It has been so hard to not let the cat out of the bag about our new name…Our Wonder Collective!
Welcome to this new place. This new landing place for us to inspire and encourage you along your journey through our journey. We are so happy to be in this new space and to take the world by storm with wonder. I thought I would start this blog off with a brief description of our new site’s name because, you guys, I am in love! I’ll then answer some questions I’ve gotten about the blog.
“noun: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
verb: desire or be curious to know something.”
We were talking as a family way back when about what binds our homeschooling and our adventures through travel together and the word wonder came sputtering out suddenly. It is so dead on it was surprising because wonder is what we are always after. We’re always looking for beautiful and unexpected things that will surprise us, cause admiration, and basically knock our socks off. And in it’s verb sense we always have a desire to be curious to know something. We’re always learning, always searching.
So Our Wonder Collective is our big bag of wonders we have collected. We can’t wait to share them with you along the way!
But why wonder?
I had a session with my friends where I asked them things about my blog (plying your friends with food and drinks is an excellent way for a panel discussion, btw!). Two of my best friends pointed out that the main thing that sets us apart from other people is that we are living life, homeschooling and traveling, and making it look normal while having to make adjustments and modifications for our autism family. See, our son has autism. Our son and daughter do things drastically different. To me that is just life but as I am realizing, sometimes things I see as easy or normal are talents God has given me that set me apart.
What happened to Super Busy at Home?
Eep! I have to geek out fangirl style because I had a chance for Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom to critique my blog. Eep! It was beyond an incredible experience and an incredible learning experience. The biggest thing she said was an issue was our website’s name. And she was right. It was just the push we needed to take the jump and start a new site. The truth is that I am not the busiest person in the world and it is hard having a site about being at home when you are traveling. It was a bit weird.
What will this site be about?
The wonder that we find along the way! If you love exploring, traveling, and a lifetime love of learning than you are going to feel right at home here. We love sharing new finds with our friends and can’t wait to share them with all of you. We exist to inspire and encourage others to find wonder in whatever is around, wherever they find themselves.
We hope our search for wonder will inspire you to look into your everyday to see God’s wonder that is all around. Welcome to Our Wonder Collective!