So this past weekend we went grocery shopping. But not just any grocery shopping...monthly grocery shopping.
If you want you can read all about my Monthly Shopping Trips to salvage and discount stores to see where exactly I go and how and why I do it.
As always, while driving to the first store we go to (which is about half an hour away) I am frantically finishing my grocery list and trying to remember if we needed vanilla or if we were good on that.
I always remember though to stop in the midst of the craziness and the whining from the backseat for donuts, and pray for God's favor.
After all, staying home is tough on the fiscal side of our household and groceries make up a big chunk of where our money goes.
God doesn't let us down. I am not surprised and yet every time He blows me away.
I thought I would show you just a teeny bit of the deals that we scored this time around.
I just can't believe the deals we got! I know the photo shows some but let me expand a bit:
Orange Juice for 39 Cents! The children love orange juice but I am a stickler that they can only have one glass a day. Despite the vitamins it contains when you factor in the sugar content verses the fiber it lacks when the actual fruit is taken away, it's better to go for straight, whole fruits than just their juices. Anyway, we go through about a carton and a half a week so we bought 6 of them for a total of $2.34! How amazing is it that we bought enough orange juice to last us an entire month for less than the cost of one carton at a super market? And in case you are wondering, these are not past their expiration date. There's nothing wrong with them. We have a deep freezer so we kept one out and froze the rest. Amazing deal!
Fage yogurt for $4 a case! That's 12 cups of yogurt for $4.00. These yogurts are about $1.29 at the stores near us so we saved $11.48 on something that would have cost us $15.48 at the store. We stocked up and bought 3 cases of yogurt. Again, we keep out a carton of yogurt and the rest goes into the deep freezer. We were lucky to find that they were vanilla so it's a neutral flavor that can have preserves or fruit mixed in so we don't get bored. Nick takes a yogurt to work every day and the kids love it so we go through a lot of this stuff. Score!
Organic Buttermilk for 50 cents each! Such an amazing deal :) If I don't have buttermilk I usually do the 'ole teaspoon of vinegar to cup of milk trick to make buttermilk but in truth this buttermilk is so much creamier and yummier than my janked up version.
Sargento cheeses for 50 cents each. These go for about $3 at the store and they are so yummy! We like to keep some little cheeses on hand so when we need a date-ish type thing to do we can break out some crackers and cheese after the kiddos go to bed and watch a movie.
So those are just some of my finds. As you can see, when all of the things I buy are discounted this deeply, it's no wonder we save so much money!
Happy Shopping!
January 2015
- Jan 5, 2015 January Christmas Prep: Advent Ahead of Time Jan 5, 2015
December 2014
- Dec 22, 2014 Welcome! Dec 22, 2014
- Dec 15, 2014 Letting It Go: Re-prioritizing to Enjoy the Gift of Christmas Dec 15, 2014
- Dec 11, 2014 Stay tuned :) Dec 11, 2014
- Dec 3, 2014 Oh, Christmas Tree! Dec 3, 2014
November 2014
- Nov 24, 2014 What I Wore Mondays: Church Potluck Edition Nov 24, 2014
- Nov 22, 2014 Dear Mama, Babies Don't Keep Nov 22, 2014
- Nov 22, 2014 Thankful For My Babies Nov 22, 2014
- Nov 21, 2014 Taylor Swift Told Me to Just Shake It Off! Nov 21, 2014
- Nov 14, 2014 A Rough Day and Remembering God's Blessings Nov 14, 2014
- Nov 12, 2014 I'm Lindsay and I'm an Usborne Books Consultant! Nov 12, 2014
- Nov 10, 2014 What I Wore Mondays: Cozy Cardigan Edition Nov 10, 2014
- Nov 8, 2014 Kicking Satan to the Curb After Moms' Night Out Nov 8, 2014
September 2014
- Sep 7, 2014 The Nina and the Pinta! Sep 7, 2014
- Sep 4, 2014 September's Monthly Meal Plan Sep 4, 2014
August 2014
- Aug 30, 2014 My Monthly Grocery Shopping Trip Aug 30, 2014
- Aug 25, 2014 Bass Masters Aug 25, 2014
- Aug 25, 2014 Here Kitty, Kitty Aug 25, 2014
- Aug 18, 2014 Snickerdoodles Aug 18, 2014
- Aug 7, 2014 hello there Aug 7, 2014
July 2014
- Jul 7, 2014 MIA Jul 7, 2014
May 2014
- May 11, 2014 A Beautiful Mother's Day! May 11, 2014