Happy Labor Day to you all!
We are camping the great wide unknown of Michigan this week. Hope you all are enjoying time with your family!
This past weekend I had to get ready for camping. Camping for my first time to be more precise. It was Cray-Z-ness!
Saturday morning I was knee deep in about 8 loads of laundry, trying to make lists of items we would need, and suddenly I realized that the Pioneer Woman was about to come on.
Screech to a halt the madness.
I needed this.
I got some iced coffee...
And scrounged around for the muffin I had gotten in Nashville, Indiana the week before and had managed to hide from the masses...
And sat in front of our teeny-tiny television to watch the show...
Ahh, heaven. I was alone for an entire half hour while the children were downstairs doing their thing. I don't think they even knew I was gone :)
May you find a soft place to hide and rest and destress amidst the craziness of life, sweet friends!