So Emma's hair is going to Locks of Love and she is already talking about letting it grow out so she can do it again. How cool is that? You've all heard of Locks of Love, right? It's an organization that makes wigs for Children who have lost their hair due to illness. The minimum amount of hair they need to make a wig is 10 inches, so it has taken us quite a while! But it was so worth it. I'm so proud of Emma and her giving heart!
Today she wrote a letter to her cousin who's had a tummy bug. I thought it was so sweet to see her write that she loves her and will be praying for her. She always likes to do things for others to help them feel better or to know other's care for them.
Love my little God's girl!
What's a God girl you ask? Well it's a club Emma and I started that we went through all of the attributes that Proverbs 31 talks about and we talked about how we can practice those in our everyday life. We also made up secret signals for each other: one if we are proud of one another and another if the other needs a gentle reminder of how God wants us to behave. So if you ever see Emma scrunching up her nose and itching it at me when I'm being naggy with Nick, now you know why :)
Anyway, thought I'd just take a few to brag on my little girl. She asked Jesus in her heart at the tender age of about 3 and a half and since then just has made us so proud. She loves life and loves the Lord with her whole little heart.
Love her!!!