Why I Love Gymboree

One of the questions I get asked most often is how my kids are dressed so stinking cute.  And while often times this question has me scratching my head as to what they mean (after all I am home with them the majority of the time wearing grimy mismatched play clothes) the truth is that I do dress them pretty well when we are out in public and NOT running through sprinklers, jumping in mud puddles or bringing slimy things we've name "Frank" home.

And the selfish side of me wants to not tell you how I dress them so cutely.  I mean, you can just imagine that we pay full retail, right?  But that is not truthful and to keep all of my tricks up my sleeve just isn't nice so I thought I should share them with you.

Would you like to know?

Well I have scads of secrets but the one I am sharing with you is one of my favorites...


I love Gymboree.  And I have to tell you the thing they have me addicted with is all of the cute girl clothes that they offer.  The boy clothes throughout the year I could basically take them or leave them (except for Christmas and Easter!!!) but the Girls clothes are what make me drool when I think of our Angel in matching dress, tights, shoes, and hair accessories!

Now, Gymboree if you have ever heard of it then you know it is expensive.  And can get expensive really really quickly if you don't watch yourself.  My trick is to have a plan, Stan.  This has taken me years to perfect so it would be hard for me to tell you what to buy and when to buy them and how to do it in just one blog post.

Most importantly: Watch for sales.  Saturday I went during the sale of everything being $12.99 or under.  I went in also with a 20% coupon I scored from a Parents Magazine.  Which by the way the magazine, I didn't pay for.  I watch websites like Money Saving Mom and Baby Savers  for links and info about when you can snag free magazine subscriptions.

At Gymboree you can use a coupon with a sale so that makes for even more amazing deals!  The last trick I have up my sleeve is my trusty Gymboree Credit Card which saves me an additional 5% off purchases.  Paying it off every month I know what I spend and it's a free savings.  Woohoo!

I'd like to show you how this works.
 Check out all of this stuff I bought!!!  I only spent $50.57 plus tax!
 Tighty whiteys for our little prince!
 Preemie winter outfit which will be  a Christmas gift for Emma for her American Girl Bitty Baby (they fit perfectly!!!)
 Accessories are a girls best friend!!!
I scored 3 Birthday shirts!!!  

So here's how I do it...
Owl Curly Clips, Full price... $6.00
Marked down to .99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $.75
Striped Tights, Full price...$14.95
Marked down to $1.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $1.51
St. Pats Underwear, Full price...$5.95
Marked down to $1.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $1.51
St. Pats Underwear, Full price...$5.95
Marked down to $1.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $1.51
Camo Underwear, Full price...$5.95
Marked down to $1.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $1.51
Flower Headband, Full price $8.00
Marked down to $1.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $1.52
Blue Satin Headband, Full price $8.00
Marked down to $1.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $1.51
Owl Hair Clip, Full price $6.00
Marked down to $.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $.75
Cuffed Boys Jean, Full price $32.95
Marked down to $7.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $6.07
Birthday Boy Long Sleeved Shirt, Full price $18.95
Marked down to $3.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $2.43
Ombre boys tee, Full price $16.95
Marked down to $6.49 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $4.93
Dotted Infant Onepiece, Full price $34.95
Marked down to $6.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $5.31
Rhinestone Flare Jeans, Full price $32.95
Marked down to $6.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $5.32
Zebra Dress, Full price $34.95
Marked down to $12.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $9.87
2 Birthday Girl Shirts, Full price each $24.95
Each Marked down to $3.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them each for $3.03
Yellow Flower Pony Tail Holder, Full price $6.00
Marked down to $.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $.75
Pink Socks, Full price $4.25
Marked down to $.99 and with Coupon and Discount I got them for $.77

If I had paid full retail my total would  have been $286.70! That's a savings of over 82% y'all!

Unbelievable, right???  

And You'll notice I spent JUST over $50.00, by 57 cents to be exact (before tax).  Which is on purpose.  I get as close to $50.00 as I can.  For every $50 you spend, you earn Gymbucks.  What are Gymbucks you ask?  They are certificates you earn that you come back later to use.  It's $25.00 off of a $50.00 purchase.  Gymboree almost always has either earning time or redeeming time going on throughout the year.  I spent $50 and earned a $25.00 gymbucks to use starting the 18th.  If you spend as close to $50 as you can that makes your gymbuck basically a 50% off coupon friends!  So I am super excited that I'll get to go back in two weeks for more shopping!  


If you're really paying attention to this post and not just skimming you'll probably be wondering by now why I bought all of this...does she really need 2 birthday girl shirts???  

And the answer is absolutely not.  I don't even need one because I already have one for Em.  But here's the answer...come close.  



I'll whisper it...

I sell the stuff on Ebay. 

Amazing, right?  I've actually been doing it for years!  When I stayed home I had to figure out a way to still dress our kids in super duper cute clothes without stretching our budget past the brink of no return.  Selling items on ebay has been our solution.  The secret is I will buy maybe one thing for each  child (in this trip I got Emma the dress, Cal a tee and the jeans, and I got the infant outfit as a Christmas gift) and I will sell the rest on ebay.  By doing this I usually make enough to pay for everything I've bought.  And if it's a little under it's okay because when the kids are done with the clothes I can turn around and sell their USED Gymboree clothes for often more than I paid for them new.  Weird, wild stuff going on, right?  

A tip if you go into Gymboree and really can't spend the money is to look at the accessories.  A lot of times I can pair an accessory of theirs with a non-Gymboree outfit or just a solid shirt and make a super cute outfit...it is all about accessorizing after all, right???  And there are always adorable hair bows or headbands on super clearance!!!  

I am definitely not about to write a tutorial for you on how to sell on ebay or anything because it would stink and would fall and crash and die a horrible death but if you do have  any specific questions feel free to ask away...I'll try my best to sound like i know what I am talking about :)

So there  you have it...my secret's out on why I love Gymboree so much (because you can save a ton and sell it too!!! ) and how I get my kids to look so adorable on the cheap.  Hope this inspires you to save money on your little one's duds :)  

Happy Shopping!!!

Happy 4th of July and Weekend!

Yesterday was the fourth of July and sadly we had no friends having cook outs or anything going on.  Poor Nick has been painting the house every day he's had off of work, the children have been slaving away around the house with school, and quite frankly we all just needed a break! 

So we headed out to Chicago which is only about an hour and a half from our house for the day.  We were very thrilled to just get out of the area for a little while.  Emma had a gift card to American Girl to spend which is conveniently located right next to the Lego store.  Our two favorite stores were checked off the list and then Mommy's fave store, H&M was visited as it is right across the street.  

After the shopping we went up to Lincoln Park to visit the zoo.  We had a picnic and then headed in.  

 Mr. Laid Back and Miss Sassy Pants.  Yep, those are our two kids.
 The children rode the Endangered Animals Carousel which they seemed thrilled with.  Emma had a big, glamorous bow that matched her dress but she didn't want to wear it.  I'm trying really hard to not let OCD get to me and just to let her be.   What a sweet girl she is!  She kept telling Nick thank you over and over for the day.  
 Here was Cal going around and then...
 Before long this whirled around.  Apparently as Cal reported to us, his name is Frank and he REALLY, REALLY wanted something on his head.  What a silly boy!
  I think our family favorite part of the day was seeing the Polar Bear.  Emma and I studied them last year and she remembered so much about them!  I was pretty impressed, actually!

 After grabbing some Garrett's popcorn we headed down to Chinatown for some shopping and strolling.  Cal found some ninja swords he just had to have and Emma got a stuffed animal.  What is up with girls and stuffed animals?  Anyone else's daughter just seem to not be able to get enough of them?
Calvin was very over sensitized by this point so as much as I wanted to stay and eat we headed home. Which was fine because he got progressively worse the closer we got to home.  So glad I didn't have to wrangle that in a sit down restaurant!

When we got home we let the dog out, had dinner, and then headed out for local fireworks.  It was a fast paced day and it was choked full of so much fun!  Hope your's was too, sweet friend!  And hopefully you're just having a super duper long weekend of celebrating!

DIY Sidewalk Paint

Last week we took the kiddos to see Monsters University.  It was so cute!  And because I am such a dork we went all out...including the fact that I bought them matching shirts to wear to the movie :)  How cute, right?
But as we are doing year round homeschooling, which should have been going on, we got a little off schedule with all of the noshing on popcorn, guzzling down sodas, and laughing at monsters.  

We tried to do school later on but it was pretty disasterous.  A monsterous disaster :)

So I sent the kids to their rooms to do their reading.  And while they were reading I went ahead and made a little thing called Sidewalk Paint.  

Here's what I did:  
1 cup water 
1 cup cornstarch
Various food colorings

I then divided the liquid into 6 styrofoam cups and added the coloring.  We used thicker paintbrushes but you could always use sponges or Popsicle sticks or lots of things I guess!
 The kids seemed to really like this idea.  As you can see they spent a lot of time using it as "fence paint" too!  Whatever works for these sweeties is fine by me :)

I read a lot of posts about not using food coloring because it stains but I can attest by my daughter coming in to tell me that Cal was mixing the colors and dumping  it on himself that it really didn't stain.

Hope you have fun with your paints too :)  It was a quick fun project to break up the boring day of when we should have been doing school :)

By the way this is our son trying to foot print paint on the fence...what ideas he comes up with :)

Pardon Our Mess...

Monday night is when we take the kids to my mom and dad's and then we go out for grocery shopping/date time.  Monday night we went to a little local burger joint on the river.  We sat outside, had our meal and a beer, then went on our way.  It seemed so peaceful.  We then went to Target.  We had heard during the drive there about some rain coming.  No biggie it seemed.  When we were in Target we could hear the thunder and the rain and it did seem to be raining pretty hard but by the time we got out (I got some killer clearance curtains by the way!) it was barely drizzling.  We went to get the kiddos at my parents house.  As it turned out my parents had had a power surge and the fire department was checking it out as a precaution.  

If only that had been the only excitement that night...

A couple blocks from our house I noticed it seemed awfully dark.  Then we came to an intersection where the light wasn't working so we knew there was no power.  When we came to turn on our street police tape stopped us.  


It was terrifying knowing something had gone on but it was so dark we couldn't see what it was.  All we could really do was pray.   In the morning this is what we saw.  You'll forgive me if some of these pictures are hard to make out...

Here's a tree lying over our street.  Squashed two cars.  Our neighbors house is on the right hand side of the picture.  The tree was 4 feet from his windows.  
 There's a squashed Mercedes in there somewhere...
 Here's my 6 foot 4 inch husband next to the root system of the upheaved tree.  He's not yelling by the way :)
 This branch is lying on our roof which you can partially see in the right corner.  The power lines look all helter skelter because the branch basically scooped them up in two different places and twisted them all around.
Here's our tree in the back of the house snapped in half.  Yikes.  
 We don't know the progression but we think our tree snapped this electric pole in half.  When our tree came down it grabbed up everyone's wires and then ripped everyone's meter boxes off of their houses.  Just lovely.

We live in a Nationally Registered Historic district which means everything is really old and really close together.  Our block is a triangle block where all of our backyards touch.  To have these huge trees come down and have no one hurt is just amazing to me.  God's hand was definitely on our house.  Nick was just shaking his head saying the tree behind our house defied gravity and defied physics by not falling into our house.  But that's how God rolls.

All of this happened Monday and it is now Sunday.  We were without power until Thursday when it came back on (thank the Lord!).  We still have some huge chunks of wood to get rid of but other than that we are business as usual here.

Now I just have piles of laundry to catch up on.  I'll take that any day though :)

Hope you all survived the storms safely!  God is good, all of the time!

This past week...

This past week we didn't have anything really planned but somehow all of our days were suddenly taken up with being busy.  Busy, busy, busy to be exact!  

We are in the thick of things with T-ball and I will not be shy telling you that I CANNOT wait until it is over.  Thankfully we have one more week and then we are done!  Praise the Lord we have made it! Both of the children are on the same team with my hottie of a husband as their coach.  So when I say we are doing t-ball, we are DOING t-ball.  Something fierce :) 
 Here's Emma in her infamous dress jersey!  I promise the girlie is wearing shorts :)
  I don't know what it is and it's fine if  you think I'm nuts, but there is something really sexy about watching your husband as a coach.  It's that fathering thing but with other people's kids.  Very handsome :)
 Poor Nick.  One of the only kids he has trouble with is his own.  It's hard for him I know but I'm also glad he's there to give him direction.  This is how the two of them look most of the time on the field...
 Emma is really starting to enjoy the game and has been busy practicing her skills.

And in other news we started painting the house.  By we I mean Nick.  Do you think he planned to wear underpants that match the new paint?  Ooh,lalala!

I love the paint color and we've had neighbors tell us they like it too, which we are so glad about!  Last year the neighbors behind us painted their house a color that can only be compared to the color of dried vomit.  And while I've somewhat gotten used to it, still It's just gross.  We didn't want our color to be to the likeness of that for people :)

You'll have to forgive me for not writing often.  It's summer and a lot of time we are away from the computer trying to get ourselves into trouble!  We are still doing school (supposedly) which is really hard when all you want to do is be on summer break.  Still, we are persevering and trying to finish up.

Hope you all had a great week this past week!  Can't wait to see what fun things this week has in store for us!

Part 8: Disney World! : Putting the Night to Sleep at Epcot

Welcome back to my Disney Series!  In this series I recount our vacation days and everything we did.  It's part scrapbooky so I'll remember the details and part helpful hints for my friends who have asked me things about my planning.  We're on Part 8 of the series and I'm still only talking about Day 2 at Disney, ha!  I'm having a blast though remembering and recounting everything that happened.  Come on, read on... :)

I've gotten into somewhat of a pattern with our posts where one post covers the first half of the day and the next post covers the afternoon and on.  I'm doing that simply because we did so much each day that it would be hard to cover everything in one post!

And to us the day did seem like two parts.  We would go to the park in the morning, leave in the afternoon and return later on in the evening.

 When we left Epcot in the morning we were getting this from Cal...basically done with Epcot and I would have to agree.  A lot of Epcot in the front of it at least seemed to me like those exhibit buildings at  a county fair.  You know the ones, where companies set up a booth and try to give you free pencils and caps?

So after our lunch at the Coral Reef (fantastic atmosphere, pretty good food!) we left to check out Downtown Disney.
 Truth be told we hadn't really wanted to go to Downtown Disney until our reservations but we had told Cal there was a lego store and since we had left our house two days before he had been asking for the Lego store.  So we went.
 A thumbs up at the infamous Buzz statue (seriously I think everyone gets their picture taken at this thing!)
 And building Mr. Potato Heads.  **Which heads up we did not get but I've read that this is a good deal for your kiddos.  You can get a Mr. Potato head box which you fill with whatever you want.  I'm pretty sure it was $19.99.  The idea is that you get your Mr. Potato Head and some accessories but I've heard if you already have a Mr. Potato Head and don't get one you can get one of every accessory into the box.  You'll have to shove and finagle but I've heard it can be done.  If your planning a trip to Disney a toy idea for you might be to pack your Mr. Potato Head, buy the accessories and then have hours of playtime in your hotel with all of the pieces.

I've gotta tell ya.  We drove to Downtown Disney twice and took the shuttle once.  Nick called DD the place where time goes to die because it seriously sucked the life our every day we went.  It is free and there are lots of shops but it seemed like such a hassle for us in terms of what was there compared to how much time it took us to get in and out of the area.  If you visit Downtown Disney make sure you plan ahead and give yourself a lot of time.  Then add an hour onto that.  Just a word to the smart Mama's out there :)
We had reservations back in Epcot for dinner at this place, Tutto Italia.  We were so behind in trying to get out of Downtown Disney that we almost skipped our reservations.  But I had really, really wanted to try this place so Nick in all of his awesomeness insisted that we made our reservation.  That included him parking the car and then sprinting all of the way to the restaurant so we could make our reservation.  He is such a rock star amazing husband.  
I am so, so glad we made it for dinner because it was hands down the best meal we'd ever had.  EVER!!!  The restaurant was gorgeous, the food was to die for, and our waiter was amazing.

Emma and Daddy being silly while waiting for our food :)
Our Antipasto platter which was so, so good!  Emma was even eating it and saying things like "mmmm, this is amazing!"
We missed our normal quiet time in the hotel that afternoon so until spaghetti arrived this boy had been passed out on the booth.  Sprawled out, snoring  But as you can see, spaghetti was worth waking up for.  I think this was the only meal he actually ate the entire time we were at Disney.
Another fan :)

I had planned the reservation so that we would be getting done about the time that the fireworks started and it worked out perfectly!  All we had to do was walk out of our restaurant and this is what we could see.  The kids seemed to like it. Well Emma did, Cal was a little freaked out.  There was a lot of fire!
After the fireworks we walked around the world part.  We didn't have much time...the kids were fading fast.  Here's France...
This is totally our daughter...in the middle of Epcot reading :)  No sights for me, thanks.  Just finishing up this Magic Tree House :)

We also visited England and then headed back to the resort with two very tired kiddos.  My biggest regret during our vacation was spending half of the day at the front of Epcot and then running out of time at the back in the countries.  When we go back we will be spending more time exploring all of the lands.  I really wanted to purchase the passports for our kiddos and have them visit everywhere.   next time...

I guess that's not too bad for only having one regret, right?  Besides that I think we saw every dern thing we had wanted to.  And I'll take that :) So that concludes our day at Epcot.  As always if you have  any questions please feel free to let me know :)  Not that I'm an expert but I'll be happy to help!

Starting off the Right Way

I never intentionally mean to get off track.  And don't get me wrong, every day I have something to do with God.  I don't think I ever go a day without talking to him, singing his praises.

But some days I get too rushed to sit down and have a proper quiet time with Him.  And before I know it way too many days have gone by between my alone times with Him.
This morning my poor husband had the job of dragging my body out of bed before he left for work.  I groggily sat on the couch at 3:45 a.m...I think trying to figure out where I was :P  . 

But once I figured it out I was able to start my morning off with the word of God and some iced coffee.  I mean, is there anything better than that?  I've been working through the book above, Seasons of a Mother's Heart by Sally Clarkson.  It's dubbed as "Heart to Heart Encouragement for Homeschool Moms"  but I think any Mama could benefit from the suggested scripture reading and encouragement.  

Last night I found myself emailing a dear, dear friend who lives in Florida. She is one of those rare souls (Kindred Spirit as Anne Shirley would say) who I found myself asking...is it just me or do you often feel suffocated by being a mom and at home?  Ugh.  Sometimes it just seems like it's all too much to take.  

So today I'm starting my day off on the right foot.  I know that that will make a difference in my attitude and will hopefully go a long way in getting me back into the habit of daily devotions and quiet time with God.  

Hope you are starting your week off right :) 

My love to you all! 

Perfect Picnic Time :)

Today started chaoticly.  Is that even a word?

Anyway, Emma had book club and I kind of forgot, diregarded, forgot to care that I had to chop veggies and cheese for her to take with her.

So that put me way behind when I apparently decided to sleep in.  Way in!

So it was a made dash to the finish line as soon as my feet hit the floor this morning.

After we got her where we needed to go Cal and I did some running around and then back home for reading  and school time.

After we picked Emma up from book club it was off to a picnic with my Grandma, my cousin, and my Great Aunt from North Carolina.  Which was exactly what I needed.  A good old fashioned picnic (with Arby's!)  with multi generations of ladys from the family...what could be better than that?

What killed me about it was our Aunt Irene telling us about fried pies, explaining how to make them, and sharing that "the men folk seem to really like them".  Oh dear she kills me :)

And as a side note I have to say that I think Emma's book club is just about the cutest thing ever.  She goes to it with friends from Girl Scouts and it's at my friend Kristina's house who has amazingly put all of this together.  If I was speaking Anne Shirley language from Anne of Green Gables I would tell you that I think I've found a kindred spirit in her :)

Vacation Planning

Here are the kiddos this past week spending their Toys R  Us Gift cards from Christmas!  

Yesterday we were driving, just the kids and me, when they started the incessant begging that seems to have become a normal occurrence.  

Don't get me wrong...I like to eat out too.  And I like to buy new things too.  Just not all of the time! This past week we had taken them to go shopping and it seemed right after they wanted more. And the kiddos seem to want something all of the time.  Their consumerism has gotten out of hand.  

So I turned off the Fresh Beat Band we were jamming to and had a serious heart to heart.  

We talked about having a goal for trying to save money.  We decided to make our September vacation our long-term goal.  

I explained to the kids that our vacation this year will consist of going to Michigan...way out in the wilderness Michigan.  When Emma asked how much we are going to need I explained that there are different amounts  depending on what we want to do.  If we just want to go camping and explore, maybe buy a souvenir then it will cost one amount of money.  Another step up we could get ice cream and do fun things like putt-putt and get more souvenirs.  And the top price point would mean we could stay at a hotel, have lots of fun and explore lots of things.  Emma chose the last one.  

Nick and I are still putting together the numbers for each "price point" if you will and the kiddos seem pretty amped up.  They suggested a jar to keep our vacation money in as a visual reminder of what we are working towards. 

 Nick and I have some of our own hints for saving money.  At Nick's work they give out gift cards to gas stations throughout the year which we save for vacations.  We then have those we can deduct off our gas budget for the trip.  We also have a rebate program from our bank where we earn money on debit card purchases.  If we book our hotel through their travel agent they double this money towards our hotel.  So far we have about $140 to spend towards a hotel so that can be deducted from our amount  needed.  We are always looking to use things up and utilize little pockets of resources we have available.  

Anywho, I am so excited that they got into the action of saving and working towards something!  I told them whenever they want something they should  think of our goal and what we are working towards saving towards.  

I was thankful too that they were listening long enough too to talk about how God wants up to be a good steward of our money.  

Matthew 5:20-21 "  And he who had received five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying 'Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.' His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful with a little; I will set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your master.''

We need to take care of what God has provided us with and trust that  He will provide.  We need to be content with what we have rather than always expecting more.  

Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your life free from money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." "

I'd love to know how you all are teaching your kiddos to live frugally and to be content with what they have. Ideas please! :)  

Our First Sewing Project

This past week Emma and I made our first project ever on our sewing machine!!!  Excuse all of the exclamation points but I am excited!!!

I followed the tutorial here  on this sweet lady's blog.  So thankful people take the time to explain things in real people terms to those of us who don't sew well...yet.

Poor Emma had to watch most of the time as I figured out what in the world I was doing.  Shamefully TWO years ago I was given a sewing machine from Nick's amazing Aunt.  In those two years we had to research what it was missing, special order those parts, wait for those parts, figure out how to install those parts, figure out it still wasn't working, ask a bajillion people what was wrong with it (I assumed in all actuality that there was nothing wrong with it but rather I just didn't know what I was doing), figure out it really did have something wrong with it, take it in, have it repaired, pick it up, figure out again there was something wrong with it, reask the same bajillion people what was wrong with it, take it in again to be looked at, and have it repaired by some specialist.  Whew!

But alas we have it back and it works...praise be to God!

So we made this dress which I love. I have quite a bit of the fabric left so the next step is to try to make Emma a dress out of the same fabric.

Wish me luck!!!

Museum Time

As we speak (type, well me, not you, lol) Nick is making dinner and the children are upstairs playing quietly.

Something is going on around here.  Weird, wild stuff I tell ya!

So I thought I would take the time to write in the quiet moments about the craziness in our lives.  Which in and of itself is just called, the everyday.

 This week was our first week back into school after a week break.  I think we did pretty good.  Two weeks ago we snagged a two-kid sized tent at a garage sale for $5.  This thing has been in the blue room for play, outside for dreaming, and in Cal's room for a reading den.  Emma read to Calvin Monday afternoon after school..
 The kids playing outside on Monday consisted of them finding their lawn chairs and pretend fishing with sticks.  So cute!
 Tuesday we went with Emma's Girl Scout troop to the Indianapolis Children's museum.  It was so much fun.  All of the girls in the troop are homeschooled so we all are around during the year.  So families were invited to tag along.
 It was also a really nice fieldtrip for school as there were lots of exhibits about school topics.  Here's Cal putting together an ancient statue.
 Here are Girl Scouts digging for artifacts.
 Scuba Steve with his dive pack on.  We were learning about shipwrecks :)
 This time at the museum the children weren't scared of the dino exhibit, thank goodness!
 I love their different expressions with the t-rex.  Cal growling, Emma smiling sweetly.  Totally their personalities.
 Our little dino moving Eggs out of his nest
 And out little artist sketching a  fossil
 Cal loved this!!!  He would have spent all day with this thing if he could have!
Cal and his girl scout friend Kat and Nick using the pulleys for moving water.

At the very end of our day we all went into the Planetarium for a star show which is exactly what we are studying in Science right now. So happy with that as it got the kids really excited about space and star gazing!

After the museum we went to Trader Joe's and then went to two educational stores, Lakeshore Learning and United Art and Education. I got a lot of the supplies I need for next year so that helped me feel prepared for getting underway in September.  It's going to be here before we know it!

Back to School After Graduation

Cal graduated last week.  I know, I know I am late in getting the pictures on here.

Check out Mr. Graduation...

Isn't he adorable?  This little man has grown so much in the past two years.  I mean he had JUST started talking when he started preschool.  He's come so far in such a little amount of time!!!  

And I gotta be honest, it was really hard to watch him graduate.  I literally had a really hard time leaving the church he went to preschool at because I kept thinking, I leave here and I no longer am a mom of a preschooler.  All of my kids will be in grade school.  Sad, sad stuff for a Mom.  Baby steps out the door :(  
During the graduation our leading lady was busy taking care of Baby Grace.  Emma is so beautiful.  Love this girl so much!!! 

 Here I am with my little babies.  Who had to be tickled because we couldn't get smiles out of them!
And then I get these faces.

I think in this picture he's saying "what do you mean I have to start Kindergarten next week?"

That's right folks, this kid started homeschool Kindergarten on Monday.  He did great.  We are basically just working on writing and getting improving his reading skills.  Not too hard.  He did pretty great.  I'm hopeful at this point for the rest of the schoolyear.

So that's how we are doing this week back to school.  I am really pushing Emma in 2nd grade.  I want to get done and go to the beach, yo!