First Stroll Around

Exploring the park
Here we are!

At the little kid slide
Loving the big kid slide

Yesterday was beautiful around is it around you? So we decided to head to the park before making dinner. It was one of those times when you just decide that you love your life...point blank. Emma enjoyed playing and feeding the geese. I can't get over what a little girl she has become! I also realized how wonderful my husband is and what a great daddy he is to our little ones. At the end of the day as we began the walk home I just kind of hung back from Nick and Emma and fought back tears as I looked at them and hugged Calvin and thanked God for all of it...He is amazing isn't he? He has given me such a gift in my family, gifts I never could have expected or deserved. I think we may go to the park tomorrow too...especially since it helps me to see everything I have to be thankful for.