Much like that I take my husband for granted too. Oh its nothing serious where I don't know how good I have it but in everyday life you fall into a thing that he's there because he's there because he's there. You know?
Today Nick worked 12 hours and yes I am writing this on a Sunday. Last night Calvin didn't sleep at all so Nick hardly had any sleep. He said he felt sick and sleepy all day long because of it. So when he got home I knew he wouldn't be up for much. But he took a walk with us. He read to the children their bedtime stories complete with the funny voices. Then he chased them both around the house, scooped them both up on his back and ran all they way upstairs. The giggles that abounded I am sure were enough of a reward for him. He is such an amazing Daddy to the luckiest children ever.
And I am the luckiest wife ever. Except there's no luck to it because I know it is all God. Yesterday as we drove home Nick said something to me and it sounded like a line so I said "don't talk to me like you are Barry White!" to which he started singing and talking to me in that voice. For those of you who know my husband you know that he is HILARIOUS with his voices. Tears were streaming down my face I was laughing so hard and I was reminded how hard I love him.
So thank you Nicholas for your love and support and devotion to all of us. You are our rock and we go to THE ROCK everyday thanking Him for you.