felt it was just time. It was something new and exciting for me.

One day soon after THAT, I sat on the bathroom floor and sobbed deep, utteral sobs into a towel that one typically hides in the bathroom to do if one is a mom. And on the floor I noticed the grotesque amount of hair cemented to the tile next to the shower.

And I marked that down as yet another failure of mine. I can’t even keep a clean bathroom to come and cry in!

That was about 8 years ago. I was a mom of two. I had always dreamt my life to be one of living a corporate life in a city far away, clearly without children, living that overly romanticized life seen on Sex and the City. I had graduated college as a stockbroker and the world was my oyster. Bathroom hairballs hadn’t even been on my radar.

But God had other plans.


Instead I found myself living in a rambling home in a small city, married with two kids, and recently finding myself actually deciding and wanting to be a stay at home mom. And occassionally bathroom crying along the way. Despite the quick changing emotions and the unsteadiness of confidence, I was thrilled by my new title of SAHM: I wore those yoga pants well, but I also felt a profound sense of loss of self. Afterall, this was not who I thought I was going to be and everything about my pre-child self felt distant and compartmentalized, like those track medals from high school you put in a box and mechanically forget all about. What had happened to my dreams? I was abandoning life dreams of my old self. I was choosing to, yes, but nevertheless they were being shelved.

That bathroom moment was what shaped my website. I should say “Those” bathroom moments because I’m not pretending that there was only that one, ha. I decided there had to be a better way to be a better mom. Being super busy didn’t have to define me. True, I was always going to be super busy, but I needed to find a way to thrive in that, to find the joy in the chaos. The beauty within the busy.

As we’ve progressed on in life on things have been added, tweaked, and changed to the busy that is life. I no longer take my kids to preschool but instead we are homeschooling. Busy. Our son was diagnosed with autism and both of our children struggle with ADHD. Busy. We started traveling extensively and have now been to 30 states. Busy.

Along the road of writing for so long I think it is only natural to kind of come derailed or disconnected from the purpose that the blog started. After all, I am not a stagnate being but a living, breathing, ever changing person.

And so in 2018 I changed the blog from “Super Busy at Home” to “Our Wonder Collective”. We were going to document all of the wonder we collected, my sails were filled with the winds of change and I was excited once again to be writing. We were going to focus more on travel and less on being at home.


Well, that was the idea at the time. Like that stockbroker thing, that kind of got chucked out the window.

Enter 2019. Emma was accepted into a pre-professional dance company. We had to sign a contract, limiting her amount of absences and suddenly faced a huge barrier to having a travel website. Next I took a new part time position which would also greatly reduce the amount of travel we would be able to do. I struggled with the thought of how does one maintain a travel website when one no longer can just pick up and go? Is that even a thing? Fake traveling?

Also, with the new job came the same feelings I had found myself when I first stayed home. I was able to work mostly from home but again, giving up an identity that I had found so much value in for myself. So now I was going from being a SAHM to a WAHM…goodbye yoga pants and hello ponte pants. It was hard and painful. I cried a lot. I always knew I would go back to work but not yet, not like this, not with the kids so young.

I also have found myself in the sea of juggling and struggling. How do you make it all work? How do you save money as quickly as possible? How do you plan for holidays and events so they don’t sneak up on you and end up being a thrown together mess? How does one homeschool, work, and somehow still feed your family something that resembles something that isn’t Cheerios? How do you cook dried beans in an Instant Pot? All of these questions smooshed into my mind.

And so…earlier this year, 2019 I went back to my roots, “Super Busy at Home” to contain all of this juggling. I want to be here to encourage you to love your home. To love your busy. There is beauty within the busy because, in the end aren’t we busy because we are surrounded by family and blessings to take care of?

From the dawn of my hobby blog to today, a living and breathing website, Facebook has emerged, as well as all of the other social medias which I feel anchor us so much to the unholy standard of mothering perfection. I do not believe God desires for us to spend masses of our minutes scrolling through other peoples feeds, all the while constructing a standard of perfection upon which we are convinced we must hold ourselves to. We are a mess, I am a mess, we are busy, and no one has time for that. It is time to be real, to be together, to be one in our messiness and busy. And to daily make the decision to search out the beauty and the truth.

The Heart Behind Super Busy at Home

I know I cannot be the only one juggling with all of these things and so, if you are feeling this way too, then you are in the right spot. This is a safe place, friend. A place where we come together to swap secrets and tell our secret thoughts (like no, I’m not happy all of the time my son has autism and sometimes I wish we didn’t homeschool). And why are these kids so snarky all of the time? How did they learn that? ha.

I hope you leave here loving your husband a bit more (even though maybe sometimes you want to not go home from Target). Or maybe you’ll leave this page and look at the dishes with a heart of gratitude instead of disgust…life is about seeing past the mess to see the full tummies and warm meal that the dishes represent. I believe there’s beauty within all the busy if we decide to look around and find it.

Your super busy can be a busy that is super.

October Christmas Shopping

I like to get a head start on Christmas shopping, do you?

I’ve found there are two types of people: those who shop year round and those who wait until after Thanksgiving to do it all in one fell swoop. Last year I did the later and to be honest, it totally stressed me out. I don’t think my personality is cut out for the uncertainty of being able to find everything for everyone and when I am stressed my creativity is shot so me trying to think of something neat to get someone at the last minute is pretty much the worst idea ever.

Yesterday I received an email that Dayspring is having a Flash Sale this weekend. So I was able to score some pretty great deals on some super cute things.

This Grace & Gratitude Book and Mug Set really spoke to me. I love that the devotional is a journal tol and is set up like a bullet journal. Love it! And it’s on sale for only $20 (regularly $31.98) This is only on sale through Sunday so click the link to purchase now before they’re gone!

They always have such cute apparel but this weekend the Raglan shirts are only $20 (regularly $29.99). I am obsessed with this one that says My Story, His Glory. I haven’t figured out who all I am getting these for yet but I love that they have sized from small-xxxlarge. They have a lot of these shirt designs on sale but it’s only through Sunday so click on the link to snag yourself one!

While I was over there I found this adorable Katygirl set which I think I’m going to get for Emma. I love the messages it speaks into ladies and I am obsessed with the whole Katygirl line because they are so stinkin’ cute!

So that is what is in my cart so far. I can’t end this though without telling you guys about the most adorable collection from Candace Cameron Bure called Simply Christmas. You guys…it’s adorable! Click on the link here to see all of the adorable products she created!

Well, those are some things that caught my eye with their super cuteness…I’m still not done shopping so if you find something you love, please share with me! These deals are great gift ideas that you could buy and save for Christmas time! Nothing like getting started on your Christmas shopping early, right?

To Save for Later:

Happy World Food Day

Today is World Food Day, a day promoting the idea of achieving zero hunger in the world. It is such an amazing idea to think that we could stop people from going hungry but the program is also about nourishing people and nourishing the planet.

There is enough food in the world to feed everyone and yet 1 in 9 people go to bed hungry each night. Over on Instagram we partnered with the World Food Programme USA to bring awareness of World Food Day and to help promote the idea of not wasting food.

We have tried hard to teach the children to not let food go to waste. We eat leftovers and find new ways to use ingredients that were left from previous meals. I love this idea but can I be honest with you and explain that a lot of times I am not so good at this. One of the reasons that our food goes bad is because it is improperly stored in the refrigerator. It was only last year that I decided to invest in some good reusable storage containers to keep our food fresher longer, making less for us to throw away and thereby less food we need to prepare down the road.

Food containers are sometimes so hit and miss and I hate that game where you get out a bottom and can’t find the top of it or vice versa, don’t you? No momma has time for that!

I love the size of these containers that hold 29 oz. They hold about 4 cups and do such a great job. They are virtually spill proof, do great in the dishwasher and microwave, and last for so long! I have had a little bit of spaghetti sauce staining but it hasn’t been too bad. I like the colors of these because you can use them for different foods or you can assign them to different people to take with them to school and work. I often will tell Nick to grab the green lidded container for his lunch at work the next day.

My sweet mother-in-law gifted us with this set and they are perfectly wonderful at preserving food. We keep this set down at the cottage and I’ve honestly been amazed at how fresh our food is when stored in them. I like the square size for the cottage because we have a vintage fridge that is teeny tiny so space is at a minimum and we can cram a lot of these in, tetris style.

I love these oxo storage boxes for our shelves. They keep critters away and keep your food very fresh. These are really great for our cottage because the humidity is really high so I can put cereal in here and not worry about the moisture or critters getting into our food while we are away for extended periods of time.

It was such a hard decision for me to make when I finally decided to buckle down and make an investment purchase of good reusable storage containers but I am so glad that I did! We have saved so much more food from spoiling than we did before we had them…they really make such a difference and once I purchased them I was so glad I did.

Happy World Food Day! We are so blessed to live in America, a country that is so rich in resources. I think we need to work on being as responsible as we can with those resources and look for ways to help those around us that are in need. You can get some great ideas on how to help at this website. Stopping hunger is such a great cause and it can start at home with us stopping the waste. #stopthewaste

Do you have favorite storage containers you use? I’d love to know what they are!

Thistleberry Farm, South Bend, Indiana

Each year we make it a point to visit the Thistleberry Farm and Pumpkin Patch in South Bend, Indiana.

This year we met up with our local Classical Conversations group there for a field trip day and it was such a great time!

As much fun as we had it was also a little sad to look around and remember how much fun they had at the pumpkin patch when they were smaller. It was a reminiscing kind of day that made me want to throw myself on the ground, grab their ankles and beg them not to grow up. You know, because I am super mature.

Here are photos from years past of us at Thistleberry. They’ve gotten so big!

Mommas, hug your babies. Do things with them they want to do the duck race at the pumpkin patch a million times. I promise, it will be worth it.

What you Should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm.

Our homeschool pumpkin patch wristbands included selecting a pie pumpkin which was fun until we found that the kids are now too tall to stand in the pumpkin house and then I thought I was going to lose it, sobbing all over the place. On the plus side though we got one orange pumpkin, and one white pumpkin so there’s that…

The Thistleberry Farm has so much to do if you get the wristband to the play area. There is an inflatable jumping pillow, a large slide, giant bikes to ride, animals to see, mazes made out of giant tires, oversized legos to play in, corn to play in, water to pump for duck races, on and on. So much to do.

What you Should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm.

The big attraction is the corn maze which this year is Princess Bride themed. I tend to shy away from mazes after getting lost in a pineapple maze on our honeymoon (there’s a story for ya!) but the kids seemed to enjoy it with their friends.

There also is a corn launcher because, hello, that’s what we do in Indiana. ha

If you go there you should know that the bathrooms are portable ones with potable water to wash your hands. There is no drinking fountain to be found.

On weekends they make the most amazing kettle corn and pumpkin doughnuts but when we visited on a Wednesday there was nothing in site for snacks. So make sure you plan accordingly for your trip. I think we can all agree that we would rather not become involved in some type of hostage situation with our children when they go without food or water for any great length of time. With my kids, it ain’t pretty.

Let me think…what other things should I tell you about the place?

Oh, I know! While there is a ton to do it is essentially just in the middle of a field which often can get muddy so dress accordingly. Also, there is very little shade so even though you are going when you think it is cooler weather it still gets blazing hot out there and you’ll still need some sunscreen. This is spoken by the mom who every year wears the sweater and the cute boots out to the pumpkin patch and regrets it about 17 minutes into our time there. It is sunny and hot almost every time we go.

If you have a huge animal lover you should know that while they do have animals to see they are not available to pet. For my kids this is fine but you might want to prepare your kids if they are expecting to try to ride the goats or something.

All in all, It was a beautiful day and we had such a great time.

If you are interested in visiting Thistleberry you can visit their website here and get the times and prices for each day. The pumpkin patch portion of the farm is always free to visit.

Thank you Thistleberry Farms for having us!

What you Should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm.
What you Should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm.
What you Should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm.
What you Should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm.

Save for later:

What you should know before you visit Thistleberry Farm, South Bend, Indiana

My Secret to Being Super Busy at Home

“The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links.”

There is a big difference between being Super Busy at Home and being Super Lazy at Home.

Which in the past I have been.

About two years ago i started using Advocare’s spark drink. My homeschool friend, Natasha, is a dristrubutor and she was so good at helping to answer all of my questions about it and helping me order. (That’s just a shout out to her, Hi Natasha, love you lady!)

I am in no means a dietician or a nutrition expert but I love this drink! It is sugar free, low in calories and has caffeine. It also has a bunch of vitamins and minerals to help aid your body to get rid of brain fog that sometimes comes around when you are a mom with a million things on your plate.

You guys, I love it. The flavors are all amazing and every single one that I’ve tried has been amazing. My favorite is blue raspberry right now and it tasted like Sharkleberry Finn Kool-Aid. Nick’s favorite is cherry. We also have mango-strawberry, and watermelon flavors at our house.

I can’t believe how much energy I have these days when I should feel exhausted but can just keep plugging away. Some days life is hard but I have a deep rooted energy when I drink Spark that I can feel continues on so I can keep going.

I drink one, sometimes two glasses a day. I drink them in the afternoon and I love that it is easy to go.

While I am telling you about this and you are more than welcome to seek out and try Advocare Spark, I am not trying to push Advocare products or Spark. Instead, here is what I am trying to say…

If you are not feeling well, or motivated, or energized, then get out there and find something that will help you. It is an important part of self-care that we pay attention to our bodies and try to nourish and fuel them in a way that will help us to live out our best lives with our best bodies. For me, Spark helped because I think I was severely depleted in vitamins and minerals. The caffeine is just an added bonus, ha.

Also, I would not be a good friend if I didn’t share with you about this cup

I have this cup and it is a must if you use Spark or any drink that needs to be mixed. -

Are you listening you guys? It is seriously the best.

I even have it in this color called Scuba with Pink (Emma thinks it should be called Mermaid) but they have lots of other colors to choose from. So fun!

The proper name for it is the “Contigo Autoclose Shake & Go”. The lid has a little flappy door where the straw goes in so you put your water and ice in, and whatever mix in you want for your water put the lid on and shake to your little hearts content. THEN you put the straw in and it opens the little hatch for the straw to go in. It’s genius. When I first got it I was a little skeptical about the flap. I am not a momma who likes a lot of moving parts because to me that is just more to wash and more to break.

I have had my cup for over 3 years and I’ve never had a problem. It does beautifully in the dishwasher. I’ve dropped it a handful of times and has done great.

I do not recommend products to you guys unless I think they are helpful and are things I love. I LOVE this cup. I use it daily and if you follow along on my instagram account, you’ve seen this cup in action.

If you get this cup I’d love to know what you think!

And if you are interested in Spark by Advocare you can check it out here at my friend’s site.

Save for later:

How I Stay Super Busy at Home.png

Gift Ideas for Homeschool Mom Appreciation Day, October 3rd

“The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links.”

Can you believe another year has come and gone and it is Homeschool Mom Appreciation Day again? Just kidding, I made this fake holiday up. The fake holiday is to be this Thursday, October 3rd. So be prepared. Parades will be going through towns. Mail won’t be delivered. Moms everywhere get the day off. It will be glorious. Come on, join with me so we can me this happen…

Well while it won’t I thought I would share with you some gift ideas for your registries for the big day…after all I know your family is busy stocking up on gifts galore to shower you with, right?

Here are some ideas:

Perhaps you’d like to show off your impecable grading abilities with some bling for your ride.

Can anyone else feel me with this? Or am I the only one looking around at the end of a homeschool day, wondering what in the world happened to our home…elephants? Angry gnomes?

And then there is this for all of the 999 cups of coffee you have to attempt to drink after reheating it versus that one each month that is actually warm and fresh.

But seriously, if this holiday was for real, this is what I would want:

This shirt is adorable, I love it!

And then there is this book, Teaching from Rest. You must read it yearly just to help you bring your crazy busy self back to center and to let all of the dust and chaos settle around you.

I love this French Press. I have one but took it down to the cottage to use as our coffee maker. If you’ve never tried coffee from a french press, it is a must! There is something so peaceful and calming about making it with a french press and also it tastes amazing! I love this one because it looks like it comes with a lot of accessories and it is gorgeous!

Harvest Festival at Dollywood

We attended the Harvest Festival at Dollywood last year and fell absolutely in love with it. Dollywood is absolutely amazing but the natural wonderment of the amusement park flows perfectly with all things fall, y’all. I mean, their world famous cinnamon bread. What other time is better to enjoy a loaf than autumn? I mean, hello? Perfection!

If you’ve never been to Dollywood and would like to read our full review, I invite you to check out our article about it here.


As we walked deeper into Dollywood I started to notice that not only did they have adorable displays but they also had cute pumpkin vinettes. I mean, a pumpkin carved with a momma duck followed by pumpkins carved with her sweet little baby ducks? So sweet!

Everywhere we turned they had these fun pumpkins. Even just pumpkins randomly placed by themselves with fun carvings abounded.

It was so much fun to simply walk through and see what you noticed.


When we entered the Craftsman’s Valley we saw a pumpkin artist set up carving these pumpkins. Which was seriously impressive. After seeing all of these amazing displays and then seeing an artist actively making them was incredible. It definitely made the art work more impressive knowing that they weren’t just ordered from somewhere far off or saved from the year before. Also, the pumpkins were so intricately carved.


But not only are there cute small pumpkins around but these massive pumpkin works of art around. You guys, it was incredible! And if you are reading this thinking, oh yeah, pumpkins, I get it. That was kind of my thought before we went and I was researching this event. All of the photos had pumpkins but I didn’t feel overly impressed. But one you see them in person you get it. So if you are on the fence about going then you should definitely go so you can see all of this amazingness in real life.


As amazing as everything was in the day time, we became even more enchanted with the park after the sun set and we entered the Great Pumpkin LumiNights event…now everything is lit up and what was cute became eerily enchanting.


As a mom of two scardey-cat kids I would like to preface that I was a bit nervous about what all of this would entail before we went. But after researching it and knowing the heart behind Dolly and her Dollywood, I knew we would have nothing to fear. And we didn’t. So if you are looking for blood stained scary people to jump out at your or zombies to chase you around…this is NOT the place to find those things.


What you will find are spectacular light displays, perfect photo ops for your family, fun rides, spooky lights, and just a lot of good old fashioned fun for you and your family. And like I said in my Dollywood post, there is nothing to worry about. Everything has been taken care of.


And guess what? Harvest Festival at Dollywood opens TODAY!!! I am so excited to share all of this with you because you now have the opportunity to visit this year. They have even more fun effects and a bigger area to decorate with their new Wildwood Grove open! You can read all about it and purchase tickets here.


Let me know if y’all are planning on going or if you have any questions that I may be able to help you with! I’m always happy to help as you know and hope this helps you to plan your trip with your family!

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All About Harvest Festival at.png

North Chicagoland

Waukegan, Illinois. Do you even know where this place is? If not, you should! This is a great hub for all things between Chicago and Milwaukee.

That being said, there isn’t much to do IN Waukegan. We stay there and there are a couple of fun things we have found to do but outside of that we travel around the area for most of our happy, happy, fun times.

For about the past three years, once or twice a year, we find ourselves in this area, traveling with Nick for work and working on trying to figure out what types of things there are to do in the area.

One of the most built up areas around Waukegan is Gurnee Mills. If you are from the Midwest you’ve probably heard of Gurnee Mills: its largest claims to fame are 1) Six Flags Great America, and 2) The Gurnee Mills Outlet Mall, one of the largest outlet malls in the nation.

Aside from those things, some widely known chain restaurants, and various car dealerships, I’m not sure there is much else in Gurnee. And so I began what is apparently to be a lifelong quest to find things to do in the Gurnee/Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin area.

Traveling with our kids, mind you. Here is what we have found:

Yummy Food


The Shanty-

The fisherman wharf style of restaurant was a huge hit with our kids. The kids prices were very reasonable and their appetizer platter was a huge hit with all of us. Make sure you try their fresh (piping hot!) bread with their olive oil…this was an amazing and fruity oil that was a great start to our amazing meal.


Dockside Ice Cream-

We love stopping here for a cone or two and then taking a walk along the water to see the ducks and fish. It’s always a nice way to end the evening and have some family time. There is a large cement pier that you can walk out on and see the bay…very pretty at sunset!

O’Tooles of Libertyville

has amazing fish and chips and is a super relaxed atmosphere. They always decorate for the seasons or for holidays so it’s a lot of fun to visit and hang out each time we’re up there.


Illinois Beach State Park


located in Zion, Illinois is such a fun getaway from the hustle and busltle you can sometimes feel on the crowded interstates of Chicagoland. We loved the beach and our future geologist loved all of the smooth stones it offered to look at. There are also plenty of hilking trails and a nature center.

Chicago Botanical Gardens


This free garden is massive and one of the best in the world! It can easily take you a day to meander through all of the different displays. Fun fact is that Nick is also a landscape architect so this is a legit place to us. Nick came up to the gardens in college on field trips because it is so wonderfully made. The gardens are free to visit but you pay for parking. This garden is located on the North side of Chicago which is very close to Waukegan since Waukegan is a suburb of Chicago.

Fun Places


Bowen Park

This park in Waukegan is one of the top playgrounds in the nation and will help your kiddos to get their wiggles out…guaranteed! We love the large spider web maze and the gigantic playground structure with slides that go underground! This is a seriously cool playground!

Bricks 4 Kidz

If you find yourself in the area you have to check it out! It was so much fun and we had a blast creating and putting together different ideas. This would also be a perfect rainy day activity.

Downtown Libertyville, Illinois

This is a fun downtown to explore with a historic feel, lots of shopping, and fun restaurants to try!

Where to Stay

We love the Springhill Suites in Waukegan

The rooms are nice and spacious with a mini kitchen and a separate living room space from the bedroom area. Another nice feature of this hotel (not all Springhill’s have this but most do): they have two rooms for the bathroom. One room has a sink and toilet, another room has a sink and shower. This makes it so nice for families when you are traveling because there are two places to change, two places to brush your teeth, and two mirrors to get ready at. So, so lovely!


8th Grade Curriculum Choices for 2019/2020

As much as writing about our choices for Cal’s 6th Grade Year made me feel old, Emma being in the 8th grade makes me feel straight up ancient.

It’s been so fun though to watch her grow and mature through the years and I just couldn’t be prouder of her than I am!

8th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.

And this girl is such a beauty, on the inside and the out. The boys are starting to notice too so Nick will definitely have his hands full in the coming years, I am sure.

This year after a lot of praying and debating we decided to stick with Classical Conversation again this year. In the end we decided to stick with CC and Emma just started her year in the Challenge B leve.

A lot of her curriculum is what they have chosen however the majority of it is not specifically a CC resource meaning that even if you are not part of Classical Conversations you may glean some of these resources from here and decide to use some of them with your kids.

That being said, here is what we are using:

Writing: The Lost Tools of Writing

Emma used this book last year as well. It seems to be a wonderful program however, we got a little busy last year with travel and felt like we got a bit lost in the program (see that pun? lol). This year we are gearing up to use the program again and I am trying to get a better handle on understanding the program so it will be smooth sailing all year long.

History: Story of the World, Volume 2: The Middle Ages

I dislike that Classical Conversations does not have an actual history program beyond the 6th grade. While I understand that they use literature to facilitate discussions involving history, I think there needs to be an intense study when the students are older about the cultural and psychological changes that take place among people and entire populations of countries surrounding the timeline of events. I find that to be something that is both fascinating and important in understanding the world.

To compensate for that we will be using The Story of the World. While this is really basic for Emma I think it will serve as an easy read that can them propel us onto deeper reading if time allows or at least to create opportunities for deeper discussion.

So we will be using the softcover chapter book by Susan Wise Bauer (the history reads like a story which we all LOVE!) and the Activity Book. There is an audio book of this available as well as tests. We don’t use either of those materials though.

Latin: Henle Latin, First Year

In true Classical Education fashion we will be doing Henle Latin for the second year. We started doing year one last year and will go through it again this year. Last year I felt like we started with a good base of knowledge based on doing Latin before we joined CC but as the year progressed we started knowing less and less as it got harder and harder. It was very graceful for us to know that we will be studying the same material this year, hopefully understanding and learning more through this second time around.

We will be using the paperback book, the Grammar book, and the answer key.

Typing: Jump Start Typing

This is an older program. Honestly I think I may have purchased it from a Scholastic Book Order when Emma was in preschool (gulp!) but it is still available. It works really well for us and is game formatted which both kids have enjoyed.


We will be following the CC weeks of Science and adding materials in that pertain to each week.

We will also continue with Kiwi Crates because the kids love doing those. So excited to do experiments with our kiddos who LOVE science! We are so blessed. Allow me to just randomly interject that little statement.


We will be following the Story of the World’s maps as well as tracing maps that go along with Cycle 2 of Classical Conversations.

Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2

In total mom confession mode here I am going to share with you that I hardly ever do math with Emma. Maybe once a week. She gets it, her homework problems show that, and reading the work herself proves to help her understand the information better than me reading it to her or working it out with her.

However, we are starting to get to the point where I am going to have to actually do it with her. She is starting to have questions that for the most part I’ve been able to look at the book and figure it out but I can see that I am standing on the edge of the land where that just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

So this year I am planning on doing math with her. Sitting down and doing it myself. We homeschoolers call this “redeeming our education” meaning that we are relearning things that, let’s be honest, no one wanted to learn the first time around.

Other Activities Emma will be in:

Youth Group



We will be adding in unit studies as we can and nature studies here and there as we have time.

So I’m curious. What are your curriculum recommendations? I love having new ideas so comment below!

I hope you have a lovely school year. Give me all of the coffee is what I’m feeling like right about now towards school, lol.


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God Always, Always, Always Has a Plan!

Learning to trust God's plan through the turmoil and unexpected is sometimes the hardest thing.  But it is always running to the truth.

About 5 years ago Calvin was accepted into ABA Therapy.

We were so excited for what this would mean for our family. Finally, someone who would be with him to help him learn how to control his behaviors better, how to function in society, and better interact with others.

Well 6 months into ABA the wheels kind of came off our bus so to speak and we all came to a screeching halt. We received news that our insurance company would no longer consider Calvin autistic because in one evaluation one doctor performed some years before they found that he had been (gasp!) willing to play with more than one teddy bear.

We fought tooth and nail, hired a lawyer, and in the end got no where fast.

Except Nick almost losing his job.

It was a time in my life when I thought I really would lose my mind. The idea that one person somewhere in a glass towered building holds the ability to control a decision that determines whether your child can get help or not is enough to make you want to lose it on someone. Add to that the fact that people kept telling us that if only Nick didn’t have a job and then we’d be able to qualify for medicaid and they would pay for everything.

That didn’t help.

We saw the writing on the wall regarding our loss of insurance concerning Cal’s therapy and sure enough we were politely shown the door.

I was devestated and felt like such a horrible mother. What parent can’t get the help their child needs? Who does that?

Learning to trust God's plan through the turmoil and unexpected is sometimes the hardest thing.  But it is always running to the truth.

It was a horrible time. It was something I wrestled with for about a year and then truly the only things that helped to lessen the pain was a very sympathetic doctor and time. There were still twinges of hatred, remorse, and bitterness but slowly through time and prayer God took those things and showed me that he still cared for Cal infinitely more than I do and ultimately he has a plan for him. Nothing had changed to God, the world had just changed the circumstances around us.

Fast forward to five years later and we’re to right about now. Me sitting here with you. Things are going well. Cal has had some major leaps and bounds and without ABA therapy is still a remarkable kid.

Then there was last week…It was a shock to me when we were cruising around the Bend and I heard him and Emma start talking about when he gone to ABA therapy. He had always hated that particular place he went for ABA and refused to talk about it which is why it made my ears perk up.

And that’s when I head about it…

He told a story to his sympathetic sister that made my eyes instantly well up with tears. The long and short of it was that while he was enrolled he had a teacher whom he did not get along with who would basically make fun of him and how he did things.

Things like not being able to move his arms properly when he walked.

I suddenly realized that this was why (or at least the tip of the iceberg to who knows why) he didn’t like that place or even want to talk about it. This teacher had teased him and he ended up feeling humiliated and hurt.

My baby bear.

Friends, I want to tell you that last week in the car, hearing this, I could see God’s hand on our lives in that moment.

It suddenly all seemed to clear.


This was why our insurance cancelled his ability to get therapy. What I had viewed as a horrific situation was, in fact, God taking care of our son who had had no words to tell us what was going on.

I still ugly cry at how good our savior is.

He is that.

He saved our son.

And so I hope this story can bring you hope in not just a journey with autism but whatever situation you may face. It may seem like the rug was pulled out from you. And you have landed hard. Maybe you landed in a situation that you never felt you would ever have to go through.

But God has a plan. He is going to bring you through. And maybe he was saving you from something you couldn’t see or he’s taking you to a place you don’t even know exists. Whatever it is the point is that God is orchestrating our lives if we will just lean into Him and trust Him to work.

He’s a saving God.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
— Jeremiah 29:11

Learning Time Management...even with Autism and ADHD!

Y’all. I’ve got to tell you. I love my kids. I think they are the coolest, most amazing kids ever. This is how moms are supposed to be, right? We all think this about our kids which I think is so amazing about mothers and motherhood. We all have these rose-colored kid glasses on and we think our kids are great and we know that our kids can do anything they want. This is how love should be. This is what love looks like.

I say all of this in the midst of the early morning while they both are snoozing upstairs. Yesterday was a peaceful day of laundry (on my part) and playing (on their part) and we all ended the day being snuggly and wonderfully happy. Summer days are wonderful for this kind of relaxation in schedule and in losing track of time.


Not all days are like this. So many days are hard and painful. Difficult and stupid. Those are the days when things do not go as planned and when all of our expectations are not met.

As I have done this for years now, the ebb and flow of life itself, I have taken the time to step back and evaluate what makes the bad days bad in an effort to correct and tweak. Any corrections can make bad days better. That is what life is about.

One of the biggest things that I have discovered makes our bad days horrible is a lack of time management. We are all given the same amount of time in each day and no matter what we do, there is no way to obtain more time. There is no rollover plan. We can’t take hours from a lazy day and use them on a day when things are hectic and crazy. It doesn’t work that way. The only thing we can do is to figure out how to manage our time to make the most out of our days and to get the most done or to do our best with the time that we have.

We all have different ways that we manage our time. I know that I am obsessed with my planner and am even more so when times are hectic. However, not everyone works that way.

Emma tends to have a lot of the same brain wiring as I do. Some things are different though. For Calvin, things are a lot different than me. Which isn’t a bad thing but for me I have to work actively to come up with things to try to help him manage his time better. Some things work well and others do not. Like life, it is all trial and error. Thankfully after being a mom for 13 years I’ve figured out some things that work.

5 minutes, 3 minutes, 1 minute remaining

Since my kids were little I’ve done this. I’ve noticed as they have aged they’ve been able to start doing feeling this on their own. When I tell them 5 minutes are remaining they can pretty well gauge when that time is up. When I tell them one minute is left they can feel when they need to be done with their time and move on.

Enter the visual timer

Especially when the kids were younger and couldn’t tell time very well (or at all!) we used this all of the time. Now we enjoy using it for things like piano practice and other things that they may not particularly enjoy doing every time and therefore the time seems to forever drag on. I enjoy that there is a feature for the light to turn to from green to yellow to red so there is a middle time and they can kind of gauge their time remaining using those.

Magic Toothbrush App

So this is of course for teeth brushing only but we like it to manage time spent on teeth brushing. This is an app where you push the go button and a toothbrush starts to clean foam from the screen to reveal a picture. Where the brush on the screen is brushing shows you were you should be brushing in your mouth. We love it! I love that I can know my kids are spending enough time brushing their teeth when they use it rather than 22 seconds and then they try to be done.

A Planner

This one is only for Emma…so far. I might try to get Calvin on the planner train but right now I think it would be more work than it would be helpful.

Emma on the other hand LOVES her planner. I surprised her when June camps were over with a new student Happy Planner. She uses it all of the time. It is a fun thing that her and I do together. We like to sit down and put stickers in our books and think of all of the ways to decorate. It’s an outlet for our creativity and it forces us to think of what is coming up in the upcoming days and to really focus and plan for things. It also has helped us to live intentionally through our life which I love. For time management it has helped her because she writes down all of her homework and activities to do and can visually see what all she needs to get done. It has helped her to not put things off until later that night and then forget she had plans and become frustrated.

Emma struggles with ADHD. With girls it is sometimes so hard to discern. With Emma her struggle with time management manifests itself in her becoming so, so frustrated with herself. It is hard to watch her beat herself up about missing deadlines or over committing herself to projects. The planner has really helped her and has helped me to aide her.

The Old School or Cell Phone Timer

Just a classic timer has helped us so much. Before things could take the kids forever. Now I will put a timer on for, say 30 minutes, and whatever math they get done in that time is what we get done. If I feel they didn’t put much effort into their work then I will start doling out homework but for the most part they work hard and stay diligent in their tasks. This gives them the peace of mind to only have to do math for 30 minutes and doesn’t make them frustrated when math takes them 2 hours and they still have a whole day of work to do.

Garmin Vivofit Jr.

We purchased one of these for Emma for Christmas. She had been begging for one.

We finally caved and I must say that we have been really happy with it. It has a stop watch feature and a timer She uses the time feature all of the time and I love that is has an alarm.

We will have her set it when they have electronic time so they know when their time is up. For her classes in homeschooling I will give her an amount of time to work on something and she sets the timer.

It also has reminders for chores and other things which helps her to keep on task and to remember what she needs to be doing.

So those are the things that our family uses to help us stay on task and help our kids with time management. Who am I kidding? And us! I use the cell phone timer ALL of the time!

If you have pointers or tips for things that help your family manage time better, please let me know! I am always looking for things that will help us to live more intentionally and use our time the best we can!

Pin to read later:

Helping Kids to Manage their time in school and throughout their day to live intentionally.

Cottage Details

My last post about the cottage was the tour of how we are almost done with the interior! We are so in love with our favorite spot and love to go there to get away. If you missed that post you can read it all here and see what we have done with the place!

I thought I would get a little more in depth and talk a bit more about decor and pieces that I have picked up along the way that I love. The feel of the cottage that I am going for is acquired. I don’t want a feel that we went and bought everything new but rather I am going with a collection of pieces and momentos that we love, that bring us joy, and that will give the place a curated feel like it’s been in our family for generations rather than a few years. To do this I look for pieces everywhere: at thrift stores, flea markets, my grandma’s house, and things that we have at our house.

I will also say that by doing it this was it is such a neat experience to see how God provides. For example, this summer we have been getting serious about stocking our kitchen with more gadgets that we need while not going overboard. After all I don’t want a ton of items to have to take care of, put away, and weed through when I am looking for something. Not cool. However necessities like a pizza cutter and an ice cream scoop have proven to be missing items that are desperately needed, especially when you have kiddos. Well, I didn’t want to go and spend a ton of money on buying a bunch of stuff. I wanted this to be a thing of collecting items. It was hard to go without but I knew the pieces would come. Sure enough, last week I was at my moms and she was giving a bunch of kitchen gadgets away. She pretty much had everything that we needed for the cottage.

All of that to say, we are going slow with filling in the gaps of needed items, knowing that we have all the time in the world and that God will provide in His time.

All that to say I am thrilled to be able to show you a few of my favorite details of the place:

Our favorite details about our tiny lake cottage! It's all in the details, right?

Nick built these shelves next to the kids bunk beds (they are a total mess in this photo but you get the idea) and we love them! He built them out of salvaged lumber from a bookshelf that was in the office of my childhood pastor. How cool is that? The biggest obstacle we’ve had to face with having a tiny place is the lack of storage. There just isn’t room for furniture to store things so we’ve had to be really creative. The shelves have really helped to keep all of the kids things at bay and provide them a solid sense of belonging in their bedroom.

Our favorite details about our tiny lake cottage! It's all in the details, right?

Hello my name is Lindsay and I am sucker for fun towels. Seriously, give me all of the towels. It’s a real problem, folks. I love this one I picked up in Middlebury, Indiana.

Our favorite details about our tiny lake cottage! It's all in the details, right?

I picked this pillow up at an antiques store in Nappanee, Indiana. The color scheme for our cottage is gray, blue, white, and a teeny bit of green. So this fits in great. I love it because my Grandpa was in the Navy at Great Lakes. This is totally something he would have sent home to my Grandma. It is so special to me because of that.

Our favorite details about our tiny lake cottage! It's all in the details, right?

Does anyone else love old boxes for storage or is it just me? This box holds a lot of the kids toys and books…and a shirt apparently.

We found this cold brew coffee press at Bloomingdales and love, love, love it! It works so well, the coffee tastes great, and there have been no grounds in the coffee. This has been perfect for super hot days. Also, I love these cute cups we found at Homegoods and gifted ourselves at Christmas (does anyone else do this???). Sorry guys but I scoured the internet for ours and can’t find them, but I adore these and think they would be a great gift idea!

Our favorite details about our tiny lake cottage! It's all in the details, right?

This fan was a Goodwill find but was a really ugly taupey kind of brown color. Nick spray painted it and now it is so fun. All of the windows that face the lake are in our kitchen so sometimes it gets toasty over there while cooking. The fan helps provide just a touch of a breeze.

Our favorite details about our tiny lake cottage! It's all in the details, right?

I adore our dishes. They are vintage Corelle and they belonged to my late Grandma Wannie. They are one of my most treasured possessions. They make me think of her every time we use them.

The blue dishes on the right were a gift from the sweetest Mother-in-Law ever and I just love them. They were a wedding gift they received and I love using them. They are fun for desserts with friends and other snackys.

Our indoor/outdoor rug was the most expensive decoration we bought for the cottage ($60!) but it has been perfect. It helps it is indoor/outdoor because it can be scrubbed or even thrown into the washing machine. I found one that is pretty darn close here if you like ours.

So those are some of my favorite little details of the cottage! I am always looking for tiny house storage ideas so if you have any pointers or tips for how we can keep clutter at bay, I’d love some ideas!

Cottage DEETs.jpg

6th Grade Curriculum Choices for 2019/2020

Eep, y’all, can time please stand still? I don’t know how I became the mom of a 6th Grader who is my baby but I’m pretty sure someone is going to quickly realize I’m really only 15.

6th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.

At least that is still how I feel. Is there a medical condition for never feeling like you are growing up and still feeling completely inadequate to adult? What is that called? Because I have that.

Needless to say Calvin is going in to the 6th grade or perhaps we should call it 6th grade-esque. We are after all homechoolers, folks. You know how we like to be all loosey-goosey with those rules.

This is the first year in a while that I am not changing everything under the sun for Cal in a wild effort to find something, anything that will help the kid to learn. Can we all get a Hallelujah because I am one happy momma that I am not having to spend hours reading scope and sequences for curriculum and compare them and stalk people on the interwebs who have used said curriculum to see if their children look relatively uncouthed from the curriculum or if it has changed them and not for the better. Like Becky Sue with that mule. Cross eyed one minute, straight back the next. Don’t buy curriculum that’s like the mule, folks.

All that to say I feel free but like I should be doing something. I choose to ignore that feeling most of the time and instead watch more Hulu. Hulu and I are friends.

As promised, today I’m sharing our 6th Grade Curriculum picks, so let’s get to it!

Here is our curriculum line up for this year.

Writing: IEW Medieval History-Based Writing 

Grammar: Essentials of the English Language

(Available to purchase if you are in the Classical Conversations Essentials Program). If we were not in the CC Program we would be doing First Language Lessons or Rod and Staff English. We’ve used both in the past and I really liked both of them.

History: Story of the World, Volume 2: The Middle Ages

We will be using the softcover chapter book by Susan Wise Bauer (the history reads like a story which we all LOVE!) and the Activity Book. There is an audio book of this available as well as tests. We don’t use either of those materials though.

Latin: Latina Christiana Level 1

Typing: Jump Start Typing

This is an older program. Honestly I think I may have purchased it from a Scholastic Book Order when Emma was in preschool (gulp!) but it is still available. It works really well for us and is game formatted which both kids have enjoyed.


We will be following the CC weeks of Science and adding materials in that pertain to each week.

We will also continue with Kiwi Crates because the kids love doing those. So excited to do experiments with our kiddos who LOVE science! We are so blessed. Allow me to just randomly interject that little statement.


We will be following the Story of the World’s maps as well as tracing maps that go along with Cycle 2 of Classical Conversations.

We tried about 5 different math curriculums with Cal (that just made me think that maybe I’ll talk about that sometime) before we found this curriculum. It plays really, really well with the autism because it is very large concept thinking. Things that I never would have thought of. It’s also extremely out of the box thinking which seems to help pull Calvin in and keep him challenged on a fun level rather than being bored with the work. I highly recommend this math curriculum!

Other Activities Cal will be in:





We will be adding in unit studies as we can and nature studies here and there as we have time.

So I’m curious. What are your curriculum recommendations? I love having new ideas.


6th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.
6th Grade Curriculum for our 2019/2020 Homeschool Year.

July Current Project Journal

Our Project Journal, Documenting what we do while renovating a cottage from and '40s and a Queen Anne Manor.

As I write this Nick is in Toronto. I’ll pause while you sing a roving rendition of Oh, Canada! Steve Martin style.

I thought it would be fun to begin a journal series about our Current Projects if for no other reason than to give you something to laugh at. I mean, we have high hopes around these parts. And let me tell you, owning two homes is not as glamorous as one may think. Like how this past weekend Nick spent THE ENTIRE Saturday repairing a leak in our roof that we discovered after being down at the lake for 3 weeks and having lots of rain. Oh, how fun.

The joys of being homeowners and living in an old house.

Our Project Journal.  Read as we journal our way through all of the projects we have while renovating our home and our vacation cottage.

If our list of current projects doesn’t make you laugh I hope it at least helps you put your own list into perspective. After all, no one is without the to-do list that must accompany one’s home.

That being said, here is what we have going on currently and what we will be tackling soon:

With the roof fixed, we will now be repairing the part of our bedroom ceiling where we found the inevitable leak.

Repair the ceiling in the blue room after an electrical upgrade and repaint ceiling

Continue putting together the rescued fireplace mantle.

Whittle down the never ending mountain of mismatched socks.

Pack for the lake and get ready to take an enormous box of items to move in…slowly but surely we are getting everything there that we need.

Make a list of what we need for our upcoming school year.

Find someone to wallpaper the stairwell.

Keep the new rosebush alive! Research!

Put up random trim piece in the downstairs laundry room.

Caulk and paint the chalkboard frame

Defrost the freezer

Plant flowers at the cottage

Paint the exterior of the cottage

Repair Cal’s window pane

Those are our current projects going on.

What projects are you guys all working on?

Does anyone know anything about roses? We have a new rosebush and it seemed to do this weird thing where it flattened itself out. It looks like a flying saucer. Now the outer edges have roses and the middle is dying. I told Nick since he’s a Landscape Architect that he should be able to help me. He told me to find a gardener. He just plans them out, he doesn’t keep them alive.