Happy Heart Day!

Our kids apparently do not like getting kisses!  Here's Emma getting one from Cal...

And here's her payback to Cal! 

We hope you are having a Happy Valentine's Day!  Things here have been lots of fun and have been full of Heart coloring sheets, making Valentines, Strawberries, a nice and heart-y breakfast, with more surprises to come! 

I love the monochramatic colors of this...love strawberries!
I made the kids cinnamon muffins for breakfast...they were over the moon for them!  I can't believe how easy they are to please!  Anyway we are having a wonderful day and hope you are too!

I wanted to share the bible verse we are memorizing this week...it is simply ideal for our Valentine-y week:

Psalm 13:5
"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation."

Tweaking our Homeschooling Routine

To be honest, homeschooling has not been going well lately.  Not to the point that I am ready to throw in the towel or that Emma isn't excelling, but it's just been rather, shall we say, grating. 

Every day it seems as if we get a late start.  This was solved by me simply changing my expectations of the day.  When we began school in September I had this lofty goal that we would start our day by 8 and would breeze through the day.  However starting at 8 meant that I was waking the children up way earlier than they were ready for and then I was teaching little grumpuses all day long. It wasn't fun for them and it wasn't fun for me. 

Another struggle we've had is getting ALL of our school work done.  We get the basics done: reading, writing and arithmetic, but things like history were sometimes getting skipped over or not getting done at all on some days (yikes!) due to other things coming up. 

I had to find a solution...I just had to. 

So here's what I've done:
I started this "our day" board.  I called it this rather than a schedule because it isn't something that we strictly follow in a particular order.  To clarify we do have a specific order for some things but if Emma needs a break from one thing or wants to do something else before the other, then we can adjust accordingly and make do.  When we're done with an activity we stick the item in the bottom pocket. 

This has helped me to make sure we get everything done as I am now accountable to the children to get everything done.  They can see what we still have to get done and what's to come in the rest of the day (I do not perform the Piano Lessons or Therapy but it helps them to know what we have to do throughout our day).

This has also helped with some of the grating on my nerves because Emma was always and forever asking (some days, whining) "are we done yet?" Now she can see for herself what all needs done and how much we've accomplished. 
As Cal's matured through this year he's now more willing to sit and do some lessons with us.  I have a designated play area for him with lots of puzzles and educational toys.  Earlier in the year he ended up just wandering around, throwing a ball at Emma, and seemed to eventually find his way downstairs where he would scream up to us what he was doing...what a nice time.  :) 

Now he has his own things to do and we are working on fun things like cutting, folding, writing, and reading.  You can see here who keeps their desk tidy and who doesn't :). 
Trying not to complain too much but I'm still waiting on shelving.  So I've had to make do.  I had these chairs just sitting in a corner so I decided to try to use them as shelves.  I think the idea ended up being just darling, don't you?  Each chair is for a subject or two.  Before all of those workbooks and materials were just sitting in piles against the wall and anytime I needed to find anything (say a grammar book) I had to go through everything!  It was so frustrating.  This is much better and now I can send the children over to get their materials they need for certain projects. 

The Sun!  Just wanted to show you this because it is much nicer to do school with sunlight streaming in through the window.  Just weeks ago it was still dark and gloomy in the morning hours when we were starting school.  Here's Cal smiling his tiny smile.  He's experimenting with magnets to see what "sticks" and what doesn't. 
This is Emma doing a math speed test.  For some reason every day her math times are vastly, vastly, different.  She varies everyday between 2 minutes and 10 minutes.  Frustrating that little peanut is...I think I said that like Yoda :)  In a topic that's unrelated to school, check out Emma's bow.  I've had a little goal for myself to make a bow for each of Emma's outfits...love it :) 

So that's what we've been up to.  As you can see we are still at the drywall phase of our room.  But we are getting ready for mudding (which will probably have to take place during Spring Break.  :)

Our Lord's Day

Greetings everyone!  I know I have been but a distant memory to ya'll lately.  Life has been so crazy busy.  So crazy busy that I've neglected to even be taking pictures of my kiddos. 

Do you ever get into one of those slumps? 

It all just seems so boring and mundane that I think "there's nothing to even take a picture of" and "boring, people, this is all so boring". 

But then it hit me one day that I am simply letting life pass me by, for it is in the small and simple moments that our life is formed and created.  And I know that one of these soft days I will look back and wish I had cared more about what was going on...that I would have stopped and breathed it in, and memorized every aspect.  For one day it will be gone. 

Today is one of those days I hope I never, ever forget.  Not that it was anything special or anything particulary momentous occured.  But rather it was a simple Sunday.  A day to rest and rejunvenate our souls as the Lord commands us to do. 

So here are some of the things that happened here during our Lord's day:
Napping.  Lots and lots of napping.  Isn't the feeling you have when you wake up from a nap transplendent?  I just don't think there's anything better than a good ole' Sunday afternoon nap. 

This little guy insisted he didn't need a nap.  Apparently he surrendered in a losing battle.  This picture will always and forever make me want to scoop him up and cuddle him.  And then tuck him in. 

Here I am...Happy in the Lord!  Sunday afternoons when we come home from church we change into our sweaties and I put my hair into a ponytail.  There's nothing better than changing out of Sunday morning pantyhose into nice warm sweat pants and thick socks...except maybe a nap.  :)

I always try to make a big dinner for our Sunday Supper.  Something that has to cook a long time in a big pot.  Tonight it was Chicken Cacciatore with crusty bread.  I was worried the kiddos wouldn't like it...

But it was a hit!

 Our Lord's Day also involved making a lot of Star Wars Lego creations and just spending time as a family.  I hope you are rested and rejuvenated after this Sunday as well.  May the Lord fill your hearts and spirits with new energy for the coming week. 

God Bless You All!

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

This is my friend Elizabeth!  Isn't she cute?  Today is her birthday!

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! 

On my Birthday she wrote this beautiful post that made me laugh and cry...in response to that all I can say is, pay back is sweet dear one...

My friend Elizabeth and I kind of grew up together until she had to move away and then I felt sad and broken.  Elizabeth and I dated a lot of the same guys in junior high and high school.  I guess I picked up her left-overs :).  She was always the cool friend that always seemed to have it all together...I wanted to be like her...which isn't why I dated those guys btw, those are just two facts. 

I feel so blessed to now be able to be friends with Elizabeth through Facebook and emails.  Her and I became stay-at-home Mommies about the same time.  I've got to admit that when I left work it was really hard.  And scary.  It was so wonderful to be able to write back and forth about trusting in the Lord concerning finances, children's health issues, and attitudes.  It's nice to have someone in the same boat.  It was nice to have a sounding board whom I knew was there. 

Elizabeth has been through a lot and she faces everything with strength and dignity.  I am so proud to call her a friend and a Sister in Christ!  She leads me through her example of grace and faith.  I am sure that today on her Birthday and every day her children rise up and call her blessed and her Husband gives her praise. 

Happy Birthay dear, sweet friend. I'm thankful for you always inspiring me to be a better person.    I love you and am so blessed to have you in my life...still!

Happy Halloween!

Well here we are, on the other side of Halloween! 

Hope you all had a great time!  I know our kiddos did.  My parents came over and went trick or treating with us in our neighborhood.  Living in a historic district it is so much fun to go to the old houses and beg for candy.  Half way through our jaunt my mom said "it's like we're on a movie set!"  and it really does feel that way.  You could be trick or treating in the 1950's and it would be the same. 

This year I dressed the kids as Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski from the famed show Saved by the Bell that aired in the 80's and 90's.  How cute are they? 


 He heart's big phones :)

 Emma was cool being a cheerleader but Cal had no idea who he was supposed to be.  So half way through I told him his phone shoots lasers at people...so here he is shooting everyone and everything...then he liked it. 
And just so you don't think I am a horrible mother, I did let them dress up how they wanted.  Here are is our little Tinker Bell and our little Spiderman.  Halloween was about the 3rd time we had dressed up so I thought it was okay to have two different sets of costumes this year..we may do it every year just to make each time different and special rather than "okay you know the drill, costume back on!" 

Hope you all had a great time with your little ones!  We now have a bowl full of candy on the counter which is very tempting :)

Bleary Weather, Part 3

Okay where was I? 

Oh yeah he gave me a necklace and it had a ring on the chain.

Well maybe it's because I'm an idiot.  I think it's because I was so worn by the emotional rollercoaster that my mind could no longer wrap itself around the fact that he was proposing.  But it's probably because I'm an idiot.  Whatever the reason, my dumb self actually thought that someone had sold this necklace to the antique store in the box with the ring on the chain and hidden...

see?  You think I'm an idiot now too. 

Whatever the reason I actually told Nick, "oh someone left their ring on the necklace!" 

As I asked Nick what he thought just now he told me he was thinking seriously?  Do you really not get what is going on here? I'm assuming he was probably second guessing his proposal at that moment. 

I finally grasped what was going on when he got down on his knee. 

Nick (as he describes himself) isn't one with the words, so he said "Lindsay Ann I love you, will you marry me?"  Short and sweet.  He said it was wet and cold on his leg.  Wimp. 

Of course I said yes and honestly I have barely any remembrance of this moment.  I just remember the smooching and hugging and a really, really big smile on my face.  Huge. 

If you haven't read my blog for very long, I wrote about my ring a LONG time ago.  If you want to read all about it you can click here. 

After we got back in the car and bathed in the heat (oh my word I couldn't feel my toes!)  we called his mom.  His sister was living at home then and they were waiting by the phone...I thought that was so cute that he had filled them in on that he was proposing.  He's so cute.  We called my family.

After we left Minnetrista we went to the super market and got Raspberry Sorbert...for the life of me I have no idea why.  I asked him what he would have done if I'd said no.  He said "You wouldn't have said no.  It's funny you ask though because the guys in studio (Architecture Class) asked me the same thing and I told them 'I'll punch her in the face and leave' ".  Nice, real nice. 

Then he took me home.  It was a wonderful evening.  Full of adventure and excitement and memories.  We laughed, we cried.  I was pissed, I was joyous...it was wonderful. 

Then the next day I rolled out of bed ready to plan the wedding... 

Well that concludes the engagement story.  If any of you yokels want to here more I can keep going.  Just let me know if you're interested :)

Bleary Weather, Part 2

...Anyway, I was looking out the window, it was about 10:00 at night by this point when Nick looks at me and says "hey look, it's starting to snow".  It had been just lightly raining but now the first snowflakes of the season were starting to swirl down. 

With my bummer mood, I felt like rolling my eyes and emphatically twirling my finger in the air, accompanied by an emphatic "oh yeah", but I held it together and tried to seem as excited as a Christmas elf. 

We were driving by the entrance to this place called Minnetrista.  We went to Ball State which was founded by the Five Ball Brothers (you know Ball from Ball Canning).  Anyway, Minnetrista was this cultural center where all five of their houses either stood or still stand.  There are trails, and gardens, and some of the houses have been turned into museums.  We always liked going there to walk around or get away from campus and look at the stars...but not in the rain and snow!

Needless to say I was surprised when he pulled in to the entrance and started making his way to the entrance of the head building.  "let's go for a walk" he said. 

uh, what?  First of all, it was late.  And Dark.  And wet.  And cold.  And snowing.  And wet.  And cold. 

I remember he came around to my side of the car and he was standing there waiting for me while I just stood there in the once warm car, staring at him thinking, are you insane?  Is this some type of feats of strength test I have to pass? 

I was still in a little in shock but hustled when I realized he was losing his patience with me.  It was something like "come on, just a short walk.  Just get out of the car...GET OUT OF THE CAR!"  Okay he didn't yell, but I could tell he was on edge about it.  Looking back he was probably freaking out, wondering what he was going to do if I refused to budge.  Looking back I wonder how long I really just sat, staring at him from inside of the car. 

Anyway, we made our way around the main building (they call it the cultural center) to a gazebo we had frequented before. Isn't it pretty?  Anyway, we got JUST inside of the gazebo and Nick says "oh I forgot to give you your Birthday present". 

He opened up this box and inside was this shell necklace I had seen at an antique store.  I had fallen in love with it and he had bought it for me on the spot but that had been about 6 months before and I had completely forgotten it.  He had bought it in it's original box from the jewelry store and everything and it was such a pretty color, but I was so sad...again.  No ring.

He said, here you can put it on.  To which I was thinking "yeah out in the freezing wet cold.  GREAT!". 

He took it out of the box and on the chain I saw there was a ring on it. You know, like you are going to the beach and you don't want to lose your jewelry so you take off your ring and put it on your necklace...like that. 

Well I don't know what the heck I was thinking but...

Ha!  I'm really stretching this out...now you have to wait for part 3!

Bleary Weather

Today is a very cold, blustery, rainy day. 

Days like this always remind me of when Nick proposed. 

Which by the way was the weirdest and most romantic day ever.  I'm sure he doesn't see it like that.  To him everything went wrong, but to me it was perfect, and unique, and so distinctly us. 

Have I ever told you the story of Nick proposing?  If I have, please, go onto someone else's blog and check them out...if not please feel free to read away as I reminisce on when he asked me to marry him. 

Well Nick and I had been dating for almost two years.  We talked about getting married but we were both in college still and I honestly had no idea when he was going to propose.  I was glumly facing the realization that it would probably be after we graduated, which at the time, was still a year and a half away. 

I know a year and a half doesn't seem to be that long of a time period, but you have to understand that between Nick and I we've always had this bond...like we just can't be away from one another.  It was always horrible when we had to be apart.  I can't explain it and if you've ever been in love you know what I mean.  But I just had to be Nick's wife.  There was just this need in my heart, this longing, this ache in my stomache. 

Anyway, my Birthday's at the beginning of November and I turned 21 to the usual fanfare that happens when you turn 21...Nick carried me home and took care of my hung-over self.  He told me he was going to take me out to dinner but then he never got around to it.  He always was coming up with some excuse as to why we couldn't go.

About 4 days before Thanksgiving he randomly said to me "we have to go out for your birthday!  Let's go tomorrow night".  Right away my curiousity was piqued as Nick is about the most laid back guy ever in the world to live.  He always leaves me to fret over details and times and dates.  It was just so out of character for him to plan something and say an exact time.  I knew SOMETHING was up. 

He took me to this restaurant which was the nicest restaurant in our little po-dunk collegy town. I mean seriously it was probably about the only place that had cloth tableclothes and it was so, so expensive.  I remember being so worried about him having to pay for our meal!  I mean, the poor guy was just a college student. 

Anyway, I waited all through dinner for him to pull out a ring...I was biting everything really carefully so as not to choke on a cleverly hid ring.  I mean, it was classic television sitcom at our table.  But alas there was no choking or hiding or asking or saying yes.  There was just us having a meal...a really fancy meal where I had to get really dressed up and he was in a suit...for apparently just my birthday which had been 19 days before. 

On the way home I was so bummed I found myself fighting back the tears.  I was angry with myself for setting myself up for this kind of dissapointment.  And that's when he looked at me and said...

Hahaha! You'll have to wait for part 2!

Weekend Amazingness

Well this past weekend I can't say that we did anything spectacular.  Except one thing...

we got to love on Nick! 

Friday was the start of a three day weekend for him and we had so much fun with him!  It was his first day off in a month...no weekends off, and he's gone about 15 hours a day so when he does get home there's not much time for him to do much of anything other than eat dinner, shower, and go to bed. 

It was wonderful having our family all back together.  And kind of funny.  Nick hasn't been around so much that he kept trying to get the kids down for a nap (who don't take naps anymore), sending the kids up to their rooms with toys that we now keep downstairs, and trying to get them to watch programs we don't watch.  So funny.  I can't imagine what it would be like having a husband deployed or something...

We visited a lot of amish, went on a field trip, went to church, our zoo's halloween festivities, carved pumpkins, and laughed a lot. 

It was so wonderful.  We are so blessed.  Nick Sunday at dinner told us thank you for such a great weekend. 

But it's us that should be telling him Thank You. 

I'm sure there are so many guys who wouldn't be home on their first days off.

They'd be at the golf course.
Or a buddy's house.
Or a bar. 

But not Nick.  Nope.  He has no where else he'd rather be than at home with us.  With our messes and our tantrums, our loud playing, and our sword fights. 

And that to me, is amazing. 

Sidenote: I have pictures somewhere on my camera...goal today is to find camera :)

Finding Things in the Oddest Places

Nick and I have started our Christmas shopping.  I always have this dream that I will find the neatest, coolest gifts for everyone.  But it is hard to do when you start shopping after Thanksgiving.  By then all of the shelves have been cleared of the neat and unique and are instead filled with mass amounts of products, all the same. 

Don't get me wrong I buy those gifts too!  But it's always nice to find something that you think "hey that's neat!"  or "so and so would LOVE this!" 

Anyway, we went shopping last night for the kiddos at TJ Maxx.  Sometimes they have Thomas the Train stuff for super cheap and they always have characters that are hard to find/discontinued. 

Well last night I could have gone to just the toy section and then bolted but Nick and I looked around.  TJ Maxx isn't usually where I buy coffee but I spotted in their gourmet foods section a 40 oz. bag of Starbucks French Roast coffee.  Yum! 

I was a little skeptical thinking it must be expired or something but it wasn't...the date was still way beyond and the beans were still vacuum packed in their delicious little bag. 

Well the thing about this bag was, it was only $16.99!  And according to my old fashioned kind of math, that makes it only $6.80 per pound!  Which is a great deal for Starbucks!  So we bought it and then we went to the grocery store where I noticed that Starbucks there was $9.79 a pound. 

So I scored! 

So the moral of the story here is don't limit yourself to what you buy in certain stores.  Keep an open mind and your eyes wide open for bargains.  Evidently you never know what you'll stumble upon! 

These Tentacles are Tantalizing!

Do you like our lunch?  This is one of the most asked for lunches in our house...by the kids anyway.  Nick and I aren't that big of a fan! 

Isn't the little guy cute? 

Here's what it is...all you do is take a hot dog and about 3/4 of the way up you cut slits.  Microwave for about 45 seconds and his legs spread apart and kind of curl up...I cut little eyes and a smile into him too before nuking him to a firey death!  hahahaha...but if your kids aren't afraid of things called condiments you could give him a ketchupy smile or a little olive hat...the possibilities are endless. 

He then sits on macaroni with some goldfish crackers scattered on top for some sea-like ambiance and voila!  Lunch is served! 

Thought I'd share this because sometimes lunch with kids gets a little blah...at least it does here. 

Today's mac and cheese!
Grilled Cheese
Peanut butter!
Chicken nuggets!

That's really about all I have in my arsenal for things the kids will eat for lunch. 

For dinner they have to eat whatever I make!  But for lunch it's a whole different game. 

Hope your little ones like the octopus-macaroni special :)

It's Tuesday!!!!

Greetings on this cold blustery Autumn Tuesday morning! 

I am hopeful starting this day as yesterday unfurled a heaping of chaos on me that I would otherwise like to ignore, thank you very much! 

I woke up with Nicholas at the appointed 4:08 a.m. as always, only so did two little children as well. 
Emma's been so upset that Nick's been working more, the poor dear crys every morning he leaves and begs him not to go: heartbreaking for us all. 

Cal likes to wet the bed, or say he wet the bed to come sleep in our bed. 

Well after Nick left for work the babies just seemed to need some snuggling so we all piled back into my bed and slept.  It was heavenly!!!!  I thought, I'll just sleep with them for half an hour and then sneak out of here and do my devotions...

Well we all woke up at 7:50.  10 minutes before we start school.  Ugh. 

I was already beating myself up...I didn't have everything printed out that I needed for school that day so I was already running behind before my toes even touched the hardwood. 

I think I was in the bathroom when Cal asked through the door: "Are we going anywhere today?"

Speech therapy later!  I yelled back (you know, yelling due to the door).  And then I had one of those moments....

Blind panic. 

You know the ones.  Where you suddenly realize...

You have a doctor's appointment this morning! 


Needless to say we threw on clothes, downed some breakfast and shot out the door. 

It could have been a lot worse but I still felt frazzled and guilty and upset with myself at putting us in this position of hurried chaos.  The dear ones didn't deserve their week starting out like that.  And I hate the days when Emma's doing her schoolwork all throughout the day...

Here, do this worksheet.  Okay let's go.  Now I'll read to you.  Let's go.  Now you read to me. We've gotta go...

The peaceful part was that after school ended (at 2:30 in the afternoon! We usually are done by 11) the children had naptime, Nick came home, and then we took the kids to my parents'.  They took the kids to a pumpkin patch and they had a great time!  Nick and I went out to eat and then shopping for Christmas gifts and groceries.  It was really nice to steal some time away with him after the harried day we had and I'm sure the kids appreciated some time away from their insane mother!

Here are some pictures I took Sunday...

The kiddos and dog running around the yard.  Aren't they cute?  You can see our grass is dying.  :(  Our grass company has stuff on it that's supposed to make it pop up come spring...apparently it's dormant?  Anyway, I love the Kazoo's outfit :)
 And they are off!  Leaving Mommy in the dust. Lately Mommy's been the dragon or the bad guy or whatever in their playing...apparently I am not wanted!  On a side note, do you like how our mailbox is leaning?  That's what happens when you find your son HANGING on it.  I'm glad it didn't fall on him.  And yes, I need to clean out my flower beds
I leave you with this picture because it is so my life...here's my fall mum!....and a boot.  One random boot, abandoned and lonely...wondering, with the lady of the house, why on earth it is outside in the first place... I'm cherishing these moments.  Someday the dust will settle, our house will be as quiet as a tomb and I'll wish the children were little again to leave me random boots to collect up...

Happy Tuesday All!

What I've Been Looking At

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Swirl Cake

I ran across this recipe for bars/cake and am planning on making them tonight.  They look super yummy!

I am soooo in love with Pinterest!  Have you ever heard of it?  If so, then good for you.  And if not then you should really look into it.  It is amazing!  A screen shot of my computer is above so you can check it out.  You can click on it to make the picture bigger.  But basically pinterest has "bulletin boards" that you can "pin" posts and websites you like to help you remember things.  Pinterest has helped me to discover so many new projects and so many no-brainer ideas for everyday things that are just so clever and I never, ever, ever would have thought of them on my own!  There really are so many smart, clever mommy's out there in the web world. 
*Just a disclaimer, every time I type clever I type it as cleaver and have to change it...is that weird?

Anyway, here are some things I've discovered on pinterest...
Bakerella's adorable snowmen are a bottle of milk with a donut hole...how cute!

This mom makes paint cups with Starbucks lidded cups...so smart!
There are a million ideas...tons of things that have been "pinned" onto friends' boards come up when you first open up the page or you can search for whatever you are thinking of.  I've searched for ideas for our mantle for Christmas, family photo poses for our Christmas Cards, and new tutorials for bows.

Anyway, hope you all are having a great weekend! 

Yesterday the kids and I walked to the park where we fed the ducks and played...it was a very crisp, clear Autumn day and we had a lot of fun.  It's days like these that I cherish and love!