
As I was putting groceries away last evening I had to stop and marvel at some things: the way an avocado feels so firm in my hand and then eases so gently when its ripe. the shape of a mushroom, the smell of strawberries.
I think sometimes I am moving so quickly that I forget to notice and to thank God for the beauty in even the simple things. I need to focus more on the simplicity of everything rather than wanting more and better things.
Make sure you stop and enjoy the simple things in your life. Here are some of the simple things right now I am thankful for:
Nick's smile when I kiss him goodbye
The soft breath of Calvin and Emma on my cheek when I check on them at night.
The smell of strawberries (again I know, but I can't get over it)
The peacefulnes that a snowfall brings

What are the simple things you are thankful for?

A Week in Pictures

Here's the way this last week looked.

We did a little sledding at our neighborhood hill, which I LOVE:

As you can see they loved to sled. Then we went to Lowes. What do you do when you're bored with Lowes? You're silly of course!

And maybe a little contemplative of if your family MIGHT have gone off the deep end. Especially when you look in the rearview mirror to see....


And then there's our little diva, Miss Kazoo

Also we are not really keeping Gingerbread house kind of people...

We also like to play dress up althought to Aunt Jan's chagrin, this is no dress...

I have no idea what in the world is going on here. Do I even try to ask?

So that's us in a nutshell. Enjoy!


Have you seen this movie? Cute. As much as I would love to cook 584 recipes in one year I know before even starting out that this would never be able to happen. That is unless I completely shirked my responsibilities at home and forgot which kids were mine. But alas I am not up to the challenge. The movie did however inspire me to do something I have been wanting to do for a long, long time.

I am going to read "The joy of cooking" from the front cover to the back. A dear friend of mine gave me this cookbook as a wedding gift and ever since it has enticed me ever time I open it. There is history on food, how to properly set a table, and all kinds of other things. I feel like I will be a better cook and a better person after I have read this book.

I have also been inspired to create a kitchen I love. I am just not feeling my kitchen cabinets lately. So Nick and I talked and we are going to paint them. I lovely creamy ivory which I think will look great with some new hardware. The kitchen is the place I am the most. Why not make everything beautiul?

Someone once told me when we first married to not have anything in your house that doesn't bring you joy. How true is that? So that is what I am striving for. And I think I will start in the kitchen.


The first Monday of the year. These past three days have simply been tied into the holiday season and to me this is it...the first day of the new year. Things have started pretty much as planned. I awoke at 4 am to work out and was extremely proud of myself. I also woke up at approximately 1:58 to pee and then had an Emma talking in her sleep to contend with. But I woke up for sure at 4, worked out and made breakfast for myself. A healthy peek-a-boo egg which would have been healthy had I not burned every nutrient out of it possible. But I ate it anyway despite the health risks involved. I ate it on this lovely plate I have which is a set of 4 and each has a Victorian home on it. Ah, how I love those. And of course my coffee cup which is embarrassing that it is a promotional product for the area airport that Nicholas received at his former job. But I digree and now sit happily here wasting time away in the wee hours of the morning, with a full tummy and ears full of Emma apparently still talking in her sleep.

This past weekend was one of the best ones in my life. You see Nicholas had promised me a vacation when he became reemployed. Super exciting. However going from spending virtually nothing to hundreds of dollars on a vacation for just him and I seemed somewhat of a culture shock to me. So I suggested a staycation. Nick's mom took the kids and had them overnight. This was also the first time they have ever stayed over anywhere without us so we figured it was a good time to do it since we were in town if needed. Anyway, Friday we dropped the children off and then did shopping. We didn't go crazy or anything but my how good it felt to purchase something I liked. Wow. Some good deals I found were that we used a coupon at Old Navy and managed to get Nick two shirts, and for me a sweater and a sleep mask and we paid $3.58. Not bad. I also got a silver serving platter for a steal and a 3-pack of curling irons for $8.00....oh how we scored!

We went to Olive Garden for lunch which was the best meal I've had in a long time. Had a wine there, a Moscato, that I now heart and want to bathe in. But they don't sell it along here so alas, I guess I won't. :( At night we did some more shopping and then went to a cute renovated theater and saw "It's Complicated" in which I threatened Nick with death if he ever cheated on me after 20 years. I think I said something like "I know people throw around I would kill you, but seriously if you did that...I WOULD KILL YOU. I mean you'd better run." heehee. Then we got to do something we have not done since 2005. We slept in our house...alone...and we slept past 7:30. Wow. I had completely forgotten what it feels like to be rested. Geesh how spoiled am I now?

That morning we went back out for breakfast at Panera. Nick tried a souffle and LOVED it so I now have the green light to make those. Score! Super and unabashedly excited about that. Then we did some more shopping and just had a lovely time. Nick took me home and went to get the children. I cleaned to the sound of Pop's greatest hits and let me tell you I has THE best time cleaning. The children came home to a super clean home and a happy and rested Mommy.

That night we dined on Chinese food which the kids love! We rented Julie and Julia for when the children were asleep and we opened our last bottle of wine from our vacation last year. We were saving it for a special occassion. So opening it made it real that we are now employed again and everything seems right in the world. Besides I think being blissfully in love and better than before after this crisis we had been in...I think that is a cause for celebration in its own right, don't you?

Oh and I forgot...Saturday night we took the children to play in the snow. Oh how they loved it and how much fun we had being silly. I am so lucky to have these silly and wonderful children in my life. God has blessed me so far past my expectations.

So here's to a 2010 that is going to be amazing. I know because I serve a God who is, well...AMAZING!

A Gigantic Thank You

I would just like to say a huge, gigantic Thank you to all of our friends and family. Your generosity and kindness has been so overwhelming: through all of this phase of our lives but especially at Christmas.

Our children have so much because of how freely you all give. We were kind of scared that that children wouldn’t have a Christmas. I know that is stupid but I guess that was just one of the thoughts going through this. Not only did they have a Christmas but they had an amazing Christmas. And you all gave us an amazing Christmas as well.

When you exchange gifts you sometimes start to feel like you are just getting a gift because you gave a gift and vice versa. But when you have nothing to give and someone gives you something, your heart is really attuned to how much people love and care for you. Things like a Victoria’s Secret Gift Card, a cookie book teaching me how to decorate a cookie to look like a leisure suit, and a handpainted ornament that is a duplicate of a cherished ornament that was broken. Those are the things that break down your heart and make you realize just how loved you are.

So anyway, thank you so much. It means the world to us that you care for us and our children. We would be nothing without the people that God has chosen to be in our lives.

Sleeping Alone

Nick’s new job is going to be different for a while because he is going to be working 12 hours a day from 5pm to 5am…ouch. He will work some crazy schedule of 2 days on, 2 days off and other patterns that I don’t quite understand yet.

At first I was really quite upset about the prospect of my husband being away from home for that long and at night but now (secretly) I am getting a tiny bit excited. Here are some of the reasons why:

Socks…I love to wear socks to bed but Nick hates it when I do, so I don’t. Guess who will be wearing socks to bed now?

Hitting the Hay…he by no way makes me or anything but a lot of times I stay up later than I should so I can spend time with Nick alone. I am hoping that the nights Nick works I will be able to get myself to bed at about 9 and have a restful night’s sleep.

Scary Face…remember the face you went to bed with before there was someone else in your bed? I am talking the curlers in your hair, noxema all over, that face you sported? Well I will be able to wear the scary face again…provided no little children need me who are going to be scared out of their mind.

Snowman pj’s…when you come to bed wearing purple thermal pajamas with giant snowmen on them, it kind of kills any mood of intimacy there might have been…now I can wear them whenever I want!

As much as these things sound so exciting (not) and luxurious (not) I am going to miss my man so much. There is nothing better than falling asleep in the arms of someone who loves you as much as you love them. I love how he watches television and twirls my hair. I love that we have only ever known one another so intimately and ever will only know one another.

I am going to miss him when he is at work but I am sure it will make falling asleep next to him that much sweeter when he gets to be at home. :)


Sorry I have been so distant lately. In case you haven’t noticed, its Christmas time. I have been busy having tons of fun with my loved ones. I am refusing to let Christmas die already. Its still the Christmas season, by golly.

Anyway I have some HUGE news…Nick got a job! And he is actually really excited about it. Plus we don’t have to move and he should be making as much as he was before which is fantastic!

But I have noticed that I do this every time. When I have no control over anything I lean solely on God. I think “God will bring us out of this.” And of course he does because He is God and is amazing. But I give God the glory and praise Him for about 5 minutes and then I am off to go and worry. Yes God gave us a job but I am here worrying about “will we have enough money?” and “do you think we will be able to get that new thing I really want?” and yet here I am worrying…again. Its then I feel a little tap on my shoulder from God saying “um, excuse me? Remember me? Guy who’s brought you out of this crap? Yeah, I can take care of money stuff too. Its no big thing. Just trust” And there it is again, that word. Trust. I need to trust. Please God help me to trust. Please forgive me for not trusting you. Help me. Because even if I feel like we now are back in control the truth of the matter is that we never have any control. God...He has the control.

So those are the changes in our lives. God has protected us and brought us through the storm. That is something that will always be unchanging. I am hoping that this year though I can be changing and learn to trust that God will provide for us and keep us safe.

Random Thoughts While Sitting At Work

How much time is it going to take for me to wrap all of the presents tonight?

How much wrapping paper is it going to take for me to wrap a guitar?

What is going to quiet the rumbling in my tummy?

Do you ever have those times when you realize you've had to pee for a really long time and nothing was keeping you from going to the bathroom you just kind of got used to the feeling of having to go? I do that ALL the time!

My children are the greatest kids ever!

I have the best husband ever! He is sweet, sensitive, patient, hilarious, sexy, and so freaking awesome. Did I mention he's a former tux model?

Do short people have reason to live?

How cute are my boots?

Super excited for my Aunt to get here! Get here lady, get here!

I think my Dog's on Crack

Okay, that's all for now. Thanks!

Gingerbread House!

This past weekend we made our gingerbread house. I think it turned out really cute, don't you? Emma had a side and I had a side to decorate and we had soooo much fun! We spent next to nothing extra on supplies as we already had everything so it was a great event to do. I think this will be going into our family's lineup of things to do every Christmas. And hopefully next year Calvin will be able to participate and won't try to karate chop our house like he wanted to this year! Emma is so cute, has such good ideas, and is so fun to work with! I am so blessed to have such a great little girl!

Stick A Fork In Us...

I am done Christmas Shopping, and, yes, you did read that right! Nick and I have been searching for the children's gifts for the past month. With all of that planning and budgeting we were able to be done before the crowds and we got some amazing deals. Are you itching to know what they were? Well! I have to say as I skipped out of Toys R Us last night (thankful that was my 19th and last time in there this season) I was very proud of Nick and I that we were able to get our shopping done and spend only $100.00 on each child. When one toy is on SALE for $24.99, $100.00 sure doesn't seem to go very far, does it?

So we had to get creative. VERY creative. Here was my plan of action: shop sales every week, look at clearance items, shop with coupons, and shop around. Also I shop through the year for my gift closet and at the end of the year if there's anything left that the children would like I use those for presents too. This turned into an amazing blessing this year as I already had some gifts for the kids. We were able to get 10 items for each child and 3 presents that are for both of them. Twenty-three items under our tree for $200.00 isn't bad. Here's what I got for each Child, what I paid, where I got it:
Sit n Spin for $10.00 at Target
My Pal Scout for $10.00 at Target
Fur Real Puppy for $12.00 at Toys R Us
Chuck My Talking Truck for $22.00 at Toys R Us
Batman Costume for $4.00 at Toys R Us
Little Einstein Toy for $0.00, I had this in my gift closet from years ago so I’m counting it as free!
Christmas Baby Book for $0.00, again shopped the gift closet
Charlie Brown Hat for $5.00 at Gap
Helmet Heroes for $20.00 at Toys R Us
Imaginext figure for $6.00 at Toys R Us
Hungry Hippo Travel Game for $1.00 at Target
Disney’s Belle Crown for $4.00 at the Disney Store
Disney’s Belle Gown for $21.00 at The Disney Store
Kitty purse for $0.00 from the Gift Closet
Pink Guitar for $26.00 from Toys R Us
Mary Engelbreit paper dolls for $0.00 from gift closet
Book for $0.00 from gift closet
Webkinz pair for $10.00 from Target
Candy Land for $4.00 from Toys R Us
Book for $5.00 from Ebay
Robe for $10.00 from Target
Lava Lamp for $6.00 from Menards
For Both:
DVD for $6.00 at Family Christian Bookstore
Aquadoodle for $8.00 at Toys R Us
Go Fish Game for $4.00 at Target
If anything pops out at you and you just have to know how I got it that cheap leave a comment and I’ll respond. I was very impressed with what we got and I know the kids will love everything! Shhh…don’t tell them what they are getting!

So Silly

These are my little cuties. Aren't they just goofy? I am so excited for the weekend! As we speak Nick and the kids are his Aunts house waiting on the Piano movers to arrive. And by tonight we will have a Baby Grand Piano for our little blessings to learn on. I am so excited for them and for our family. I am sure a lifetime of memories will be created around our new instrument.

In other news the interview yesterday went well and he should have a second interview next week, so keep those prayers coming! I will let you know more as I know it. I am praying for a job offer by Thanksgiving...that would truly be something to be thankful for.

Monday Nick is studying for some AICP exam. Before he was laid off his former employer had paid for him to take the test so he is still going ahead with it. This would give him a lot of accredation and help out job wise. He has been studying every spare second he has for this so I am anxious for him to take the test.

Nothing planned for the weekend. The children and I will be preparing for Christmas with cleaning and decorating while Nicholas is studying away.

Hope you have a great weekend!

As M.C. Hammer Would Say...

You've Got to Pray, pray, pray, pray!

Nick got a call last night from a friend and he has an interview at the place he works tomorrow! Did you hear that? TOMORROW! Praise Jesus! I am begging you to pray for this. Please coat this sucker in prayer. I want him to have this job so much. And he wants it too. It would be a great opportunity for him. Not to mention the fact that we wouldn't have the leave the area which would be AMAZING and such an answer to prayer. Okay...get praying!


Please bear with me as I am having a pity party kind of day. The ladies at work have been talking about trips they are going to take and things they are going to do. I guess it is hard to hear that others are doing well and able to do such luxurious things. We've kind of just had a hard week I guess you could say. We have kind of just accepted the fact that this is our life and it sucks. I know I am usually positive and upbeat but some days that is just too hard. Some times I am just tired of being strong. Tired of being upset about all of this, you know?

Then there is the life stuff that takes a toll too. Like our truck now needing a new Alternator...yikes! Unexpected things just tend to put me over the edge and that I guess has done it this week. I know God is going to provide and I have Faith that Nick will get a job. But sometimes I am just tired of WAITING.

Anyway that is the reality of today. I am holding strong to the fact that there is a lot of love and I have a lot of God's Grace to cover me today...because I surely do not have the right attitude today. Prayers would be wonderful! :)

Typical Day

Calvin feet while reading stories...soooo cute!
Emma washing her hands after craft time

Story time!

This week we enjoyed having just normal boring days. Here are some of the pictures. I love that we have the children on a schedule so most of the time they know what to expect. I think that is especially comforting to children. The children love story time...both in the afternoon and before bed in the evening hours. I also love that I have a craft time with Emma for a little while after Calvin goes to sleep. I think it helps her to feel that she is getting enough attention. Anywho enjoy the pictures and have a great weekend!