Such an amazing day! The day started out dreary and bleh weather-wise. It was rainy and stormy. The radar made it look like our future was bleak.
But then the forecast seemed to clear more towards the Cali coast so we headed out to the shoreline to do some exploring. We started in Newport Beach at the Little Corona Del Mar. The amazing Pepper and Pine blogger, Hana helped me to find this beach which I was so excited to take the kids to because there are tide pools to explore! During the day while Nick was working I kept going back and forth on where we should go that night. I didn’t want to ruin the evening by going to the ocean when it was raining and storming. However after looking at the radar and thinking of how cool it would be to go to the ocean when it was angry and tumultuous, I decided the ocean it was.
When we arrived we immediately found a parking place which was so nice. So far parking has been very convenient and easy everywhere that we have visited in California. The path to the beach was paved and a nice walk. Once we got down to the Pacific Ocean I was in love. I have never been to a shoreline like this. I expected either to see Barnabas Collins standing up on a cliff above us or to see the Goonies ship around a corner. Seriously cool.
We started just looking at the sand and finding fun shells and rocks to look at. The California coastline is protected so we couldn’t take anything with us. As we went further on down the beach we found the tidepools to explore. Emma and I loved watching all of the sealife there was in these shallow pools. Low tide had occured shortly before so there was lots to see. Meanwhile Calvin was climbing rock formations and exploring caves. And that is why I love nature and nature studies. There doesn’t have to be just one thing that we all are doing at the same time. We can find our own interests and explore parallel to one another. That is my favorite thing. Emma and I can be zoologists together and Calvin can pretend he’s a pirate all at the same time.
After a hefty amount of time at the beach we decided to travel on. We (really I guess I should just say I) had seriously wanted to go see the Pirate’s Tower down in Laguna Beach. However by the time we drove the short distance to get to it, it was pouring again. So we decided to turn around and head back up north on Highway 1 (just saying that makes me feel really, really cool you guys). It was so much fun to stop at all of the beaches along the way and check out all of the cool coastal towns that all of the 90’s shows were about.
We stopped in Seal Beach for dinner. We found a great little dive type restuarant right on the ocean and they had some really good seafood. I had a Shrimp Roll and everyone else had fish and chips. I’ll say this all the rest of my days, it still knocks my socks off that our kids now like fish. Hallelujah!
After dinner we drove up to Long Beach for some ice cream and to check out the town. What a neat place Long Beach is! Such a cool, vintagey feel to the area. We ate at Long Beach Creamery and you guys, it was amazing! Calvin and Nick both had Burnt Caramel Ice cream, I had the Oolong Chocolate, and Emma had the Fennel and Cashew. Their wafffle bowls were amazing. We loved the place so much we left with stickers, coloring sheets, and a hat. Thank you Long Beach Creamery for such a fun experience!
Overall it was such a cool experience driving down Highway 1 with our kiddos and stopping wherever the wind took us. We’re having so much fun!!! Here are some more pics from the beach: