How I Teach Spelling...for FREE!

Last year when we began homeschooling, I approached the entire process with an air of caution.

After all, it was our first year and we had no guarantees that this was going to work with Emma.  And quite frankly I didn't really want to sink a ton of money into a bunch of stuff that, if homeschooling didn't work, would inevitably sit in a corner somewhere collecting dust.

Anywho, in my quest to be a big cheap-o, I decided that I would get everything for free or as cheaply as possible.  After all, we are teaching a Classical Education here.  And if Laura Ingalls didn't need an entire curriculum set mailed to her every year, then neither did we. 

So to the old internet I turned (because of course Laura Ingalls had that, right?).  Let me tell you there is a ton of curriculum available for spelling.  There are also tons of free programs for spelling.   I stumbled upon a really neat website called Super Teacher Worksheets.  They offer 3 types of worksheets which are, word copying, an alphabetical order activity, and a word scramble.  I used these for about half the year last year and then they up and started charging membership rates.  While the membership is only $20.00 a year, I am still too cheap to pay it.  And while I no longer have access to printing their worksheets, I can still see the spelling lists and access a few of the other worksheets for other subjects (it will be indicated with either "free" or "member"). 

I really took to the Super Teacher word lists because the words are words that kids will actually use.  After looking at several curriculums for spelling and talking to other moms, I was very aware that there are a lot of spelling programs with some really stupid word lists.  I care more about if Emma can write "Dear Grandma" than I do about her being able to spell the word "anemic".  Because seriously, how often do you use the word anemic, and other stupid words like that? (Sorry if you're anemic, it's not stupid...leave a comment.  I'll pray for you)....

Anywho, last year when Super Teacher pulled the rug out from underneath us, I had to scramble to find what to do for spelling activities.  Here's what I've come up with. We have a spelling schedule:

Monday-I make flashcards for Emma to study with while she copies each word two times.  After she's written them all out, she reads them to me so I can make sure she knows the correct pronunciation.  Emma copies her words out on a sheet I make on the Handwriting Without Tears website.  It allows me to type in the words on the correct sized lines depending on her grade, and then leaves lines for copying.  I print off 4 of these, as she does this copywork throughout the week. 

Tuesday- Emma copies her words and then she does a word search.  She LOVES word searches so that is what spurred me to find a template.  Honestly if you search out what kids are drawn to, do you find that things are just so much easier?  Or is it just me?  Anyway, I make our word searcher guys at Discovery Education's site .  I haven't explored all of them but it appears there is a whole slew of free resources under "classroom resources". 

Wednesday- we are usually in a rush on Wednesday's to get Emma to her art class, so we just copy words on this day.  If we have time I try to think of fun ways for her to spell them out.  We've used letter flashcards, magnets, writing in shaving cream.  Yesterday I dug out the old Aquadoodle mat and had her write the words with the water pen. 
She seemed to really enjoy that.  Honestly I figure any way they can get more face time with the words and the letters and figuring out how they all come together to make words, that's what it's all about here. 
*On a side note, I know Aquadoodle's have kind of fallen off the radar in terms of advertising "I can doodle, you can doodle, everyone, Aquadoodle!"  but if you are looking for a Christmas gift, I highly recommend them.  You just use water, it drys, you go again.  It's great, they make different ones, and my kids love them!
 Thursday- By today she's getting pretty close to mastering the words, or is just getting bored with the whole writing two times bit, so I often will let her just write them once.  Or we may have a practice test to see which words I can encourage her to study a bit more with the flashcards.  She then unscrambles the words with a worksheet I make at The Teachers Corner. 
So there you have it.  That's a general guideline of what I do for my spelling curriculum.  It really seems to be working for us.  Emma loves spelling, I'm not getting huffiness when we do it (you know what I mean!) and she knows how to spell stuff! 
A lot of times I switch the days we do stuff so it doesn't get boring or let her choose which worksheet to do.  I should also tell you, just so you know the method I use...I go through the spelling word list, site, Super Teacher Worksheet, and make giant lettered word lists for each week.   I then have these lists printed off and I have them on the desk in front of me while I make the copywork sheets, the word scrambles, and the word searches.  SOOOO much easier.  
I then paperclip all of the papers from each week together and have them all in a "spelling" folder so I can just pull out a week and go.  I refer to the giant lettered word list come spelling test time or, if she is really super bored, I can just hand it to Emma and let her cut out the words and glue them on construction paper in alphabetical order.  Then we're all big Weeners. :) 
Sorry this is so blah, blah, talking head. Hopefully it's helped you out.  Not just made you want to pound your head into something concrete.   
Speaking of concrete pounding, I'd better run.  We've got  Speech Therapy this morning for Cal.  I am SOOOO sick of therapy for him, I could pound concrete on head.  Grrr.  Oh well, thankful I guess that it's available and we can provide him with the best care. 
Happy Thursdaying to you :)  And spelling as I am sure that is just totally wrong, tee hee!

Kitchen Sink Eye Candy

As a mother and wife, I don't think there's any place in the home that we look at more than what's at the Kitchen sink.  We are constantly beguiled by dishes, filling cups, rinsing crap out of things (well, hopefully not literally!).  Then there is always the deboning something, the chopping, scrubbing, disinfecting, thawing, draining, and soaking things.   And as much as I just love gazing at the neighbors house through the window above my sink, I decided to go ahead and jazz up the wall next to the sink a bit.  

 I love this poem.  Mom's often need a little reminder while in the trenches...this is but a fleeting moment in time and soon our babies will be grown.

How do we get this to stop???  Anyone?

While I could not for the life of me find where I got this printable online (sorry!), I did find a similar free printable here at The DIY Mommy.    You should totally check out her blog as it is just up my alley and awesome.
 Here's a view of what's there now.  By the way, I can see that a couple of the frames are crooked...thank you Captain Obvious.  :)   Just wanted to show you how we do real-life around here.

This area is a work in progress.  Each time I find something I love or a picture which brings me such joy I spray paint a frame and find a little spot for it.
 I have to say that my hot husband kissing his little lady is one of my fave sites of all times.  My family just melts my heart.
 This is a watercolor of one of my favorite places on Earth, the Muddy Boots Cafe located in Nashville, Indiana.  If you are anywhere near the Midwest you need to go visit.  Visit now.  Visit often.  Just visit.  Sit and watch the way the sunlight flits through their wavy glass windows.  Just do it.  Go now.  I'll wait here...
 I had to hack away at a wedding photo to make this print but I just love it.  Another random thing I saw online somewhere.  So lucky this man is mine.

On a side note, my husband of nearly ten years opened up to me for the first time the other night and told me about when he decided he was going to propose to me.  It was so incredibly sweet.
Below all of my frames is my Scentsy, one of the favorite gifts I've ever received.  I use it all of the time.  I love how it so quickly transforms the tone of the house and it is so easy to change scents.  When I was using candles solely I always felt compelled to burn the whole stinkin' thing before changing candles.  But not anymore!  Love it!

So that was a view of what I look at every day by the kitchen sink...what do you have to enjoy as sink eye candy?

Homeschooling: Fine Motor Skills

Poor Emma.  

She is such a great student and I could give her any boring activity and she would do it.  And do it really well.  

And then there's Calvin.  

 I have to constantly change things up in order to keep him interested in school.  While it is hard it is also very fulfilling to see him thrive when it works.  

Some of the things we are really working on is fine motor skills.  

Holey-Moley, this kid is so shaky when he writes!  So I've been trying to strengthen those old hand muscles; hopefully that will make it easier for him to write and understand where the pencil needs to be in relation to the paper.  

Here is one of the things we've done.  Putting pipe cleaners (or Chenille stems as my grandma called them) into our strainer (or sieve as my grandma calls it).  One of the things that the photos don't show is the fact that he had these pipe cleaners so jumbled up that he had to practice fine motor just to get them in a state that they could be fed through the little holes.  

 Here's one happy boy with his project.  We did this project in Mid September and he made me keep this upstairs in the homeschool room for weeks!  He wanted to keep it as a hat :)  The keeping of the strainer hat made for some interesting noodle-draining.
 Here is one of my favorite things for Cal...strip puzzles.  Not like strip poker, perv-o!  Just kidding.  These puzzles are you can see are a picture cut into strips with numbers on the bottom.
Kiddos can put them together by arranging the numbers numerically or by putting the picture together like a normal puzzle.  Either way they seem to like it a lot.  I get things like this at this wonderful website called, Homeschool Creations.   Be sure to check out her website even if you are not homeschooling.  These activities are wonderful and we take them everywhere...restaurants, ballet while waiting on Emma, and other places.  They help Cal to learn while not really "learning" if you know what I mean.

So those are a couple of things that we've been doing for fine motor.  We do other things too.  What do you do for fine motor practice?  I'd love to hear your recommendations!

Cutting Myself Some Slack

I've gotta tell ya, if you haven't figured it out yet...

being a mom is some stinking hard work. 

This weekend Nick worked and Cal was sick with a tummy bug.  Also some genius was burning leaves in our city ,you know,the one that forbids leaf-burning. Which let me tell you that sends Cal into the worst asthma attacks and sends me into one of those Mama wolf attack modes where I want to claw someone's eyes out or punch someone in the face.  Anywho...

Yeah-rah.  Cleaning up puke, trying to keep the kids awy from each other so they don't make each other sick.  All the while feeling sick yourself and just yearning to do something fun like, go to a farmer's market.  Or the mall.  Something outside of the house.

A lot of people could have lost it, but due to my recent change of perspective, I was able to take it all in stride. 

All mom's have hard days.  Some days there is too much going on to do anything you really want to do.  Some days it's too hard to do things you maybe don't even want to workout or vacuum or workout while vacuuming.

I thought this the other day when I was trying to figure out how in the world I would ever be able to work out on our schedule and the sun going down so early.  Last week I went running and was all gung-ho.  Truth be told I had a great run.  But I ran too far from home and by the time I realized I was too far away from home, it was too dark.  I was so scared I called Nick and made him pick me up...yes I am a loser, I know.  I should also note that we live downtown and there are some pretty sketchy neighborhoods.  I am not a total wuss but having to deal with gangs or something in an area I am unfamiliar with isn't my idea of a good time. I like to run, not run for my life :)

Anyway, while pondering when on earth I was going to every be able to work out, I jokingly thought if these kids were in school, I'd be able to work out whenever I wanted.  I could work out all day if my little heart felt like it.   Which it wouldn't, but it would be a possibility you know :) 

And I have no idea why I've never thought of it before, but suddenly I was realizing all of the cool stuff I would be able to do if the kiddos were away during the day. The short list is...

I could make some wicked cool crafts
drink wine at lunch (just kidding.  kind of )
Workout (as previously stated, duh!)
I could clean house
This blog wouldn't go weeks on end without me touching it
I would be so much prettier...I don't have specifics, I just know :)
The entire house would be organized. And not just tidy organized.  I'm talking Container Store organized. 
I would  have time to not just clean house, but have a really, really clean house.  Those things are two entirely different things, you know? 
I would be on a first name basis with my hair know, the one I haven't seen in almost a year! 
I would have time for more self awareness, devotions, yoga, and stress relief. 

I don't know what kind of ninja-dummy I am, but none of this has ever dawned on me.  And I guess the truth is that Mommy's never have enough time to get stuff done.  Even with kids at day care or in school or something that gives them more time.  We just never seem to have enough time to get things done.

And we really need to cut ourselves some slack about it.  Maybe you don't.  Maybe you're all free and easy with the slack cutting, but I am pretty hard core on myself and have realized lately that I need to cool it with the always being on my back about things. 

Life if short and we need to enjoy it as mother's.  Not constantly beguiling ourselves with guilt and pity, but with grace and forgiveness. Because in the end how we treat ourselves is how our children will learn to treat themselves. I know I want Emma and Calvin to grow up learning to forgive themselves for their shortcomings rather than beat themselves up constantly like their ol' mom did. 

And in the end I think it will be best for everyone if w are all happier and calmer. 

Happy Birthday/ Election Day

I hate when my Birthday falls on Election Day!  Grrr.  "Happy Birthday now back to the polls..."

But that's just my luck this year.  Today I turn 31 if you are just dying to know.  I don't feel bad about it at all.  God has given me so much and I feel so blessed to be a wife, mother, and homemaker.

I can't wait to live the rest of the life the Lord blesses me with.  God is so good.

I am one blessed lady.

This weekend we celebrates in Door County at the Cottage.  More on that some other time, I'm sure...

Sorry for the short post.  I'm off celebrating my Birthday... :)

Oh yes, and Election Day!

Breaking Free of the School Blahs

Okay, so lately school's been kind of, well, just blah. 

Nothing bad, but we've been in kind of a rut lately. 

For some that may be called a schedule or in the groove, but I like to keep things fresh and interesting so Emma wants to do school just to see what is going to happen next.  I have found that with Emma, while she enjoys the predictability of her schedule, she also likes to have fun little surprises that  she can look forward they little holiday worksheets, or what not. 

This week we've had a particularly weird week.  Emma has been in some sort of funk, little thing. She seems to be a little distracted and I've had a hard time getting her to give me 100%.  After ascertaining that there was nothing seriously wrong, we've decided we need to pull back.  None of her classes seem too hard but sometimes this happens if too much information is thrown at her regarding too many things. 

This is one of the things I love and hate most about homeschooling...having to read your kid.  I can read Emma about if she is hungry or getting sick, or peeved at her brother.  But school is an entirely different matter.  It is a point where I have to look at her from an education angle (with a little dash of mommy-ing thrown in, of course!) to try to figure out her learning styles and what angles to go with her when we start having school trouble.  So frustrating, yes, but so rewarding when it pays off. I can't imagine doing this with 27 teachers are amazing is all I can say!

Anyway, so today I got a unit-study from this amazing website I've found called Living Life Intentionally.  You really need to check it out!  She has such amazing things to do!  I think the material was geared more for Cal's age, but there were lots of things for Emma to do too! 

First we read this classic book, Make Way for the Ducklings. written by Robert McCloskey in 1941.  Such a cute, cute book!

    After that we did oodles of the worksheets.  Emma mapped out the routes of the cute little ducks, and we played a math game, and Cal did lots of tracing and finding the letter of the day "D".  All of these items were provided from Living Life Intentionally.  LOVED all of it!  Not loving that I completely spaced taking pictures of the fun for you all...sorry! 

This afternoon I set aside some time to read blogs and I opened up this blog from Confessions of a Homeschooler.   She discusses moving your homeschool "classroom" to a different location to shake things up a bit and to help with the blahs.

While we have gone to the library during homeschool to look things up, I've never packed up and just gone to the I am looking forward to doing that this week :)  Hopefully it will help keep things interesting for Emma.

Just a tip for you homeschool newbies, Confessions of a Homeschooler is a GREAT place to start in terms of looking for materials and curriculums.  She has tons of FREE downloads and printables...things to make your life easier as a homeschooling mama :) 

Well I hope I have given you a couple of ideas to mix things up and go crazy if the mid-year blahs are setting in for you.  I'd love to hear other suggestions you all have as well. 

Have a great day :)

A Perfect Autumn Afternoon

Isn't it nice on those rare days when the stars align and you somehow find yourself in the ideal situation: a house full of new books to explore, a quiet afternoon to relax, and a fresh pot of coffee all to yourself.  

I think that is just about the closest thing to heaven.  

 Fresh from the library, I managed to coerce the children to read quietly while I flew through the adult section, frantically throwing books into my library bags...these are what I managed to come away with.  I threw my coffee in there for want to be here with me, don't you?  Snuggling under down comforters on either end of the couch and showing each other neat-o ideas we find in the books.  So fun!  Come on over...
 I've gotta tell 'ya, I am not much of a fiction reader.  I absolutely adore The Mitford Series and read those repeatedly.  Other than that I am not too much into the stories.  I seem to find myself gravitating to books on organizing, cleaning, cooking, and all things Christmas.
 This is one of the books that I absolutely adore.  It's "The Farm Chick's Christmas".  You can check it out here.    The book has so many ideas for decorating and cooking and gift giving.  And the pictures are gorgeous.  It's just fun, ya know?
 Here are some of the pictures...
 And this one...this looks like the easiest thing in the world but so stinkin' cute.
 And an old typewriter with a festive Christmas message.  See?  It's so fun!  Go out and buy this book!  Borrow it from your local something to get this book!!!!

Can't wait to crack this book open.  Those are cake pops on the adorable do those look?

So that's how I'll be spending the afternoon.  I hope you can find some time to sneak away and enjoy a yummy cup of coffee and a stack of good books.

Tifton, Georgia

On our way to Floriday to visit Mickey Mouse, we made a stop in Tifton, Georgia.  Disney World is approximately 19 hours away from our house.  We definitely could have done the drive in one day.  But we knew if we went that route that, upon arrival, we would be completely exhausted from the driving and the kids would be all psyched up, ready to go! 

So we decided to break the drive up.  We left on a Sunday night at about midnight.  Nick had been able to sleep from about 6:00 p.m. until Midnight, so he was rested and ready to go upon departure.  While he was sleeping I packed the car, got some last minute cleaning done, and just plain old relaxed for a while, knowing in a few short hours I would be smooshed in the car with no personal space. 

We drove from midnight until about 5:00 p.m., making some shopping stops along the way, eating at every Cracker Barrel we could find (just kidding...kind of), and just plain old enjoying the drive. 

We stopped at a place called Lane Orchards.  They had pecans and peaches.  Oh my word, they also had homemade fresh peach ice cream which was to DIE for!  It really was homemade, not we bought this fake peach mix but mixed it ourselves...nope this was not too sweet and had this amazing fresh peach taste.  MMMM....I want some RIGHT NOW!!!

Eating the peach...goobers!
Life is so hard for these two :)

We chose to stay in Tifton with our travel agent.  It was about 4 hours away from Disney.  A good place to stop for the night and not have too much driving in front of of us the next day.  When we got there we discovered that it was a typical city that was getting built up around the edged.  But town's website called it the Friendly Place or something like there had to be a downtown, right? 

The cutest lady at the front desk of our hotel told us in her southern drawl "oh, ya'll don't want to see the downtown.  There's nothin' there."  But I did want to see it.  I love old buildings, and Nick having City planning in his blood, made us an ideal couple to explore the downtown. 
Neatest old theatre was still there..loved it!
A bed and breakfast :)
Love Farmer's Markets...they keep neighborhoods alive and help towns to thrive!

We drove by this old Grocery Store...loved it and the media on the sides of the store :)
 For dinner we went to a place for dinner called "Charles Seafood".  When we are travelling we always try to find locally owned places that have been open for a long time..  You know, taste what the locals eat :)  This place has been opened since the '70's.  And don't you just love the decor?  Huh?  Yeah, you want some of that wallpaper for your guest bathroom, don't you??
 We sat across from these was cute!
And here was the dinner food you got.  Everything was served on paper/plastic plates.  If we wanted another plate for the kids to have  some of our food there was a 30 cent surcharge which kind of made me laugh.  Seriously?  And how many people ask for extra plates?  Tons?  So much so that you found the extra plates going out were making you go broke?  This is a hard economy, dude.  Anyway, the fried oysters were Amazing!  Like, Uh-maze-ing!  I am not a big fried seafood fan, but these were good!  Highly recommend this place if you ever find yourself in the bottom of Georgia and stumble into Tifton!

So that's our little tour of Tifton!  We enjoyed our night there.  We were gone by 5 am the next day and then we were headed for Disney!!!!  

I promise, someday I will share those pics too :)

DIY: Shoe Painting

11/08/2015 Update: I just wore these shoes to church this morning and they are still in great been-painted on condition!  No cracks, bleeding, running, or anything!  

Earlier this month I painted my shoes.  Weird, I know.  Nick was way skeptical of me painting shoes.  And I was too.  He called them "hobo shoes" :)  

I like to think they look better than hobo shoes.  


 So I bought these shoes last year from land's end.  They were pretty expensive.  I bought them as silver, sparkly shoes.

 But as you can see them, they are no longer silver.  Or sparkly.  Everything has rubbed off of these shoes and they were just "ek". Yeah, okay, maybe hobo shoes. 

 I also have needed black flat or shoes I could wear with blackish outfits.  I had been loosely looking for new shoes and just hadn't found anything I liked.

Bottom line was that I had these shoes and was going to have to pitch them because they didn't look good enough to wear out.  So I figured I might as well try to paint them.  If they turned out horrible I could still just throw them away and not be out anything.

 First thing, I scrubbed them down with cleaning wipes.  These were the wipes I had on hand.  I hate them, do not buy them.  They smell like funky, monkey butt.  Ugh, at least I used a few of them up on this project :)

 I then used masking tape to tape off the section I was wanting to paint.  I just eyed my tape lines and then pushed down really, really hard.

 These were the paints I used.  The blank paint was less than a dollar and the glitter paint was about $1.50. You can buy some paint for yourself here if you don't have any at home, you poor paintless little thing.

 I used one of the kids Paint Palletes to paint seemed to work really well.  I used a foam brush rather than a regular paintbrush.  It seemed to work pretty well as far as not leaning lines.

 I painted it this way towards the toe, then I would paint from side to side.  I used 4 coats of paint to make sure they had a nice layer of paint on them.  I did this over the course of a morning and afternoon.  I'd just come back to them every now and then and add a coat of paint.

In my last coat of paint I added the glittler black paint into the regular black paint.  I did this so it would give it a little bit of sheen and so the paint would coordinate with any remaining shimmer left on the shoes.

And ta-da!  Here is the end result of my work.  I think they look pretty good.  They have kind of a mod look  to them and paired with jeans the black and silver just peak out from the front of my pants.  I should add that     before I removed the paint I mod-podged the shoes, over the paint to seal them.

I've worn them about 5 times since I've worn them and have had absolutely no problems with them.  Last week we went to a murder mystery at a local mansion/museum and I wore them to that.  It was absolutely pouring and to tell the truth I was kind of worried. I was scared my shoes would start to run and then there would be huge black streaks behind us on these gorgeous, expensive rugs.  But they were fine, everything looked great, and I still haven't had any trouble.

These by far are not shoes I wear every day, so I have no idea of the wear they would take on a day to day basis.  But they have been great for a sometime shoe.

If you decide to paint your shoes, I'd love to see pictures of them!  It's so fun and the possibilities are endless!

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here

A New Week is Here!

Good Morning Blog friends! 

The dopey blogger userface is apparently doown and I can't post piictures.  So you just get me writing away here. 

Hope you all had a great weekend. 

We certainly did. 

Friday night Nick's parent's had the kids over for a sleepover. 

Nick and I went out to dinner and then went to a local museum for a murder mystery.  We had so much fun. 

The best part though was next morning:  sleeping in.  All the way until 8:30.  It was glorious.  Then we sat around in sweats watching the Food Network and eating was so nice. 

Saturday evening we went to some dear friends' house for dinner.  Hi Jess!  Hi Andrew!!    We had such a good time and our kiddos LOVED playing with their girls.  We went to a Harvest party together at a local church and just had an amazing time. 

Yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather.  Nick was such a trooper and took the kiddos to church on his own so I could get some rest.  He is the best man in the world!  By the time they got home I was feeling a little better and was able to get moving around again by mid afternoon.  

All in all it was a wonderfully relaxing weekend, and while we didn't get everything done that we had wanted, we had a great time.  I feel rejuvenated and ready for this week, rather than dreading it already.  As I mentioned in this post last week we have a very busy Monday.  But I feel ready for it and we are charged up to go! 

One of the things I am going to do today to make life a touch easier is make Ham n' beans in the slowcooker. 

Are you allowed to call it a Crock Pot if it isn't a Crock Pot brand?  Just wondering....

Also, you can't be all correct and call it Ham and Beans...'ya gotta call it Ham 'n' beans.  With the 'n'.  :)   

You don't really need a recipe for's more a cooking method and you can add whatever the heck you want.  But I learned to make beans by following this recipe from Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman.  I figure if anyone can make beans, it's gotta be someone be a Pioneer Woman, right?  I mean, I read the Little House books, those people had to eat beans :)   

Anywho, throwing beans and a hamhock into the Crock Pot (excuse me...slow cooker) is super easy and then I don't have to worry about dinner after a super busy day when things are horrid.  There's no telling how today will go, but there is a pretty good chance that by dinner time I'll be rocking in a corner, pulling my hair out and crying.  And it's hard to chop things when you're sitting in a corner rocking...not easy at all. 

So that's all I've got for ya today.  Hopefully the DUMB BLOG people can get the photos working...I'm shaking my little fists at you, people inside the computer. 

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Happy Pretend Columbus Day!

Last Monday was Columbus Day. 

I totally missed the boat. 

Get it?  Boat? 

Oh geesh. 

Anyway, I completely spaced that it was Columbus Day.  Everyone's super cute homeschool posts around the blog-o-sphere gently reminded me of what I didn't do. 

And then I discovered the entire folder full of Columbus Day activities I had...all ready to go. 


I am not one for celebrating every little holiday or anything.  But this year we are studying Christopher Columbus in history, so I thought maybe we should celebrate the day.  Just a little. 

Yeah, Chris Columbus.  He's kind of a big deal.  They even have a day for him.  I forgot it, but it's in October.  No mom awards are being thrown at my feet. 

So today, I pretended it was Columbus Day this Monday.

Please no one take the girl to the bank. 

Or the Post. 

You'll foil my plan surely. 

Anywho, here's what we've done so far...
 For lunch Emma had a garlic bread ship afloat spaghetti.  She keeps telling me that garlic bread is much yummier when it is made to look like a ship :)
 My wonderful blogging friend (I only know her on the computer)  a video on her blog.  You can read about her Columbus Day activities and the link to the video here.
Poor Emma had to watch the movie while eating her garlic bread ship lunch because I had to whisk her away to homeschool gym.  LOVE that she's in that!

There's a fun coloring printable from Veritas Press that can be found here.

Emma also made a fun Christopher Columbus cut out craft.  It can be found on the Super Teacher Worksheet's page.

So that's how we celebrated Christopher Columbus.  I think she learned a lot and had a good time too!

Couponing Online

So my middle sister this week texted me with a question of "do you get coupons online?  If so where?" 

Boy did she open up a can of worms :) 

I could talk about couponing until I turn blue. 

But I won't. 

Not this time. 

It did occur to me however that not everyone is like me and has been doing this for years.  Many people are just now starting out on their couponing my sister!  Hi Lacey!!! 

The way that I coupon has to do with two puzzle pieces and then putting them together.  Here we go:

*Piece #1

The first puzzle piece is Manufacturing Coupons. 

Smart Source This is a coupon distributor.  If you get coupons in your newspaper, a good chance is they are from Smart Source. 

Red Plum This is another coupon distributor.  They have coupons in the newspaper.  This is one of the biggest couponing sites and is a great place to start out. 


Most couponing websites will ask for your zipcode.  A tip for you is to change up the zipcode.  Usually California residents are offered more coupons than other areas in the country.  One of the zipcodes I use is "90210".  :)  Now go and watch reruns of the show and feel like your in high school.


Other good places to get coupons are directly from Manufacturer's websites.  Think of the brands you like and who makes them.  Land-o-lakes, Proctor and Gamble, Kraft, Nestle, etc, etc.  And whatever you like google search for it with the words "printable coupon"  This is a great way to expand your horizons regarding helpful sites. 


The second puzzle piece is Store Coupons. 

The second place to look for coupons is at the websites of the stores you shop.  Where do you plan to spend money and to look for bargains?  One of my favorites is Target.  Others include Meijer, Kroger (Jewel), and other grocers across the nation including Publix, IGA, etc.  Wherever you shop, make sure you get on their websites and check out what type of coupons they offer.  Not all coupons are store coupons, many are manufacturer's but regardless, there are coupons!


While at the store's website, be sure to look at their coupon policy.  Some stores have a very specific policy and others are more lenient.  I know a lot of couponers go so far as to print off the stores coupon policy in case there is a discrepency in using their coupons.  While I think this is a good idea, I personally have never printed any off and I've never had a need to. 


Now the next step is to put the puzzle pieces together.  Most stores that offer store coupons will allow you to use both a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon together, making for a lot of money to be saved on your end! For maximum savings, pairing the coupons with sale events, makes for some pretty cheap items.  Sometimes even free people! 

 For example:

You love the Pantene. 

Sunday in your slippies you get the ad and notice that the 'ol Pantene is on sale for $4.00, down from $6.99! 
You go to Proctor and Gamble's website and find $1.00 manufacturer coupon. 
You then go to and find $1.00 store coupon. 

You can use them both for a total of $2.00 off of the $4.00 sale price making the price $2.00 for a total savings of $4.99!  You can use that nice 5 bucks in your pocket for a Starbucks latte or something :) 

Anyway, piecing store and manufacturer coupons together is a lot of work! 

And there are some amazing ladies with some pretty, darn amazing websites that match coupons and let you know the's amazing! 

Here are some of my absolute fave's:


Money Saving Mom

Krazy Coupon Lady

Totally Target

There are thousands and thousands of these websites.  This isn't a comprehensive list by any means, these are just a few of my absolutel favorites.  And if you have any more questions, most of these websites has a beginner's handbook of sorts, which explains couponing for beginners. 

So there ya go.  A few pointers on how to get started with couponing.  Just a warning can become highly addictive!  No matter how much money you have, it's nice to keep that money in your pocket.  And to me, that's what couponing does.  A $1.00 coupon means I get to keep a $1.00 of mine and not give it to the store. 


Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help at all!  And if you are a couponer already feel free to leave comments regarding where you like to get your online coupons!!!  :)  So newbies make sure you read the comments too to see where else to look! 

Good luck and happy couponing!  :)