Indianapolis for Free: Fun and Educational Destinations

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There are times when you go to a city with kids in tow and you find that quickly, your spending sky-rockets! I know if we are not careful the price of gas, hotel, the valet, all of the eating out with the fun extras (hello milkshakes!), the souveniers, the justified educational purchases from gift shops, and all of the parking fees can really start to add up to an eye popping amount that will shock and surprise you when you get home.


In our home state of Indiana, Indianapolis is just a hop, skip, and jump away. With Nick and I having lived in Indy, it is fairly easy to find deals or know where to go for bargains. If you’re needing some pointers on how to save money, here are some of the places we go and things we do:

The City Market


Located on Market street, this cozy brick building is a historic market which is now filled with food vendors of every imaginable food. We love this place because everyone in our family can find something they want to eat. Also, because everything is purchased a la carte you can find some great deals on meals there.

Be sure to check outside of the market for a super fun free library that has revolving shelves of books. Kids can push the button and watch the machine spin around. I think our kiddos would have spent an hour at this thing if we had let them.

Soldiers & Sailors Monument/ Circle Center Monument

If you are looking for something to do with your kids be sure to check out the Monument in the middle of the city. The monument also serves as an observatory of the city. It is free to go in and climb the stairs, there is a small fee if you want to take the elevator instead.

Holliday Park

The Holliday park located on the north east side of town is a great place to spend some time. With ruins to explore, trails, and a great playgound, you’re bound to be able to make some memories at this place. Admission is free and the park is open from dawn to dusk.

Farmers Markets

Indianapolis has so many varying neighborhoods and communities tucked in around the city that it is easy to find a farmers market going on. With laid back vibes and live music these community events always keep us entertained.

Monon Trail

The Monon Trail can seem never-ending…in a good way! Winding throughout the city there is lots to do along the trail in addition to simply enjoying walking the trail. When we lived in Indy we always enjoyed the Broadripple Village neighborhood which has an eclectic vibe and friendly atmosphere. The trail also has a lot of playgrounds dotted along the way which is so much fun for kids.

Other places I’ve read are free but we haven’t visited (yet!) are:

The Indiana State Police Museum

The White River State Park

Indianapolis War Memorial


If you have other things you love to do in Indy that are cheap or free, let us know by commenting below! I am sure all of the other readers will love to know your secret destinations as well!