I drink either a hot cocoa or a chai tea almost every night.
Cocoa must be made with TONS of marshmallows
Ina Garten is my current hero
I often times think I am the worst mother ever
I have no idea what my purpose in life is
I Heart Chunky Peanut Butter...Nick likes creamy so guess what I eat?
I secretly want a volvo wagon to complete the whole soccer mom look
Squirrels have always scared me...and now Racoons are topping that list! AHHHH!
I have a hard time transitioning and I hate Change
I only like thick crust pizza
I often time crave Diet Coke with a TON of ice
Eel is my favorite which I have made Nick like...payback for the peanut butter I guess
Okay that's it for you can write YOUR random things about you!