Ah, Bake Sale Drama

This weekend I have a bakesale to attend. And not just attend but coordinate, bake for, and run. Sounds fun, huh? Well its me and another mother that have to do everything and I am having the world's hardest time getting along with this woman...does anyone else feel my pain in these things?

I wish I had the ability to just keep quiet and not let things bother me, but oh, oh how they bother me. This mother is one of those one's that doesn't want to make a decision but the first thing she does when I make a decision is to change it.

Today we priced the baked goods and at one point she was going behind me as I worked and changing the prices I had written. Seriously? Who does that? This is a cotton pickin' bake sale for a preschool. Who cares if we only make $25.00?

In these situations I try to come up with the reasoning behind the crazies in my world...here are my two reasons. 1) everyone has these people and they somehow, miraculously, ignore them or see past their weirdo-ness or 2) I somehow have some type of magnetic force field for attracting the weirdest people.

I know it doesn't sound like much on here, but its just mind numbing the way this woman was turning things around on me and the loops and dips she was taking me on in conversations. Again...bake sale! I don't need to spend 15 minutes deliberating with you on how much a dozen cookies should cost. And please don't get me wrong, I wasn't doing anything without her consent. but here's how it went:

Mom: hey how much should these cookies be?
Me: I don't know, what do you think?
Mom: I don't know what do you think?
Me: I really don't know, they're just cookies. What do you think?
Mom: I don't know, maybe 75 cents or a dollar?
Me: Let's do a dollar...less change to deal with
Mom: okay.

fastforward to 10 minutes later where she's changing all of the prices because $1.00 is too low and now she's going behind me to change them to $3.00. That's wonky in my book :/.

And this doesn't really matter except I realized as I'm delving into all of this on the phone with Nick, how silly this is. I thanked him for listening to my preschool room parent drama. He somehow always manages to seem interested which is mind boggling to me...I think I'd be playing solitaire on the computer if you started talking all this stuff with me...your doing it now, aren't you? I see you there, playing solitaire!

Nick's solutions are always funny to me. They always seem like something out of a wrestling ring. He always says something like "if that mom shows up again you should flip the table over, grab some cookies, and leave, but make sure you get your tablecloth back". Nice. He always SOUNDS serious, but then I always wonder if he actually expects me to do that? At least he's sensible and reminds me to get my tablecloth back from under the table I've flipped over in the middle of the church craft bazaar....always prudent that boy.

Thanks for listening...feel free to post any comments :)

Shaky the Moyle

Shaky the Moyle for those of you climbing out from under a sizeable rock was a character on Seinfeld. During vacation I was on a busy street corner trying to take a picture of someone across the street (Nick's picture is above) and kept missing, completely. Nick came to my rescue laughing and said "give me that camera, Shaky the Moyle". Could.Not.Stop.Laughing.

And that is what I love about my husband. We've been married over 7 years...I've known him for 10 and he still makes me laugh so hard I can't breathe. He never ceases to amaze me or to come up with new material. :)

In my defense I was standing kind of crooked on a ramp thingy and someone had bought me some wine for my birthday, and I was trying to dodge people as they walked by but, yes you can now call me Shaky. Well not really but I'll let the hubs :)

The Creative Bug

Ihave been dying to get creative...does this every happen to anyone else or is it just me? Creativitiy seems to hit me in waves where one minute I'll be hanging out fine with everything in our home and the next minute I want to be able to use words like "pizazz" and "bedazzle" to describe things around here.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. See, I read this blog called Under the Sycamore and she makes me feel inspired every day. Hmmm....except our house looks wildly uncreative...so.not.cool.house.

Then there's this lady named Auntie Bev. She keeps giving me stuff. Seriously. She's just too much. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but she makes my heart smile. First she gave us a piano. Did you hear that one guys? A piano...yep, that's the lady. She's pretty awesome. Then she gave us a beautiful antique mirror. Well last month she gave me a sewing machine as I was a loser and didn't have one. Know how to use it I do not but this past weekend she gave us an entire box of vintage fabric and the bug to sew SOMETHING is eating away at me. And we ate at a little cafe last week where they had the cutest stinkin' curtains in the world. Nothing wrong with any of my curtains (except my dressing room...those are janked up, but that's a whole other issue...) but now I want new kitchen curtains. Like yesterday. On top of the fabric box of creativity, she gave me this adorable mirror which also has feet on the bottom and I know that sounds weird but you can't judge me that I can't describe things. Nope ya can't because God says not to. Anywho...now I want to lay it somewhere and put wildly cute things on it as a tray, but again, can't think of what to do, where to do it. Grrrr.

So if you have any suggestions for me or maybe know the lingo to teach someone of about 7 how to use a sewing machine, I'm all ears. Seriously with the sewing machine, you could tell me it was a giant toaster and I would ask you where to put the bread...that's how sewing machine-irific I am. Yep.

For now my creativity will be used towards making gobs, and gobs, and gobs, and gobs of things for Emma's bake sale this weekend which I am also coordinating, and manning the booth...doesn't this all sound wildly exciting to you? I know you are using this blog to live vicariously through me because it's all so exciting you can just hardly stand it. But anyway, LAST year I made sugar cookies, and boy howdy I made sugar cookies. This year not so much. Shaky the moyle's not doing that this year.

I'll have to explain the Shaky the Moyle thing another time.... :)


This past weekend I celebrated my 29th birthday (my first 29th birthday, haha). I usually have a hard time with birthdays. I have this very real fear of death and birthdays always seem like a silent reminder that I'm just getting closer to death.

But this year those feelings aren't here. They've left this place, hopefully for good. I am just happy to be 29 and be where I am: I am married to the man that God made perfectly for me. We have created two fantastic, precious children who we give back to God every day. We have a beautiful home that I get to stay at with our children. I am a Christian, a blessed then could ever deserve Christian, and when I do die, I will go to the Promised Land and one day get to be with my family forever, how amazing!

For my birthday this year we were on vacation and it was the best time. The best time, the best Jerry. I experienced every facet of perfectness I could ever hope for: the silent walks through the woods, feeling God's love, looking at the majesty of an open nights sky filled with stars, I bit into the best dessert I've ever tasted, I laughed until I cried, and lastly, I looked over the table at everyone around and my eyes brimmed with tears as I realized how truly blessed and loved I am.

I come home with a rested body, a content heart, and an inspired soul: all things that combine to make the best Birthday gift of all...peace.

Happy Saint's Day!

Here we are before hitting the town last night for some Trick or Treating. This is going to sound ridiculous but last night was the first night the kids have gone trick or treating! Honest to goodness going to someone's door and begging for candy. Usually we just visit Grandparents and I think maybe twice we went to the mall to get Candy.

Even as a kid I didn't go trick or treating right. We lived on a very busy street and so my dad would shuttle us in as kids to someone else's neighborhood.

But last night was amazing. We stopped at the mayor's house (who by the way gave out peanuts) and talked to them as the first lady loves our children and they adore her. Then to Miss Kathy's house who has the infamous black cat, who let the adults share in some of her Almond Joy love :). Then on and on we went to people who we knew. Everyone loved the children's costumes. I loved the neighborly feel and the classical-ness of it all. We live in a historic district and walking through the streets in the haze of nightfall with the streetlights ticking on, it was very romantic. It might have been 50 years ago and you wouldn't have known it, save from my digital camera!

We decided as a family when we were done that it was the most fun and we would definitely be trick or treating next year :)

Happy Eve of Saint's Day!

Hope you all are having a fantastic Halloween! We are having a splendid time with our little Woody and Buzz. How cute are these two? Because I am super cheap we try to find costumes that can be used for more than just halloween. Their outfits are actually pajamas and they are super excited that they get to wear them to bed! Emma's boots are from Gymboree and look adorable with skirts :) and her handkerchief we already had...her hat's from the Dollar Store. I made Cal's wings and he loves them which makes me so happy to have kids who are happy with simple things. I know they will probably say "I wanted ones from the store!" when they are older but for now they are happy with the simple things.

Anyway tonight we are going to go trick or treating on one street in our neighborhood and then we are going to my Grandma's...hope you all have a wonderful night! BOO!

on and on and on

So sorry I haven't been on here recently. I'll try to write soon, I promise. Things here have been a little nutty around here. Em wrapped up hockey, we had a field trip this last week, before that the two kids have been sick. We are looking at getting Cal tested for PDD-NOS which is on the Autism Spectrum (which even typing just makes me refuse to think about...lalalala), I've recently spoken out about Cal's problems with my work blog and it is kind of overwhelming with being so out there and open and also the response. We also have been remodeling in our living room, we are leaving for vacation in 10 days, I had to donate silent auction items, plan a fall party, and make the kids halloween costumes. To say we've been busy feels a bit like an understatement. Also Emma had her tongue clipped which seems like no big deal but it's gotten incredibly infected to the point she couldn't eat or drink. So we're now on round 2 of antibiotics and she says her tongue still hurts. On top of all of that, after a 4 hour appointment with an allergist we found out that Cal is allergic to so many things, it kind of baffled the doctor. So far he's allergic to grass, ragweed, two types of mold, peanuts, soy, and eggs. The tests were so long that he didn't want to test him for more but he said since he's allergic to ragweed he'll need to be tested with other things they only test adults for. Weird fact I learned was that most little kids don't even have the capacity to be allergic to ragweed. Yep, that's my kid! And did you know that soy is in practically everything. So making homemade bread, crackers, anything basically has been added to my list of things to do. We're hoping once all of these things which are toxic to his little body are out that he'll be sweet and kind and won't have raging eczema and he won't make his momma's heart stop when we have an asthma attack.

So that's what's been going on with us. There are some days I just feel consumed by all of this. It feels like we can never catch a break. Even when I do get a break I am so stressed and worried. But I know God is with me because when I look in the rearview mirror and see two little kids...that's what makes me smile. How blessed am I that I get to be their mommy? I love it. I love our life. This weekend Cal kept asking me "make Mommy happy?" and my eyes just fill with tears as I answer him over and over and over and over "yes bud you make Mommy very, very happy." All of this...I love and it makes me very happy. :)

Fall Loveliness

I thought I would share with your some of my favorite Fall decorations...you know, since we don't have people over much. Here we go...
Love the silliness of this...gotta have sideway candy corn with googly eyes, right?
Everyone's favorite mums!!! They are my Birthday flower so of course I have 5 pots of them right now :)

Let your freak flag fly...

This wreath was a gift to me by my Grandma...love.her. For those of you who don't know the woman makes a wreath for everyone for every door, for every occasion. Ha, and you think I am exagerating! When we moved back home she wanted to make me a wreath and I suggested something a little more, um, not purple rose-ish. So I showed her what I wanted and this is what she made me....love.it :)

Apothecary jars are my game :)

For some stupid reason I forget about this plaque until I pull it out of storage and every year I am so happy about it...I think I got it from Hallmark one year for about $.75 and that included the stand

Here's our foyer

Why hello foyer door...

Alright this is super boring but I changed our GREEN candles for PURPLE candles...see how daring I am?

Pumpkin Em made in school...love her homemade decorations

Here's our centerpiece.

Here's my very large candle that get's filled with randomness for every holiday...last Christmas it was green split peas with a red candle...oh yes and a foam deer adorns the bottom
Well that concludes our tour...any questions?
As I write Nick has dismantled our fireplace...gee I don't think it can look any worse than it does right now :/ I don't mind the project as long as its done by the holiday! I think it will be...he's drywalled the sides of the fireplace to make little cubbies for our electronics and for media storage...we are glass tileing the mantle and fancying up above...I'll post pictures when its done
Hope ya'll had a great weekend :)

Things That I am Excited About

As summer slowly starts rolling towards culminating into my favorite season (AUTUMN, FALL, HARVEST TIME!!!) A lot of these have already happened which makes me one happy girl, and a lot of them I still have to look forward to which makes me a VERY happy girl:

Emma starting school! This will be her last year of preschool which is very odd. Her teachers asked me at orientation to be the room parent for her class and I am so very honored and excited! Cutting squares of tissue paper and planning parties here I come. I guess being a professional event planner is really paying off, ha!

Balcony nights! Balcony nights are cold nights that Nick and I sit out on the balcony drinking wine. I love these nights. He usually makes me laugh so hard I snort which is embarassing and makes me laugh even more.

Apple picking and Pumpkin picking! The kids love it, I love getting their pictures and we just all around love spending time as a family!

Decorating! I love decorating for Fall with all of the brilliant jeweled colors coming to life! There is nothing better!

Scentsy smells! Yes I know I am a nerd but I love breaking out all of those Autumny smells!!! MMMMM!

Thanksgiving! All of us girls spend the night at my Grandma's and make the food! So much fun!

My birthday! I am so, so , so excited for my birthday! This year we will be in our cabin over my birthday! And usually the Wit concocts something extra special because he is the greatest man ever :) Last year he was unemployed (read flat broke) and he surprised me with some of our fave italian foods on this tucked away island in town. I remember tears streaming down my face as I sat there amazed God let me be with this man...

Christmas Tree trimming. Every year we have cut down our own tree and then decorated it in the same day...yep, kind of a nut like that. This year I don't know if we will cut down our tree but I can't wait to decorate it with the kiddos.

Christmas in general! We have Christmas big time at the our home, including a cookie decorating party, an ugly Christmas Sweater party, Christmas breakfast here on Christmas morning, and this year we are having Nick's family's Christmas here! I don't think they've ever even seen our home decorated for Christmas! Super excited! Also my favorite people in the world come...Aunt Jan, Uncle Bill, my cousin Andy and if we are really, super, duper blessed, my cousin's Chris and Liz and their family.

The Black Sweater! This past spring I bought this black sweater with a shawl neck that I heart and gives me warm fuzzies inside! It was too warm to wear it for very long so I am so, so looking forward to pulling it out this fall!

My Mom Look: the fall I think is when I especially look like I am a true soccer mom, or hockey mom rather. I wear cute boutique jeans, paired with a sweater or cardigan, and then throw on a pair of flats. My go-to accessories are a Vera Bradley bag and my pearls from Nick and I am usually done!

The Old Farmhouse! There is this restaurant in an old (I mean OLD) farmhouse in the middle of nowhere that Nick and I like to frequent when we go to my family reunion thing. They have an amazing chef and I always leave there with at least one recipe that I spend weeks trying to duplicate. So. stinking. excited.

Pumpkin Carving Night. Okay so here's what we do for Pumpkin Carving...first we take a walk around our neighborhood and creepily take pictures of other people's pumpkins...that's right we're gourd stalkers :) . Then I usually make SOMETHING special. Last year I made a "Happy Pumpkin Decorating Night" cake which Nick said was kind of over the top. I agree but a cake is one of the speediest things a girl can make. THEN we decorate our pumpkin. Every year I always want to do one of those elaborate pumpkins where we slowly fleck off the outer skin so it illuminates but we always end up making triangle eyes and a toothy grin. Nick is our carver because I look like a mass murderer with a knife and the children...well, seriously who's handing a knife over to their preschoolers? So every year he carves and every year I love our creation that sits outside for approximately 18 hours before the squirrels have their way with it. Darn stupid squirrels. Last year the squirrels and I had it out over their stealing of my bulbs and their eating the face off of our pumpkin like a bad case of leprosy. Not cool little squirrels. Not cool.

So those are the things I am excited about this year. Yeper doodles :)

Our Sweet Angel

Tonight Emma prayed during bedtime prayers and I found tears coming to my eyes as I listened to her tender prayer. She thanked God for her furniture, for friends, for family, for kissing the grass with dew every night, for teaching people how to make toys, and on and on. She told God she loves him so, so, so, so much! We've called her our angel ever since she graced us with her presence and had a very large Angel Kiss on her forehead...and she really is an angel.
Every night we pray and every night she says she's not ready to pray. Last night Nick read to her "Berenstein Bears Say Their Prayers" and I think it must have really spoken to her because she was ready to pray tonight.
I love seeing the fruits of our labor growing. We pray and have family devotions. We talk about God and Jesus and the Ultimate Sacrifice Jesus was just to save the lowliest people. But we never know if it sticks or not. It's so wonderful as a parent to know that we are starting to get through.
We had both of our children dedicated at church and made a commitment to raise them up in the Lord. At Cal's dedication they gave me a bookmark and it has this poem on it:
"I have formed this little child
you hold within your heart.
My mercy and my goodness have been there
from the start.
The face, the hands, the smile
I shaped all that you see.
Take this gift I've given you
and raise this child for me."
My prayer is that my thoughts, and actions, and words, every day will draw my precious Gifts from God closer to Him.

They're Everywhere!

It never fails. Every morning I come down stairs to this...

The majority of Imaginext toys all put together in a little city of fun in the blue room...
With a random smattering of helmets, shields, and firemen scattered around the house for good measure.
Do you want to know a secret?
Do ya?
I don't mind.
Really. I don't.
I know that one day I will miss this. I will miss these toys and the endless need there is to pick them up. Because I find them everywhere.
I've been getting up very early in the mornings to get things done around the house. I am prompted by Proverbs 31:15 which starts with "she gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family..." And boy howdy is it still dark. On days when Nick goes to work I am up at 4. I know it sounds insane but really its good for me. I have quiet time and devotions with God, I get showered without feeling like I have to be done before Thomas is over, and I clean. I'm a cleaning machine! It really is nice to be able to get a large bulk of the chores done before the day is even started. That way I can devote more time to the children and less time trying to get things done AROUND the children. It also lets me get a bearing on the day...I can get Emma's forms into her backpack, pay bills, blog, the list goes on and on.
Sorry I haven't been writing as often as I was before. Can I just say that we've been busy???? SUPER, DUPER busy!!! This past week, because I am insane, I had three articles due. Yike-o! I still have one due that's deadline is hanging out in the far distance (read two weeks) but that's plenty of time, right?
I also took on this Room parent thing at Emma's school. Sure I can do that I thought! Well October is here which means the room parent responsibility has kicked into high gear. So this month I am planning a silent auction, an Icecream social, a bake sale, a Fall Party, and am attending a fieldtrip. Eek. Then yesterday we were at a playdate with a girlfriend down the street who asked me to help with the neighborhood Fall party. My head is swooning from everything going on. But it keeps me going and with grown up people, plus God tells us to be hospitable and welcoming so that is what I am doing...welcoming more tasks apparently :)
I should update you on Emma: she had her tongue clipped last week. No big deal, we found someone who could do it with a laser so it wasn't a surgery persay. It was supposed to be tender for a day and then she would be fine. Well she couldn't eat, or drink, or brush her teeth without pain. And her breath smelled like something crawled in her mouth and died (as Nick reports!) I took her back to the doctor and sure enough she's developed an infection. So now she's on some strong antibiotics and pain relievers (they prescribed my little baby with Codine! ha!) She's on the mend but it milking it for all its worth. Every task kind of goes like this:
me: hey em, time to get shoes on.
em: uuuuhhhhhh, mommmmm, I caaaaaaannnnn'tt, my tongue hurts a little.
Which leaves me a little puzzled, sometimes giggling at her, sometimes throwing shoes at her saying, that's nice put your shoes on (just teasing about the throwing shoes!)
Happy Wednesday!


Well this week we have been to three parks, whew! The kids have loved it and Nick and I are enjoying this beautiful Fall weather. Here are some pictures from our adventures

Emma on the see-saw...so cute!
"Look Mommy, me monkey!" he was yelling

These are all in succession, he was having so much fun.


He's getting to be such a big boy :)
This week Emma spent the night at her Grandma Peg's and she had a great time. Cal also had a great time at home with just Nick and I. Nick and I took Cal to see the hospital being demoed in our area and he LOVED it. Its nice to do boy things with him.
We are enjoying our week. Nick works this weekend which I am dreading but we will muddle through. We have so, so much to do this week, probably not too much by anyone else's standards but with two kids by myself and Cal still acting up, its going to be interesting! Praise God for His Grace...I sure need it! Have a fantastic weekend!

The Apples of My Eye

This past Sunday we went to our usual haunt and went apple picking! We usually go earlier in September but it has been so warm that I guess it just isn't feeling Fall-y enough, if that makes sense! So we packed a picnic lunch and went to an old mill by the apple place. It is just so amazing to me that it is still in working order and up and running! We actually went there because we are running low on cornmeal. LOVE buying local and supporting this historic landmark!
Anywho, apple picking was wonderful as always. For some weird reason it seems to be the one day that the kids decide to not fight and get along every year. It is always so picturesque and humbling...God chose us to parent these amazing two children. Here are some of the photos...I'll explain as we go:
We're totally into the "I'm four and its my right not to smile" stage. We always get pictures at this old truck. Oh and as you can see Emma's super trendy coat fits still...praise the Lord!
Here's Cal or should I say, Mr. GQ? How studly does this guy look. He is so funny with his expressions

Could NOT get these kids to take this shot for anything in the world so I thought I would just post one of the worst outtakes...yikes. Emma looks freaked out to be sitting next to the evil boy :/

Here's Emma's first apple! Finally got a REAL smile out of the kid

Eating said apple...hey that's what you do, right?

Nick caight them picking apples together and I just love these pics...they were just surrounded by tree and it looks like we are stealing a glimpse of them

The other half of the pair

Here Cal is with THE face he always does showing us his apples. Most of his apples were from the ground despite us telling him 47,000 times to not pick them up from the ground. Everytime his basket was full Nick would go through it and put about 5 of his apples into the master basket and the rest BACK onto the ground...poor kid, poor silly, silly kid

Just enjoying their day...I love this pic

Mmmm, my turn to eat an apple. I think he thought he was going to get in trouble because he kept looking at me sneakily as he was taking the first bite :)
We just had an amazing time. Maybe a little TOO amazing as we picked over 40 pounds of apples! My angel of a mother in law is digging up her Pampered Chef apple peeler so I won't be husbandless after all of the pies we will be making. Last year Nick willingly peeled but he's already said no way hosea to 40 pounds. I also have to tell you that we picked for a while and then decided to find a different variety (because that's how we roll) so we walked a ways. We got to red delicious (fail, I know) and there were people around. Emma stops and says "can we just pick these apples? My dogs are barking". A couple of people just started cracking up and one guy yelled "awesome! that made my day!" and could not stop laughing. I'm so glad my children bring joy and laughter to so many people. It makes me beam.
Happy Wednesday!
Psalm 17:8
"Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings"

More Deals

Saturday is wrapping up and it has been a really great day! The weather has been very Fall-ish and I just love that! This morning Cal and I went and worked out and Nick took Em to hockey. Last week with Cal's asthma he coughed the entire time. I do have to take him to the rink next week but I'm thinking the less he has to go there the better, right? When we all got home we went to the library, got a few books and then headed home for lunch. When the kids were down for a nap I hit the stores! I love shopping and I especially love shopping for the kiddos and shopping for deals!!! Yippee! I will show you what I got later but what I first want to show you is::::::

Here's Emma on her first fieldtrip of the year! We had so much fun! I went and Cal stayed with Grandma Peg which I think was best because we were exploring nature which included a lot of being quiet, standing in one place, and not touching...all things Cal doesn't really like to do :)

Anyway here's what I went shopping for!!! This story begins with me telling you that we went to the Outlet Mall this past week to get shoes for the kids. I wanted them to have cash shoes and dressier shoes. We found the cash part but no dressier ones and girls can't wear tennis shoes to church, ya know. So I was on the hunt for shoes.

Well here they are! At the outlet I bought their shoes at Stride Rite but just didn't love the dressier shoes...these are from Stride Rite but I bought them at Once Upon A Child (a resale store) and I must tell you that THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN WORN! I was so stinking excited that they were EXACTLY the same size Em needed...it was as if God just plopped these shoes into the store for me! And would you like to guess how much I paid for them? 10 bucks! Can you believe it???? They are normally about $60! Wowwie!

See they are brand new!!!
First I found this kitchen towel for a whopping $.50! Can't beat that, right?

I got these shorts for $1.00 for next summer for Cal. He loves "relaxing shorts" as his daddy calls them :)

Picked up this Ralph Lauren pillowcase for $.50. People probably don't need one pillowcase but I do! Cal's in a crib but uses a pillow and unfortunately crib sheets don't come with pillowcases so this was perfect!
Grabbed this Chaps shirt for Cal for $2.50...love plaid shirts on the boy!

Emma has been begging for roller skates but like me she will probably suck at it like me so I didn't want to spend bookoo bucks on them...these babies were only 3 smackers...not bad, not bad.

I couldn't get these pics to come out well but these shoes were only $1.50...can't beat that with a stick right? These will be super cute on Cal for church!

And I love this...this cookie jar was only $1.00! I love it, it's not really my style in my kitchen but it will work well for now.

And that completes the tour of what I bought. Now you are all going to know what a cheapskate I am, but its so fun to show you my treasures, as Emma calls them. :)
Well Nick is working tonight which sucks in so many ways but is also nice in the way that I get all of the crap done that I never get to.
Happy Saturday evening, enjoy the rest of your weekend!