Child Labor
From 3 Feet Up
The Zoo...again
Our trip to the zoo
Well we just got back from the zoo today and we survived! Nothing serious with the animals happened but this was my first trip out of the house with the kids alone. I know I am a big fat bad mother! But we just got a double stroller and until then I was terrified to take them anywhere alone. Images kept running through my head of Calvin in the stroller and Emma running out into traffic or Emma in the stroller and Calvin making my arm feel like its going to fall off because he's so heavy. So it was nice. We actually purchased a membership so we will be at the zoo A TON! this year. If you have the means to purchase a membership I would say DO IT! Our membership to our local zoo was about 65.00 and for one trip with the kids and Nick and I it would be 21.oo. With only 3 trips to the zoo we will make back our membership fee. Plus we get to go to all kinds of members only events and we get free membership or discounted admission to a bunch of other zoos across the nation. Plus since Nick used to work in municipal government I can tell you that zoo's are really hurting. They are a treasured asset to community's but they are going to be cut soon if we don't support them in this awful economy. Okay that's my commercial for the day. Seriously though the kids had fun,I had fun, the animals looked a little like maybe they were having was had by all!
Easter 2009
Easter was a wonderful time as Calvin was old enough to have fun with Emma. It was such a nice and beautiful day and we were washed in such a feeling of being blessed. Even our day was just terrific. We were able to wake up later. We had strawberry pancakes with freshly whipped butter (thats right I made the butter myself!). The kids hunted for eggs and baskets and then we got ready and went to church at my Grandma's church. After church we went to Bonefish for lunch that was spectacular. Very full we made our way to my Grandma's where the kids hunted for eggs again and we enjoyed dessert. How was your Easter? I hope it was a joyous occasion as we celebrated all that Jesus did for us so we can have this life and salvation!
My Babies are My Blessings
Emma's World
Together as a Family
This week I am making dinner every night and we are spending time together...getting the house tidy as we welcome Spring and making preparations for Easter Sunday! What are your Easter traditions?
Ag Days
At the fairgrounds in our area they have something every year called Ag Days. It is a time for us city folk to get out and get the kids introduced to all things farm related. Let me tell you the kids just loved it! It was such a hit we are sure to do it next year. Best of all? It was free! If you think there is nothing to do when you are on a budget, you are wrong! Just keep looking at community calendars and you are sure to find something! In our experience the free events are often the best because the community bans together to make it a success. Here are some of our pics. I hope you enjoy and let me just say that my kids are getting so big and sooo cute! Don't you love their matching overalls?