i’m sick today. Which should totally not surprise me. After taking care of your sick family for a week and a half it’s inevitable that mom gets sick right? And this cold is like the rainbow loom of illnesses. Everyone’s already over hearing about it and no one wants to take care of mom. The little bands are already on clearance. This cold was a fad and everyone’s moved on.
Except me.
So it’s a fun party over here.
And when I am sick is when the to-do lists happen in my mind. Not just to-do lists but massive, you could change the world if you would just get off the couch to-do lists.
Can you feel me with this?
It could be partly because while I’ve been sick I’ve been watching Donna Reed re-runs. If you have never watched this show, trust me, you should! it is hilarious even though it is an old show. We love it. Anyway, being laid up on the couch watching what is portrayed as the world’s best housewife can certainly make you feel like perhaps you could be a bit…ahem, better at cleaning your house. And perhaps not have a massive pile of tissues on the floor next to the couch.
So I’m still over here taking it easy, feeling like if only I could get off this God-forsaken couch I could do something with my life…I would mop floors, be productive, have all of these creative and enterprising ideas. I would finally put up that piece of crown molding that goes behind the TV that drives me crazy everytime I see the spot. I’ve got goals, man, real goals.
So I share them with you here, ha.
Meanwhile my real goals should be getting my boo-tay in gear because we leave for California in 4 days. 4 days!!!! I need to pack and make lists and plan and make lists to plan and pack to dream and I don’t know what.
I am crazy, this is rambling, and eventually I will not be sick, rainbow looms will come back in style and perhaps once, once somebody will take care of the mom who gets sick at the end of all of the sickness.
Here’s to hoping.