The Witwer Group— Motherhood is Busy but it is Beautiful. Superbusyathome. Homemaking, homeschool, autism, decor

The First 2020 Homeschool Update

Life has been feeling that it is somewhat spiraling out of control.

Autism has sucked this week and last week. Let’s just say that since the start of 2020, things have been in the tank. Bad behaviors, no sleep happening, life sucking everywhere, outbursts daily, lots of tears and anger.

So much so that I can slowly feel myself wanting to crawl in a hole and forget everything. School? We don’t need no stinkin’ school. So I thought I would do this…update all of you poor, unfortunate souls ouot there about how our homeschool journey is going. You may find this exciting. If you find this breath-takingly boring you may move on. I am hoping to do this in order that I can keep myself accountable and provide you all some hope that your autism journey, while it may never not be an autism journey (autism is here to stay), it will have it ups and its downs but it is always worth it.

This week, homeschool has gone pretty well in terms of getting our work done period we still are at a bare minimum of what we can do but I feel like we're at least moving on in making progress. One of the biggest tools that has helped us this week has been our cozy canoe or as it's properly called a Pea Pod which my kids just snicker at because that has been the name for lady parts in our family. You can all laugh now. You can imagine the laughing I received when Cal’s second Pea Pod came in the mail and I said “the extra-large Pea Pod is here!” Oh dear, the hilarity. And yes I do act like a 5th grade boy. You all are welcome.

As I mentioned, I’m starting these updates in part to keep me on track and also in part because I’ve had a lot of people mention to me that they cannot wrap their head around homeschooling in the high school grades. Well here ya go…

Math is actually sticking! I can't say enough good things about right start math for Calvin. We’ve always muddled through Saxon with Emma but it just absolutely did not work with him . I've found that we are actually making progress and he's actually understanding math with the right start math program. This week he was working on geometry and using a T-square which Nick told him that he had used in architecture school; Calvin really took to that and has now preferred that Nick do math with him rather than me. I sometimes miss doing math with him (for about 45 seconds) as I think it's been about 2 weeks since I've done it with him, but I will take this as a huge win because he used to loathe Nick doing school with him. Emma has been rocking Saxon math out of the park. According to CC she is in the right level (Saxon Algebra 1/2) but according to the Well Trained Mind she should be in Algebra 1. No matter because the girl is breezing through 2 lessons a day, is ahead of where she should be according to the CC guide and we will be getting ready to start the Algebra 1 book any day. I am jazzed. I am pumped. I am geeked. Thank you Saxon math for finally adding something to my life. I feel like the years of crying over you have paid off.

We have a behavioral therapist coming into our home one day a week now and she has helped set up charts and sequences and flags (no flags but wouldn’t flags be cool?) that we need to be working on with Calvin. One of the things that has really worked has been to write a list of all of the things that he needs to accomplish during the day on the blackboard. I also put in a few break time options such as read for 20 minutes or play legos for 10 minutes. I then just put that up there and he can see what needs done or what he can choose from so if he chooses all of his Lego times in the morning then he knows that there are no more breaks to be had later on in the day. I've watched him make great strides in understanding this concerning the break times especially because he's very choosy as to when he will take them and try to keep some for the afternoon. It's also been good because he can see things crossed off so it doesn't feel like I'm just continually adding and adding and adding work on to his load throughout the day… this is the set schedule and this is all that needed to be gotten done for the day he could see it from the very beginning of the day to the end so it doesn't feel like it’s a to-do list where he thinks he's done and then moms adding more on. If you are an autism mom and decide to try this method I will caution you that I tried this with Calvin at age 6 and it was disastrous. So if it doesn't work for you it might just be a maturity level thing with your child and don't get discouraged in trying it again. I know as autism moms we know that our kids can become very rigid in what can and cannot be done but I think we as parents also do that. I was telling our developmental pediatrician and our behavioral therapist last week, when they suggested a token chart where we give him tokens for good behavior and take them away for bad behavior,how we had tried this before and it was absolutely disastrous. Like he manipulated the situation any chance he got, it never worked, we couldn't get him to understand when things were being taken away why, and that kind of thing, when he did something good he thought he got more so he should get more than what he did, it was just all around a bad idea. So in my mind I had this setup that like this will never work so we can't do that but both the pediatrician and the therapist just kind of gave me this blank stare and said “well let's try it again and see how it works” and it just dawned on me which it's super obvious but hello things can work now that he's older and that might not have worked when he was younger. So it was a total duh moment for me right there.

Some fun things that we've been doing as we go through our home school week are science and history.

The first semester of school this year I felt like those 2 subjects got totally pushed to the side as I was juggling working and homeschooling at the same time for the first time…so trying to figure out how to do that and so we for awhile were just treading water trying to make it happen to get even just the core subjects done, meaning like math and writing and reading. Never mind subjects like art or spelling because those NEVER got done. But in this second semester I feel like we really got our business together: I put those as priority one because those are things that we have paid for and they come with fun activities, experiments, and projects to do together as a family. We really bond over those and so I made sure those were something that had to be done in the week .


So doing those we are working through the Good and the Beautiful's marine biology program. We started that last year after we took the children to the dolphin show at the Indianapolis Zoo. If haven't been to that it is phenomenal and I highly recommend…so amazing and the head dolphin trainer came out and spoke to everybody. At the end Emma was able to ask her questions about marine biology and veterinarian science and all of those things. This week in TGATB we learned about marine mammals and so we also talked about blubber. We did a blubber science experiment which you can see in the picture and then we just really worked on the difference between animals that come ashore and animals that don't. Differences and other facts about marine mammals.


In history we are still working through The Story of the World by Susan Bauer. I should say we are still working through it the second time because in Classical Education we work on things in cycles (from creation to present) and then begin again. This might actually be our third time. At this point in time, the haggard mother that I am, I’ve lost track of what cycle or what track I’m on. Getting back to it, I am obsessed with Susan Bauer now that I've gone through classical conversations. We started our homeschooling journey with The Well Trained Mind (written by Bauer) and I highl, highly, highly recommend the well trained mind program and her writing. I just cannot get enough of her books and think that she is amazing. This week we were studying ancient China and it was exciting to see how much stuff we made it through… we made a lacquered bowl to study how China the Chinese people lacquered things: it was basically, like the book described it, a medieval plastic which I thought was pretty funny. Then we went to lunch at a Chinese restaurant to immerse ourselves in the Chinese culture. If I get an opportunity to, I'll try to combine our history with some geography just to kind of drive home the area that we're learning about. And then I’ll try to put something sensory with it so whether it's a meal or we do crafts, or we dress up like them something like that: that they can pull those items from their memory bank later on and remember what we studied.


This week Emma took a photography class with some friends at a local college and came home with information in how to enroll in dual credit classes. I almost wet my pants or cried (or maybe both at the same time!) because I have no idea how we got here to having an incredibly gifted HIGH SCHOOLER who can even go to college. Where is my pigtailed Kindergartner who needs help with the buckles on her shoes? Because I wasn’t done with that phase yet, Karen.


Emma is finishing out with about 10 more weeks in her Classical Conversations Challenge B Program. They are preparing for a Mock Trial which will take place in our counties courthouse. Emma made a study guide on Memrise for her class to help them prepare for the trial. I thought this was very forthgoing of her. If you also have older students, you might just love Memrise which is an app program and you can study flashcard type things on it. You can also set up competitions for your classes and see who gets the most right, etc. It adds a fun element to their studying.

Emma currently uses Memrise for Logic and Latin studying, in addition to Mock Trial…obvi!

I enjoy when there are apps or games that can actually help her learn and retain information in a fun way and not just be a mind numbing filler that wastes our time.

I have to be completely honest and tell you that I feel like we’ve had a break in the chain of command around here. People always seem to be yelling or crying about something. Kids are arguing or snarky. Fun times are not being had all of the time.


There have been days when I’ve sent Cal up to have a break in the third floor, playing legos, and, full confession here. Kind of forgot about him. Then he comes downstairs with things like this:

And says funny things like “chillin’ with my gnomies”. And then we all feel better. I think life is always better with Lego.


I mentioned that we have the behavioral therapist. She has these charts we’re supposed to fill out when we have an issue with Calvin. She’s offered to make copies for us, dear heart. She asked me on Monday how many copies I’d like. My response… “how many copies can you make?” Oh dear. Like Sunday when Nick touched Calvin on the shoulder so Cal screamed “Stop touching me” and then kicked him in the shin. When we calmly asked how we could do that again, a better way, Calvin repeated it, softer, and kicked Nick in the shin again, softer.

We’re going to need a ream of those sheets, April. Or Autumn. Or Amanda? The poor girl is going to always remember me as the mom who couldn’t remember her name.

But at least I am looking like this.


Not really but let’s all just pretend, okay? Like I said, Emma has been in these college classes so she is getting pretty darn good at taking photos. We went out Sunday, per her request, I was her model and Nick was her assistant. And thank God because when that man takes photos of me I end up looking like Pat from SNL. Like for realz, I had pant creases that did not look pleasant and when I showed them to him in the photos (that were blurry but you know, oh well) he told me he didn’t think they looked that bad. Oh great…So thank the Lord for that sweet little photography professor who has taught Emma to take photos of her mother that do not include camel toes or mom jean looks on a dude.

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums

Here we are again with another post about museums and our trip. We are afterall a homeschooling family and it is our job to share these things with you, right?

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

This past Monday was Martin Luther King Jr day. We continued our family tradition of visiting museums in Indianapolis.

As the kids get older it is surprisingly become harder to get them out of the house. I thought this would be easier by now. After all of us over sleeping, debating and arguing if we really wanted to go, and the actual act of getting ready to go, we finally headed out the door into the frigid 11 degrees to drive the 2.5 hours to our states Capitol. Oh golly I hope this was worth it.

Surprisingly, the kids didn't fight in the car nearly as much as I thought they would meaning they are probably saving all of their fury up for one magnificent moment. Thank the Lord.

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

Our first stop was the Eiteljorg Museum in downtown Indy. This is a Native American museum and while we had visited before, we’d never had a lot of time to enjoy the museum. So we stopped there. The first floor contained a special modern art exhibit by Native American artists, a large collection of wild west art, and a special exhibit of their Jingle Rails: The Great Western Experience exhibit.

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

We all loved the Jingle Rails section. It is incredible to see all of the landscapes they have made out of natural items! It was especially wonderful to see the places that we have visited: Yosemite, the Missions in Texas, the Rocky Mountains, the Sequoias, and more. So many details to discover and the trains are so fun to watch.

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

They also had a lot of fine art pieces including sculptures by Remington which were our favorites to examine and enjoy.

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

The second floor had a lot of art work on Native Americans and an exhibit about Indiana. In truth we didn’t spend too much time on the second floor as we were starting to get hungry for lunch!

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

The lower level has a fun area for the children but we determined that our kiddos are too old for it now so we decided to forego it. A wild west town, a wagon to pretend in, animal puppets to play with, and more. If you have time to go there with your kids I am sure they will love it!

Our next stop was to right next door to the Indiana State Museum. This museum is all about, surprise, Indiana!

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

To our shock and amazement Calvin saw a poster featuring the fossils of a Mastedon and was obsessed with it. So we all headed in that direction and I was so smitten to watch him ooh and ahh over it and just be totally enamored by all of the prehistoric artifacts they had that had been found in Indiana. This section included some pretty epic areas including Ancient Seas, Frozen Reign, Natural Regions.

After the prehistoric section (which by the way was enormous) we decided that we needed to leave because, well, LUNCH!


On our way to our next museum we stopped at Yujo which is a Ramen and Boba Tea place. It was very good! It is a counter service-style place and then you sit down and wait for them to bring them your food. Everything was made to order and everything was delicious. If you are a ramen fan and interested in what you got well, here you go:


Nick got the Yujo Signature which he loved because of the lemon zest broth

Emma and Calvin shared a bowl with the signature broth and just noodles

I got the Creamy Tonkutso bowl with a spice bomb on the side. It was really good.


They were out of boba and I was not a happy camper but Emma and I still got tea. Emma got the milked Jasmine Tea and I ordered a Peach Oolong. Both were very yummy.

We all shared a large order of Potstickers and those were very good as well.

After our lunch, as we fell into yummy food comas we drove to Conner Prairie which isn’t technically in Indianapolis but is in Fishers, a northern suburb of Indy (and random fact where Nick and I lived before we had kids. Lots of good memories cruising around town).

We love Conner Prairie so much. In the cold Indiana months of winter they only have the indoor accessible (understandable!) so we perused all there was to see. As our children are older (still can’t believe they are 12 and 13!) they liked the more advanced projects. So we spent time putting electrical circuits together, assembled multi-step projects, and tried our hands in their handiwork workshop where this time it was all about sewing.

After that we started back home.

We arrived home around 7 and to our surprise Leroy had survived and hadn’t destroyed the house. I think we are slowly but surely getting this new family member to come around to our ways, ha.


It was a quick trip but a good trip. There have been years in the past when I have tried to get the kids to go to as many as 6 museums in a day and it was all just too much.

We decided that next MLK Jr. Day we will try to go to the zoo and the conservatory for the day.

But who knows if that plan will stick. After all, we have an entire year to change our minds!

Did you do anything fun on MLK Jr. Day? I’d love to know!

And finally we went home.

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!
Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

Our Quick Day Trip to Indianapolis Museums on MLK Jr. Day when admission was free!

Suggestions for When Homeschooling Isn't Going So Well...

The title of this post could also be, what to do when your kids attitudes are circling the toilet or how you should keep homeschooling when you just want to watch Netflix. Because, for sure, this is how I feel about 34% of the week.

Are we done here yet? Have I exerted enough energy to make a difference in your education?

Yes? Well, good.

Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just not jiving and that is hard because you have an expectation of what you think your homeschool day should look like, the state has some idea of what your homeschooling should look like, and I think we’re all in agreement that there should be some kind of learning going on most of the time. But when it is hard and when you’re just bleck about it, I have some suggestions that will (hopefully) help you because I KNOW they have helped me.

These will not turn you into Donna Stone or Mary Poppins but they should help you to be able to trudge through your day and get done what needs done.


Suggestions for how to get through the times when homeschooling isn't going very well.  We've all been there.  Maybe you're going through a rough patch but still need to get the kiddos taught.  Here are some fun ideas you can do to get you through t…

Go buy yourself something pretty. No but really. Sometimes all it takes for us to change our tune about school is a new sheet of reward stickers, a new highlighter, a fun colored pen…something to make you excited to get going on your school day. There have been days in blackest homeschooling weeks that I have been known to schlep the whole Shebang to Panera to do school. They have free wi-fi, hot chocolate, and food that I did not have to prepare.

A Reward.

Order in Jimmy Johns for lunch. Go out for ice cream at the end of the school day. Buy your kid a lego set at the end of a successful week of school. Think of some kind of reward or treat that would help if they have that to work toward. We do not buy our kids lego sets every week but we have had seasons where we’ve had to do this just to help them keep their eye on the proverbial and real prize.

Sneaky School

Suggestions for how to get through the times when homeschooling isn't going very well.  We've all been there.  Maybe you're going through a rough patch but still need to get the kiddos taught.  Here are some fun ideas you can do to get you through t…

Baking? Measuring and math. Walks? Nature observation. Going to a museum? Art/history/science observation and appreciation. Ride on public transportation? Social studies. This is what I refer to as sneaky school…when your kids are doing something where they are learning but they aren’t realizing it. Read a newspaper. Go to the library. Get out of the house. Find something to do and you’ll find some merit/benefit/educational value to it. Somedays we just can’t face all of the worksheets and sitting and that’s okay. The truth is that education can take many forms and it is perfectly fine to go out and explore with a multitude of them.


Lord knows how many days have gone by when I haven’t been feeling well or my kiddos are fighting a cold and we have simply snuggled on the couch for hours reading. When they were little it would be stacks and stacks of board books. As they’ve gotten older it is fun to be immersed in chapter books that they may not have the wherewithall to read themselves. I was battling the flu when we finished The Hobbit together and currently we’re making our way through The Hound of the Baskervilles. It’s fun to read together and definitely a memory you all will have and cherish forever.


Suggestions for how to get through the times when homeschooling isn't going very well.  We've all been there.  Maybe you're going through a rough patch but still need to get the kiddos taught.  Here are some fun ideas you can do to get you through t…

If you are really butting heads with your child I would like to suggest something way crazy out there…go to the library. That’s not really that out there but here’s the Secret thing to do…simply watch what kind of books they are pulled into. Minecraft? Lego? American Girl? Garfield? Harry Potter? Peppa Pig? Whatever they like there is something on Pinterest to help you with coordinating activities or worksheets online with that theme. Around age 6 our son Calvin would not learn for all the money in the world. He had no desire to. At all. All he was interested in were legos. So I decided that school would be all about legos. I bought lego themed paper and suddenly he was okay writing his spelling words out on lego paper. While I read him history I had him recreate the scene in legos. We added the dots on the legos to do our math, on and on with as many lego things as I could think of. It made school fun for him, instilling a love of learning into him and it helped me to get into his head and discover what he liked to do. All in all it was a great experience for him.

And if you just go to the library for books, that is great too. There is nothing more exciting than coming home with a sack full of books that you just can’t wait to read.

Take a Break

Suggestions for how to get through the times when homeschooling isn't going very well.  We've all been there.  Maybe you're going through a rough patch but still need to get the kiddos taught.  Here are some fun ideas you can do to get you through t…

There is a fine line between giving yourself grace to rest and just being plain lazy and not wanting to do anything. Feeling out that line is important to do. Sometimes you just need to take a breather so that you can feel refreshed to give it your all the next day. Giving yourself grace is when there are mountains of projects and ungraded papers on my desk so we take a day off for me to get the homeschool room tidy and clean, get all of our future work in order, and plan out our week so we can go into the coming days with a renewed spirit and a fresh breath. Laziness is different for everyone but for me it is not wanting to do school and then spending all day on the couch watching Designing Women or something that is not in the least productive to our lives.

So those are the things that I do to combat the spirit of not wanting to do school. It is hard on most days. It is a strong and true struggle on some days. But in the end it is always worth it and always rewarding personally as a momma. Just make sure you remember that we ALL have these days from time to time, and it is okay to push through, shaking it up when we need to. Love you all and I am here for you in this journey of homeschooling!

Suggestions for how to get through the times when homeschooling isn't going very well.  We've all been there.  Maybe you're going through a rough patch but still need to get the kiddos taught.  Here are some fun ideas you can do to get you through t…

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Suggestions for how to get through the times when homeschooling isn't going very well.  We've all been there.  Maybe you're going through a rough patch but still need to get the kiddos taught.  Here are some fun ideas you can do to get you through t…

The Henry Ford Museum

The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

I’m just going to get to the point here…The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we’ve ever been to.


You read that right. After visiting the Smithsonian, traveling through over 30 states, and seeing God only knows how many National Parks, I am here to tell you that if you are looking for a museum that has it all then you need to go the Henry Ford museum.

The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

Now I realize that this is a lot to say. After all, it isn’t known as a science museum or a childrens museum. If anything I would say it would be known as an auto museum. However I think you will hands down say that it is all of those once you have visited for yourself.

Also the museum has the most diverse collection of artifiacts that I have ever seen. Seriously. If you want to see the history of the toaster and how it got its beginnings then you can see that here. Or if you want to see Mr. Ford’s personal collection of violins, you can see that too.

The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

The diversity of the museum is what blows me away each time I go there because I forget how many things that are to see.

I mean, where else can you assemble a Model T, sit in Rosa Parks’ seat on the bus, see the very chair Lincoln was shot in, the only remaining Dymaxion house, and countless other things?

The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

See what I mean?

The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.
The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

Not to mention the extensive automobile collection (it’s Ford, so of course!) plus the trains, the planes, and all of the machines and guns your boys can handle. Every time we go there we see something that we never noticed before plus with their ever changing exhibits there is always something to learn there. We have experienced everything from the artwork of Norman Rockwell in person to the hands on automation of Pixar at these exhibits and have loved each and every one of them.

The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

Because we love it so much and because we love visiting over and over, I wanted to let you in on this deal I found:

This Martin Luther King Jr. Day the museum is offering free admission! Isn’t that amazing? You can visit anytime between 9:30-5 for free!

I know you and your kiddos will love going as much as we do!

They have an amazing Exhibit going, With Liberty and Justice for All, that would be perfect to visit on this historic day.

Have you ever visited the Henry Ford Museum? What was your favorite part?

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The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we've ever visited!  Read everything our family loves about visiting.

My Word for the Year

For the past several year I have watched as others have selected a word to live their year by.

At first, to be honest, I thought it was kind of hokey. A year to live by? What in the world? I think this may have been because when I first heard of it our son had just been diagnosed with autism and the first word I heard someone going by was “rest”.

Talk about irony.

How does one really rest for an entire year?

As you can see, clearly I had no idea what I was talking about.

Now that I am wiser and a lot older (ahem) I’ve leaned more into the word of the year idea and decided that perhaps that is something that I should follow.

In case you are like me and think it is something you do all year long, let me tell you it is not what you are going to be doing all year long. I mean, I suppose it could be for me it isn’t.

For me, my word will serve as a filter, something that I will think about and sift my actions and habits through to hopefully be better on the other side of 2020.

What is my word you may ask?

My word is….

Health is my word for the year of 2020.


You see when you think of that word you probably imagine Kale or Body Electric leotards or working out.

And there may be some of that. Well, not the body electric apparel but otherwise there will be some.

But health to me is about much more than my appearance or even my physical health.

For me health includes my physical health, yes, but also my mental healthy, my spiritual health, the health of my marriage, the health of our family, and my families physical health.

This past August and September my husband, Nick, was in the hospital being treated for MRSA. At first it was funny, taking your husband into the hospital for an infection on his leg when the rest of my hunky husband was just fine. But when days later they couldn’t get the infection to stop spreading and you come to the hospital room to find quarantine suits at the door, well, things got quite a bit scarier pretty quickly.

Those months made me realize how delicate life can be and how as my job as wife and mother it is my responsibility to keep my family healthy. And to keep myself healthy so I can continue to take care of them the best I am able to.

I am looking forward to this year as we plan vacations, many business decisions, and watch our children grow. I am using this year as a catalyst to not get bogged down in the every day but to rather take a step back, take a breather and look at things through the lens of good health in an effort to move towards a more constructive lifestyle.

I encourage you to choose a word for the year if you haven’t yet. It’s never too late to choose a word to start thinking about and pondering as you go through your days.

And if you have a word I would love for you to comment on what you have chosen. We can all encourage one another through our journey of 2020!

Happy New Year, friends!

Our DIY Advent Countdown

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

Yesterday we started our countdown to Christmas.  In typical me fashion we had to do two days to get caught up but it worked out.  If you are like me and are late, you can rest assured that it's not too late to get started with a countdown. 

And I'll show you how. 

A little history of our countdown calendar: 

When Emma was two and Calvin was one Nick lost his job.  It was hard and tough and horrid.  We had $200 in our savings account.  Fun times were had by all. 


One thing we vowed was that the kids wouldn't know what was going on.  We didn't want them to not have a Christmas or to notice that they had less.  

So I came up with this countdown during that time.  

That first year I took string, tacked up some socks and mittens I found and put things in them that were around the house...a couple of stickers, dimes, candy canes, whatever.  I put them in before I would go to work at 4 IN THE MORNING! And then they had that day's sock or mitten waiting for them when they woke up with Daddy.  

And they still ask for this every single year!  My kids are all about traditions.  In fact, Nick and I even purchased them Playmobil advent sets because they had been BEGGING for them but in the end when I asked which they wanted to do, Playmobil parts or surprises every day they chose our old fashioned surprises method.  So the Playmobil's are going back I guess :/. 

The thing I love is you can really make this as simple or as elaborate as you want. It doesn't have to cost a lot but if you want it to, you can.  It's all up to you! 

Okay, so I'm going to walk you through what you need to do the countdown how I did it this year: 

Supplies You'll Need:

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

-String, twine, ribbon. I've used all of them through the years.  This year I am going with twine for a rustic look. 

-2 Nails or Hooks to hang the string on.

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

-Socks, mittens, little stockings.  I have a mixture of these.  Truth be told a lot of these are ones that were cute but we had lost their mate.  So I kept them.  I also love to see how little their tiny hands and feet were when they were babies so I used a lot of their infant-wear :) See how cheap this is by using what you already have?

-Clothespins, Binder Clips, Safety Pins, or Paper Clips to secure socks to string. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

-Numbers. In previous years (I think you can see some from last year on the socks in the previous picture) I printed numbers out.  I've used just plain stickers.  This year I found these cool gold stickers that were for 25 days.  Perfect!  They were a little pricey ($4.99!, I know, I'm pathetically a cheapskate) but I had a 40% coupon so it worked out.  Emma loved the stickers.  I got them at Hobby Lobby if you are looking for them.  They are super thick and super sticky so I'm hoping the numbers will last more than one year.  But again, use anything!  I've used post-it notes before.  

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

-Optional: A Honking Bag of Junk to use. I bought all of this stuff for 90% off last year after Christmas.  If you don't have your own honkin' big bag of stuff, it's okay, you can just put in there whatever you would like! 


How to Set Up Your Advent Calendar

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

Hang your wire, string, ribbon, whatever.  I just used two nails and tied it on there.  I tried to make it as tight as I could because the weight of everything will make it sag a bit.  The above picture is what mine looks like before I hung everything.  I then went and scrubbed my wall as you can see dirty clay fingerprints from us making ming bowls for our history lesson. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

Then hang your socks, mittens whatever.  I use some of the kids smaller socks, their baby mittens, and some of those little stockings people give you  Now you have something to do with them all! 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

After I took this picture I went and peeled off that piece of tape that is on the wall.  This is real life people! I use small clothespins from Hobby Lobby to hang our socks but you can use anything you want.

This is the finished layout I have.  I tend to hang them all up and them move them around so I don't have all mittens clumped together or 4 red socks side by side.  Make it look how you want, whatevs. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

I then put the numbers on.  You can o this however you want.  I put 25 on one side and then 24 on the other side and then work my way towards the middle.  So odds are on one side and evens are on the other.  This works great because then I don't end up with one side of the advent calendar empty and the other side sagging from everything in the socks.  This is from trial and error that I've figured it out.  Also because we have two kids and they like to take turns opening the advent sock, one basically ends up with the odds and one with the even days and so they know which side to go to when it's their day. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

Here is another thing I think I do weird but I'll share it with you.  I make a column of the days and then next to it I figure out how many days there are till Christmas.  Then we open that corresponding day.  I know a lot of people do it the other way where if it's December 10 then they open 10 but we open 10 on the 15th when there is 10 days left until Christmas.  Get it?  Are you confused?  You can set it up like me and then have a mini panic attack every day when your kids open it and you're thinking "what?  only 21 days until Christmas?  Yikes!" but to your kids you can be all "yeah!  Only 21 days left!" because that's what cool moms do. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

Okay so you saw my weird list, I then start to fill it in with what I'm going to use every day.  I started doing this because the first year I kind of ran out of ideas so we had a million days of candy canes towards the end.  Lame.  Don't get me wrong we have plenty of candy cane days but I try to space them out.  

So I write down what events I know we are doing and what we will be up to so if there are things I can tie into that I can plan.  One night we are going to a local Holiday event where they always want to buy something so I will put a little bit of money in the sock for them to each be able to shop for a souvenir. 

Another idea is I will figure out when we can watch Polar Express at home and I'll put "train" tickets in their sock so they know we are watching the moving and it will be special. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

After I've written down events that I know we are doing and things I can coordinate to those I fill in the dates left.  This is where I pull out my honkin' bag and see what I have to give them.  Again these are all things I got super cheap, for real: 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

I wait until Target has 90% off and then I buy whatever I can find.  So this kit was $0.20!  Seriously, I can handle 20 cents.  And it makes them work together and it gives them something to do for a while.  

I try to space out events, candy, a toy, money, and craft days.  

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

As you can see here, Day 25 they got candy canes!  And they were super excited.  It's the little things around here! 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

Day 24 I had puzzles to give them but they wouldn't fit in the sock so I wrote this note and stuck it in the sock. They love the little hunts and running to see what they will find. 

Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar
Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar
Super Busy at Home: Cheap and Easy DIY Kids Advent Calendar

By spending a little bit of time putting this together I have peace and quiet in the house.  They worked on these puzzles for about an hour.  They helped each other, we helped them and it was so much fun!  

So I hope that gives you an idea of something you could thrown together and have lots of fun with your kids.  There's nothing really special about "here have another candy cane"  but the act of putting it in a sock or mitten in the countdown makes my kiddos so super excited.  Weird, I know, but it works.  

And remember you can make it as basic or fancy as you would like!  A couple of dimes makes kiddos super excited.  Or put Bible verses in each sock.  Or candy.  Or an event like "drive to see christmas lights".  

I know you'll do awesome! Let me know about your fun advent countdowns and remember,it's not too late to start making memories and traditions! 

2016 Update:

The kids are getting older (shocking I know!) so I was a little leary about using this again.  After all I started doing this when Calvin was a year old and Nick had been laid off...this was cheap!  But the kids are insisting we do it again this year.  When they were younger it was easier to stick small things in the socks and mittens...coins, candy, stickers, etc.  But as they've gotten older it's been so fun to incorporate clues and crafts into the socks. 

Have fun with it! 

Gift Ideas All Kids Will Love

One of my readers wrote me and requested a holiday gift guide for a boy who isn’t into the traditional boy items…no legos, no super heros, etc.

So I put my thinking cap on and came up with a few items that our our families faves. These are items our son loves to play with. Here we go:

Qba Maze

Seriously the coolest maze, hours of fun and there are so many add on pieces and kits.

Calico Critters

Both my son and daughter have loved to play with these through the years so I can attest that these are popular! They are so detailed and fun that your family will have years of enjoyment with these cuties.

Cooking Set

Nothing gives kids confidence more than having tools that were made for them in sizes that are easy for them to use. We love these kits from Williams Sonoma because they are durable and fun!

Weaving Loom

Both Emma and Cal love using our Weaving Loom. It’s a great item for when we are reading as it is quiet and something they can do to keep their hands occupied.

Gem Kit

These dig kits are so fun and they can be educational when paired with a gem book or a fossil kit paired with a dinosaur book.

Magic Kit

This is something that is so fun and can spark a curiosity that can last for years. A starter kit is a great place to begin and then trickier tricks can be added in.

If you don’t want to purchase a physical gift, a gift of an experience is always a hit! We love our membership to the Western North Carolina Nature Center because we have reciprocity to the ASTC and AZA centers…that’s over 450 zoos, aquariums, and science centers nationwide that are included. We love our membership and know you would love one too!

So those are my suggestions, do you have any to add? I’d love for you to list them in the comments!

Quick Tips for Getting Your Home Guest-Ready

Are you having guests coming to your house this holiday season? Perhaps they are even arriving in the next couple of days!!!! If so, read on for some quick and easy things you can do now to make your time hosting run smoothly and carefree.

Starting at Thanksgiving we always have people in and out of our house for the holidays and that is just the way we like it: people coming for meals, some staying for a night, others flying in from far off places to stay for a week or more. Whether they are in our home for an hour or a month, we want our guests to feel at ease, comfortable, and most of all, cherished.

We want them to know that we have thought of them. That they weren’t an after thought or a burden to us but rather a guest who is valued and loved.

With that in mind, here is my tailored list of things you can do to make your guests feel extra special and loved:

Make Sure Your Closet Has Hangers

Think about it, when you go to someone’s house this time of year the first thing you are going to do is to take off your coat. So when your guests come into your home they don’t want to have to try to hang their coat in a huge mess of a closet with no hangers in sight.

Now is a great time to go through the closet, donate anything that isn’t being worn, and put all of the empty hangers in the middle of the rod so guests will easily be able to spot them.

If you don’t have any hangers or they aren’t looking too good you can stock up on some new ones. We personally love wooden hangers for the coat closet…they hold up really well, can handle bulky items like a dream, and look super sleek for guests.

These are the hangers that we have and love. We’ve been using the same wooden hangers for about the past 8 years.

Have an Extra Table

For one reason or another folding tables are necessary. Too many people around the table? Too much food to have at the table? Want to set up a drink station or a dessert bar? Need somewhere to place all of those well-decorated sugar cookies? These are all ways that I have used our folding table throughout the holidays. If you don’t have one, it’s always a practical item to ask for for Christmas.

Invest in Towels

We have our every day towels but we keep our guest towels in the guest room so that they are saved for the guests. I opted to purchase white Ralph Lauren towels for our guests and so far they have lasted us 16 years. I highly recommend buying high quality towels that will absorb water and will feel soft and warm. When I know guests are coming I will place a set of towels for each person on their bed. It’s a nice way to let them know we’re prepared for them and then when they want to wash up they don’t have to go hunting for a towel.

Have Nice Guest Sheets

When we first got married our guest room was simply a hodge podge of items that we didn’t need around the house including the scratchy sheets we didn’t use in our bedroom but didn’t want to just get rid of out right. However, I began to view our guest room as a showcase of our home…it should be somewhere where our guests get our first fruits…the very best as a way to show them how cared for they are. Because, let’s be real, no one wants to sleep on scratchy sheets.

The moral of this story is to buy some sheets that your guests will actually like sleeping on. I found these sheets that are cotton, fairly inexpensive as far as sheets go, and have rave reviews.

Make Some Cookies

Walking into a home that smells like cookies is so comforting. But let’s be honest, homegirl doesn’t always have time to whip up a batch of cookies on the spot. That’s why you should do it now!

Make up a batch of cookies, spoon them onto a cookie sheet and they throw the whole thing in the freezer. After they’ve hardened you can take them off the pan and pop them into a ziploc bag or plastic container to keep in the freezer. Individual cookies for when you need them. Ta-da!

Need a starting place if you don’t bake much? This is my all time cookie book. Baking cookbooks come and go but this one stands the test of time.

Get Candles

If you follow the Hygge method of life then you know how essential candles are to making things cozy. Candles instantly make your house feel like a home, making things feel comforting and draw people in for conversation.

I used to save our candles for company but let’s be honest…this mama loves candles. I decided one day that my family was worth candles too so we burn them almost every day. I just love the warmth and coziness it gives to our family. This is my all time favorite candle, Moonbeams on Pumpkins. Not every Yankee Candle store has it but I found it on Amazon for you! I love the color of this one and it smells SO great!

Think Details

When you are setting up the room for your guests (go ahead and just do that now, buddy, so it’s ready to go when you need it), think of what you like to have when you are going to bed or waking up. A quick trip to Homegoods or an order from Amazon Prime can have your guest room looking like a heavenly haven in no time. Some of my fave small items include:

Hair Dryer Storage

Wifi Password

And those are my suggestions! You can order most of these items from Amazon Prime and have them to your doorstep in no time! How perfect if you are having last minute houseguests or you need to get some extra items for your loved ones.

Have a suggestion for something that you love using to make your guests feel at home? Make sure you comment so we can all be in the know!

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QUICK Tips for making your house guest ready!.png

Our Favorite Thanksgiving Books

Ever since the kids were little I have tried to make the holidays special for them.

One of our favorite ways to do this is to curl up on the couch with one of our favorite holiday books in the coming days.

As a momma of two older children, I’ve had a lot of years weeding through a lot of books. I am a classic, nostalgic kind of momma…I will read new books but I love the books that take me back to the place as a child when I was in elementary school and was so excited for Thanksgiving because of the indian corn, the paper bag vests, the pilgrim hats, the whole atmosphere that the teachers created for us. I loved that excitement and I try to recreate that for our children.

So, here are our top 8 favorite books for Thanksgiving:

Cranberry Thanksgiving

I can still remember sitting on the carpet listening to our school librarian, Mrs. Byrd, read us this classic tale. It’s the best.

The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin

Who doesn’t love a good Berenstain Bears book with a lesson? And pumpkins? Perfection!

Squanto’s Journey

We love this book because it tells the Thanksgiving story from Squant’s perspective which is very thought provoking.

Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin

Oh my word, my kids loved this book when they were a little younger! LOVED. Such sweet illustrations.


So this book could be for Halloween or Thanksgiving but it has a clear message of opening your home and sharing your bounty. Love it and it is such a sweet story.

God Gave Us Thankful Hearts

We love all of the “God Gave Us…” books and this one is no different. If you are wanting a book to talk about gratitude with your children, this is a great one.

The Thanksgiving Story

This award winning book is classic Thanksgiving. You might feel inspired to make a paper bag vest or a pilgrim hat out of construction paper after ;) .

Thank you, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving

While this is not a traditional Thanksgiving book this quickly became a favorite in our home and I love how it talks about the importance of giving thanks for what we have.

So those are our favorite Thanksgiving that have stood the test of time (meaning that we’ve been reading them for at least the past 5 years). There are so many other books that you could love too….if you have any suggestions, please let us know!

A final tip that I’d like to share is to put these books away or somewhere where they are not being read all year long. I know, I know, how weird that I am suggesting that you don’t read books when we love books but by putting them away and getting them out at Thanksgiving time, these books will be special and new to your kids each year.

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Sweet Gifts for Kids who Like to Bake

I love baking with our kiddos. I always have. Ever since they were little we would bake together and it has always been a very special time that we all enjoy.

Now that we have a tween and a teen I am finding them starting to bake on their own, expressing their creativity (and hello? math skills!) through making sweet treats for the fam, which is totally a-ok with me.

If you are buying for some kiddos (or a family, or just mom) who like to bake, these would make some pretty sweet gifts:

Color Gel

For super vibrant colors in frostings, you are going to want to switch from liquid food coloring to gel. This will really make your cookie decorating fun!

American Girl Baking

This is Emma’s favorite baking cookbook of all time. And I have to admit that we have enjoyed every recipe out of it that she has made us out of it. Great recipes, easy to follow, and overall fun, this is a book that will be perfect for your little girl!

Cake Decorating Set

This set has a lot of equipment in it for an amazing price! This would be an amazing gift for someone who loves cake decorating or for someone who has a 4-h cake project coming up in the next year.

Matching Aprons

Emma and I have fallen in love with matching aprons and these are amazing with their vintage cuteness! If you like baking with your daughter, there is just something about donning matching aprons that takes the fun up a notch!

Kid Chef Book

Our kids have LOVED using the Kid Chef books. There are several of them to choose from. They are fun books and have easy to use instructions for cooking. This baking cookbook would be great!

As we get closer and closer to Christmas (can you even believe it is almost here?) it sometimes gets harder and harder to think straight without the chaos and the pressure of the season taking over your good senses. So if you are in need of a gift one of these items would be great. Or you could group a few of these things together to make a gift basket for someone…even if they don’t like to bake (yet!) you never know but you might be sparking a new love for a hobby they will love for years to come!

White Elephant Gift Ideas Under $10

Our family every year has a white elephant gift exchange. As it goes, the theme every year is to try to outdo one another in the silliness department. So if you are looking for some serious silly or sass, here are some gifts for you to go with. These are all under $10 so you won’t break the bank.

I love this little planter which just happens to be a throne.

And who doesn’t love bacon? These Lady Gaga bandaids will be perfect for any carnivore.

Life feels weird now that I don’t know if mentioning a fanny pack will make you think that is funny or cool. I guess either way this is a pretty sweet deal, as Napoleon Dynamite would say.

Here you go, for the person who has everything.

Can anyone tell me why this highlighter set is so hilarious to me? These are great!

And finally you guys, a literal white elephant!

I hope this helps you guys! Our white elephant event always sneaks up on me so if you are last minute, most of these are prime items which will help a lot. And like I said, when I wrote this all of these items were under $10 so you won’t break the bank celebrating with your family.

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Cheap and Easy White Elephant or Secret Santa Gift Ideas from Super Busy at Home.

Off the Wall Gift Ideas for a New Couple

My sister is newly engaged and is getting married next year! How exciting is that???

So with Christmas coming we are no longer buying for my sister and her boyfriend but something for their new life together. Weddings and showers are the time that people help stock couples with the essentials to starting life together.

For Christmas though, I wanted to get them something that was different and special. Here are some ideas for things you can give to a new couple.

This bottle caddy is adorable. You could fill it with the couple’s favorite drinks for a sweet gift idea. This can be used when they go to an outdoor concert or to a picnic.

Speaking of picnics, a picnic basket is a romantic gift for all of their upcoming picnics. It will also be something they can use for years when they have children. This is something that everyone wishes they have but often do not have.

Matching camping chairs are another nice thing to have and people use them a lot when they have them and realize they wish they had them if they don’t. These are the kind of chairs that we have and we love them (not the Green Bay ones because we have standards around here, lol, but my brother in law to be is a Packers fan). I love the little pouch on the arm because it is a cooler pouch to keep things insulated (nice for getting those m & m’s to not melt!) or you can stick your phone in there and not have to always wonder where you left it.

Nick and I have done one of these journals together and it was a fun way to stay connected, especially when life gets hectic. It is also fun to read the other persons responses and to spark discussion behind their answers.

Y’all know I love to celebrate the every day and make anything I can feel a bit more special. That is why I love this popcorn set. Anyone can make popcorn but it feels so much more special when you put it in a fun container. This set has enough containers for a crowd and would be fun for a movie night. We also have these and our kids love when I put popcorn in them.

A lovely gift to give a new couple would be some very nice Christmas decorations. When a couple starts off, often they have some ornaments but not a lot. It is a lot more special to hang ornaments that were gifted to you by someone you love rather than to hang something you simply purchased from the store in haste to fill your tree. These ornaments are lovely and come in a special box which will make them special for years to come.

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Different and Unique Gift Ideas for a New Couple.

My Completely Honest Review on Hello Fresh

“The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. This post may be a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. “

This summer I had the opportunity to try Hello Fresh for free.

I had our first box delievered to our hotel when we vacationed in North Carolina, this summer. The hotel had a small kitchenette and I thought this would be a good way for us to save money on meals.

The meals were to be delivered on the day we arrived, however the day came and went and they never arrived. The next day the box arrived. I was a little bit worried wondering where on earth this box had been sitting while it was not delievered.

Everything in the box was still cold however, the salmon we had ordered was out of the package, and all of the salmon juices (isn’t that lovely) was all over the bottom of the box. It was gross.

We were able to ascertain what was still usable and threw the rest away. We called Hello Fresh and they were kind enough to credit us for another box.

That night we made their Korean Beef Bibimbap. Even though there were 4 of us and the recipe was for 4, there was a ton left over! So we boxed it up in the fridge for lunch the next day.

The next evening we made their pork carnitas recipe which again was very good.

Cooking in the hotel it was so convenient to have the Hello Fresh meals because when you need something, say, sour cream for instance, I didn’t have to go buy a big thing of sour cream that I would have had to throw out at the end of the trip because I have no where to put it and nothing to do with it. They send you only what you need.

Also, our kids ate everything we put before them. I don’t know why but if I had tried to make korean beef on my own they would have turned their noses up to it but because it had the novelty of being Hello Fresh, it was fun and exciting for them to try.

When we got home we reordered meals, this time choosing meals for 2, thinking, okay, if the portions for 4 were huge then maybe we can get by with the meals for 2.

When the food came it was like angels from heaven had delievered that box because we came home from a weekend at the lake and were talking all the way home how we didn’t have anything out for dinner…and then there was a Hello Fresh box on our porch.

We were so excited, we tore that baby open, chose a bag of fresh ingredients off the top and a recipe card. I got to work cooking and Nick got to work trying to find room in our fridge for all the Hello Freshness. Everything was going great until he got to the bottom where the meat was. Our 3 recipes needed beef and pork and instead there at the bottom was shrimp, salmon, and lobster ravioli. Needless to say, again, the meat had let us down.

So Nick had to run to the store to buy steak so I could finish our recipe. We called and again they very graciously refunded our order so we could order again. I was dissapointed again in our box but happy with the customer service we received.

Our third box came and all of the recipes were good. We did have a few rotten produce items. That was the only thing I could complain about in the box if I was complaining. I figured out of three boxes, we were just going to call this a good box.

So that has been our experience with Hello Fresh. You can see we had a bit of a unique experience in that 1) we had to get three boxes before we got one with meat we could use and 2) we used the boxes not just at home but also in a tiny, hotel room kitchen.

Here’s a Summary of our experience:


  • It is super nice to have the exact ingredients you need and not have anything left over. No measuring!

  • Almost everything you need is included in the box. Some simple things were not included like oil, salt, pepper, and sugar. When we were staying at the hotel I was able to find these things in the breakfast area in the lobby by grabbing some butter pats, salt and pepper packets, and some sugar packets from the coffee station.

  • The recipes are new and exciting to try. If you have picky eaters this might be just the thing to inspire them to try a new recipe.

  • All of the recipes we’ve tried were super yummy.

  • All of the recipes incorporate veggies into them. Like the name “Hello Fresh” suggests, the recipes are all flavorful and fresh with veggies.

  • The meals do not take a long time to make.

  • The recipe cards are easy to follow and written in every day english.

  • The recipes are fun for kids to help with. Older kids could even make almost everything themselves. It would be a good part of a curriculum if you are teaching your kids how to cook.

  • All of the meal ingredients are distributed into bags, one for each meal so you don’t have to try to figure out what is for which meal.

  • When you open the bag you can use the bag for all of the food scraps and empty food packaging which makes cleanup a breeze.


  • As you read above, several of our boxes had something wrong with the meat. Basically you are putting the safety of your food into the hands of the company and the delivery company.

  • I’ve heard this from friends regarding Hello Fresh and I can say it is true…you use a lot of pots and pans to prepare the foods. This is not a one-pan meal kind of thing.

  • You do need some basic items when you are cooking that are not included in the box including things like oil, sugar, salt, and pepper.

  • The ingredients are not organic.


Will I be using Hello Fresh again? Probably. I will definitely be using it when we go on vacations where we have access to a kitchen because it is cheaper than going out to a restaurant.

It is super easy to make and is very convenient for weeks when our family is on the go constantly and doesn’t even have time to go to the grocery store, let alone plan meals.

It is expensive but if you like to cook but never find time to meal prep then it just might be perfect for you.

Want to try Hello Fresh?

I have a code Hello Fresh has given to me to share with you! Use code “THEWITW” and you can save $40 off of your first box!

Click here to check out the Hello Fresh website. Create your account, choose your meals and enter the code “THEWITW” in to save!

Some of their discount codes are split up through the first few orders you get but this is off your very first box you get so this is an amazing deal!

If you decide to try it out I would love to know what you think! If you are going to be super busy this upcoming holiday season, this could be for you. Marching band, soccer, dance classes all in one night? This would be great for you!

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