Every year our neighborhood has a party called Summerfest. It is a lot of fun. The firetrucks come to let the kids tour them and then they hook their sprinklers up to the hydrant and let the children run through them. There are water balloon fights too, which the kids loved. We even vote on which house should be on our neighborhood's Christmas ornament this year.
As a sidenote, in case you didn't know we live in a historic district here in our little city. We are on the state, city, and national historic registrys. We are a proud neighborhood and we like to get together...we have Summerfest, a Halloween Party, a Christmas Caroling party, and an Easter Egg hunt.
The neighborhood originally was owned by two men and then they eventually sold off their land (kind of like subdivisions are today I think). Our house was built by the daughter and son-in-law, who was a prominent attorney in our area, of one of the original owners. Anyway, I wouldn't have known all of this except our neighborhood has a book of the history of houses and that's what is says about ours...kind of neat, right?
Here's Cal who apparently had never tasted water so good. He was just DYING to get more from the cooler. Kazoo caught in a case of seriousness. How beautiful is she?
Here are the kiddos playing in the fire department's water...they had a great time except for, and I don't know if you can see it or not, but the street is brick and it got VERY slippery.
All in all we had a great time and got to socialize with some really great neighbors.