Last night I held a sobbing Emma in her bed. She was so upset. When I asked her what was wrong she said, exasperated “I wasted it. I wanted so much to be older and now my childhood’s gone.”
Poor baby.
I know what the feeling of discouragement and dismay feels like.
After 3 verses of “You are My Sunshine” I think we both felt a little better.
And now our sweet Emma Kazoo is 13.
A teenager.
Holy wow.
I have tried to explain to her so much.
Like how great of a big sis she is to her autistic brother.
How she doesn’t have to grow up just because she is 13.
Like how God made her to make such a big difference in this world.
How her smile and her kindness are what set her apart.
She has a grace and poise that cannot be taught.
She loves the Lord and it breaks her heart when she breaks His.
She is the most strong-willed child in this whole world. When she wants to do something or doesn’t want to do it, by golly that’s all there is to it.
How absolutely stunning she is.
And smart.
And hilarious.
And helpful and generous.
And talented.
Happy Birthday, Emma Kazoo! You are our favorite and our best, forever and ever.
Love Y’all!