Emma's 3!

How in the world I got to be the mother of a three year old I just don't know. I can still remember carrying her in my tummy, Nicholas reading to my stomach in those funny voices, the tears he cried as they wheeled us into the emergency c-section, the joy we felt when she came out screaming and looking like a sumo wrestler...how is she 3 already? I am just so proud of her, she is caring, adorable, loving, smart, and the absolute most hilarious little girl you will ever meet. When you ask her, "why are you so cute?" she answers "because God made me that way." and that is so true...she is so cute and God planned her to be that way! :)

Child Labor

Well it is finished! Our brick walkway has been put in and it looks fantastic! I am just so thrilled and to be honest I am a little stunned still that it is done! We have been talking about doing it since we moved in and now 4 years later it is finally completed! I am sorry I haven't written in so long but geesh there's been a lot going on around here! House wise we are planning on getting a lot done this summer including:
completely redoing the landscaping and putting down sod so the kids have a bigger yard
building a garage for Emma's new gift...a jeep!
New hardwood flooring in the solarium where our new baby grand piano will go!
New flooring in the foyer
New flooring in the upstairs bath
Trimming trees
Whew! If we get all of that done this summer I will be one happy camper! What projects are you working on around your house? Anything exciting?

The Zoo...again

The Zoo membership is turning out to be a well worth it investment. This morning we woke up to the best day ever so off to the zoo we went...aren't the kids cute together? I think this is going to be such a fun summer. Just wanted to share...I am off to fold some laundry...Nick is busy installing our new brick walk way! Gosh I love him...such a hard worker and such a family man. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Our trip to the zoo

Well we just got back from the zoo today and we survived! Nothing serious with the animals happened but this was my first trip out of the house with the kids alone. I know I am a big fat bad mother! But we just got a double stroller and until then I was terrified to take them anywhere alone. Images kept running through my head of Calvin in the stroller and Emma running out into traffic or Emma in the stroller and Calvin making my arm feel like its going to fall off because he's so heavy. So it was nice. We actually purchased a membership so we will be at the zoo A TON! this year. If you have the means to purchase a membership I would say DO IT! Our membership to our local zoo was about 65.00 and for one trip with the kids and Nick and I it would be 21.oo. With only 3 trips to the zoo we will make back our membership fee. Plus we get to go to all kinds of members only events and we get free membership or discounted admission to a bunch of other zoos across the nation. Plus since Nick used to work in municipal government I can tell you that zoo's are really hurting. They are a treasured asset to community's but they are going to be cut soon if we don't support them in this awful economy. Okay that's my commercial for the day. Seriously though the kids had fun,I had fun, the animals looked a little like maybe they were having fun...fun was had by all!

Easter 2009

That's right...I'm one of those nerdy moms who dresses their kids to match!

Easter was a wonderful time as Calvin was old enough to have fun with Emma. It was such a nice and beautiful day and we were washed in such a feeling of being blessed. Even our day was just terrific. We were able to wake up later. We had strawberry pancakes with freshly whipped butter (thats right I made the butter myself!). The kids hunted for eggs and baskets and then we got ready and went to church at my Grandma's church. After church we went to Bonefish for lunch that was spectacular. Very full we made our way to my Grandma's where the kids hunted for eggs again and we enjoyed dessert. How was your Easter? I hope it was a joyous occasion as we celebrated all that Jesus did for us so we can have this life and salvation!

My Babies are My Blessings

I had to post this picture because I just came across it the other day and it just melted my heart. Isn't it just the cutest thing you have ever seen? I love these two so much and the fact they are beginning to love one another and show love for one another is just adorable to me. Today during church Emma shared her jelly beans with Calvin...without me whisper screaming to her to do it even. She is starting to get it...I think. I just love them. They are adorable in their own special ways.

Emma's World

The best uncle in the world, Uncle Marcy! got Emma a digital camera for her birthday. I thought it would be fun to post pics from her viewpoint. I will try to do this once a week so you can see how things are looking from her angle-3 feet up. BTW these pics are like the worst ones ever...EVER!

Together as a Family

During Easter week we are celebrating by being together as a family as much as possible. Last Saturday we went to our Neighborhood's Easter Egg hunt. We enjoyed fantastic fresh coffee and I must say that the banana nut muffins I took were a wonderful pairing. After that we went to Nick's family's easter. We hunkered down in the dining room, feasting on lobster tails, lamb, and roast beef, laughing and chatting with one another. After the dinner plates were cleared we filled our coffee cups and enjoyed Nick's grandmother's pineapple upside down cake and my chocolate cake. My cousin Jaime teased me that I made the cake from scratch and yes it did take a TON of time...but let me tell you...every bite was worth it!
This week I am making dinner every night and we are spending time together...getting the house tidy as we welcome Spring and making preparations for Easter Sunday! What are your Easter traditions?

Ag Days

How hilarious is this?

At the fairgrounds in our area they have something every year called Ag Days. It is a time for us city folk to get out and get the kids introduced to all things farm related. Let me tell you the kids just loved it! It was such a hit we are sure to do it next year. Best of all? It was free! If you think there is nothing to do when you are on a budget, you are wrong! Just keep looking at community calendars and you are sure to find something! In our experience the free events are often the best because the community bans together to make it a success. Here are some of our pics. I hope you enjoy and let me just say that my kids are getting so big and sooo cute! Don't you love their matching overalls?
Emma learning how to milk a cow...she squirted Nick a few times!
Farmer Emma
Farmer Calvin
Me with my precious, precious babies

Dr. Emma

Don't you just love this picture?

This is Emma with her assistant and her crash cart
My Aunt Jan got Emma this adorable medical cart with supplies and a doctors coat that says "Dr Emma". She is adorable going aroung the house fixing things animals with her kit. And in case I haven't said it, THANK YOU AUNT JAN! My aunt always has a knack for finding the neatest gifts for the kids and they love her gifts no matter what she gets, its a hit!

Nice Necklace

Do you like the necklace Emma made for Nick? Isn't it just adorable? While she was making it she was telling me "I bet he'll put it on and say its the most wonderful necklace ever!" Of course I had to let Nick in on that secret so that her little dream could come true. He is such a good daddy. He wore the necklace all night, even washing dishes after Emma was already sound asleep. I love him so much.