Welcome to my new home! So excited you've come for a visit! Whether you're here from old or new connections, I'm so excited that you made your way to my little corner of the internet. :)
I just want to say a gigantic huge thanks to my talented, lovely friend and cousin, Arielle. She's the architect of this little abode here and I love, love, love it. It's so nice to have someone who really get's you. Whom you can send a million and one blogs that you have found certain aspects palatable and have them be able to combine them into something dreamy. Ah. Thanks a million, little sis, love ya.
And thanks to my friend Nicole. She's one of my close friends. She homeschools and I think she's accepted that I'm a weird, geeky, nerd :) She's a blogging assistant extraordinaire. But she has had my back to deal with meanies and things so I didn't have to and for that I am very grateful. It's been her words and encouragement that maybe I don't suck quite as much as I thought I did that started my wheels a' turnin' to think about the dream of a little website I could call my own. For that I am so very grateful for her support and help...you know, what's grounds for a restraining order and the like :)
I hope you'll come back again and again as I blog about our every day. What does our everyday include, you may ask? Well...off the top of my head: Autism, Homeschooling, my love of Jesus and His Grace that has totally saved me, crafts, cooking, budgeting, saving money, looking cool and not smelling bad, being in love after being married for a long time, and being too cool for school, man. That's the long and short of it :) Thanks for being my friend!