Garage Sale

Garage Sale Finds

As I mentioned earlier I had the chance to go garage saling this weekend.  I was so happy that I did!  Here are some of the things that I got...

 This wonderful fireplace screen for $5.00!  I thought it was a steal.  I realize some of you have never seen this chairs before either. I don't think I had them at Christmas time.  Anywho, they are from Nick's Auntie up in Chicago.  I love them!  Our fireplace looked pretty ghetto-fabulous when we moved in so I think they jazz the place up a bit. 
 I got these three shirts for Cal at a garage sale.  I think total I paid $1.75 for them.  One even has the tags still on it!  SCORE!!!  Two of them are from the Gap and the other from Old Navy. 
 These are practically new GAP girls jeans.  They had a bajillion pairs of them; Nick wanted me to buy them out of jeans to ebay them, but I hate doing that.  I'm glad I stuck with my gut because these sell but not super well.  We got each pair for $1.00
 These are some other shirts to ebay.  Two are gymboree and one is gap.  I paid $1.50 total. 
This is a sweater I bought myself for $1.50.  I actually bought two more of these...the exact same sweater in aqua and black.  I am no fashionista but I think this is called a shawl neck sweater.  And I think I look super duper cute in them so I bought them.  This was actually my first purchase for myself at a garage sale.  I got some other things at the sales but have no idea where they are right now...weird, huh?
I got:
A brown eddie bauer vest for myself for $1.00
two recorders for homeschool music for $1.00 total
A few homeschool books for $.25 each
a super cute gap sweater with a hood for emma for $1.00 (I might have to hunt this down to show cute!)

Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I am always so thrilled when I find good things! How about you?  What did you find?

It's Been a Bust

I realized that I haven't written about my Garage Sale finds and, well, that's because I haven't had any.
Bummer Dude as my youngest sister would say. 
We went out and haven't come up with anything. 
Last weekend was the holiday weekend so I think most people weren't too into the garage sale scene.
This weekend there were a gajillion sales and I just couldn't find anything. 
I was frustrated with myself this morning because I thought maybe I was just being too picky.
But as I mulled it over during the rest of the day I came to the conclusion that there was just nothing out there for me.  Everything I saw wasn't nice.  Things were broken or incomplete.  Not for us, thank you.
So there you have it on my update as to the sale situation.
Tomorrow there is neighborhood sale with over 100 homes.  I may go but Nick has to go into work so if I do go it will be me taking the kids.  We shall see!  Have a great evening!

Garage Sale Flop

Today the children and I went garage saling. There were three sales to go to so we weren't out long. Ugh, we didn't find anything. NOTHING! I was pretty bummed. But tomorrow I am going out by myself. I know I was going out Saturday but Nick is going to be off tomorrow and I am noticing that all of the sales I am interested in start tomorrow rather than Saturday. So might as well go, right? Makes sense to me!
Anyone have any big plans this weekend? We are looking forward to not much which sounds heavenly right about now!
And even though our Garage Sales were a bust today we have played in the sprinkler and had lots of fun! Happy Thursday!

Thursday Garage Sale Finds

Well here we are...everything we got at the sales...I was so excited when I got home and realized how little I spent for so much!

Here is a picture of EVERYTHING! Well Everything except a shield we got for Cal. He is so in the sword phase and the poor guy's been toting around a serving tray as a makeshift shield. So the kid needed a shield for 50 cents!

Do you like these gals? The kids love Pez so we've kind of started collecting them simply because we have so many of them. Cinderella and Princess Leia for 10 cents each!

Oodles and boodles of clothes! I got a gymboree shirt for a buck (to ebay), three pairs of jammies for Cal for 5o cents each, a gymnasts outfit for Emma for $3, and pair of jeans for Em for 50 cents.

An American Girl Molly book for 50 cents and these little Christmas bears that make music together and their little bells light up for 50 cents

Cal liked this superman for 50 cents. Nick said they had a Spierman and a Batman too but they were mean this really the happy looking one out of the bunch?

Other things we got included a Fisher Price Race track ($1), a little wooden racing track thingy ($1) , a metal filing box ($3)...old and vintage and cool, 3 puzzles for 50 cents each and an Incredibles guy for 10 cents.

Well I think that is about it. The only upsetting thing was that we found this gigantic tub of was HUGE and spilling over. It had 4 vintage cases, all kinds of clothing storage boxes, and little fold open houses for Barbies. There were tons of Barbies, clothes, shoes, accessories...everything you could ever want. Well they wanted $20.00. Saying it now it sounds CRAZY...but I thought it was kind of pricey so I called Nick over to look. He told me to pass it up.

Well we kept saling and then I kept thinking of the Barbies. Afterall Emma's starting to get into Barbies and anything she didn't want I could sell or donate or SOMETHING, right? I mean one Barbie outfit was $6.00 so for all of that I thought it was a steal! Well we went back and it was gone. G.O.N.E. Gone. I was crushed. I had really wanted those 1960's cases. But oh well. What's done is done, right? Nick assured me that I will stumble across more Barbies and I am sure he is right.

So that's it. I've got the kids cereal in to-go containers, smoothie ingredients in the blender glass in the refrigerator, and my to-go coffee cup is next to the coffee maker ready to go. Hopefully we have luck tomorrow and I'll have even more to show you!