Week 4 has come and gone and I cannot believe that an entire month has gone by in our no-spend challenge! 11 more months to go, right?
I can't wait for this year to be over, not because I am writing down all of the things that I am going to run out and buy but because this takes some serious effort. Legit. This week I had some bad moments. Let me tell you about them:
Monday I met a friend for coffee to work on a project together. She was super sweet and had asked if she could come over to our house. But for real our house looked like Stonehenge with Christmas bins stacked everywhere so I declined and we went to a coffee shop.
It wasn't until I was driving to the coffee shop that I had one of those lightbulb moments, thinking "huh, I guess I'm going to have to actually purchase something." You know how shop keepers frown upon you just sitting there and not actually getting something.
I purchased my coffee and got a small one but I did get one of those frou-frou drinks and it all being said it was $5. I kind of did a walk of shame to the table with my coffee and felt bad for spending so much.
The next night, Emma had scouts which is in across the state line and takes me over a half an hour to get her to. Driving home during scouts results in me constantly driving so I decided by golly, I was going to find somewhere and get some blogging done! It would be great! I found a cute, quirky coffee shop, and again, decided it would be best to buy something.
This time I was prepared. I ordered just a small cup of coffee. That should be harmless enough, right? Except the darn thing was $3. Again I had to do the shame walk with my cup of coffee.
I've started feeling like an old man that complains constantly about the cost of a cup of coffee. Martin. I've become Martin from Frasier.
The rest of the week went fairly smoothly. The only other thing we spent money on was dinner Friday night. We were supposed to go out with our neighbors last year and we could never make it work. Finally we were all available and we didn't want to let our no-spend challenge get in our way.
So we all decided to go to a restaurant that was participating in "Restaurant Week" an event near us where certain restaurants offer reduced pricing on their meals. Nick and I were able to get appetizer, dessert, and entrees for the 2 of us for $33! It was a really good meal! We ate at the Lasalle Kitchen and Tavern. If you are ever in South Bend you should drive over and check it out...really good food and a really fun atmosphere with live music at the bar.
Saturday we had fun going to visit Nick's grandma and then we drove onto a chili-cookoff for Emma's scout troop. We had a wonderful (and cheap!) day visiting with friends and family.
All in all it was a great week although I totally messed up with the coffee shop purchases.
However I have used those as some jumping off points to change my behavior.
After all, if my house had been clean and tidy I would have had no problem having my friend over to talk and I wouldn't have spent anything at all.
So as a result of that I moved some things around so we could skip school for this week and I am deep cleaning our house. Together as a family we are purging so we have less stuff to put away and maintain. By the end of the week I am hopeful we will have a place for everything and everything in its place.
I've also learned that I need to have a go-to drink to order when I go to a coffee shop. I would love your suggestions!!! I love coffee, tea, anything. It just needs to be inexpensive so I feel at least a little bit better about buying a want item. I do have to visit coffee shops as I am on a lot of committee's and part of groups that meet at coffee shops.
Please help me with what do order! Comment with your suggestions! I'd love for you to help me out!