For those of you who REALLY know me, you know there are always 18,000 thoughts running through my head because I am a freak and don't do anything without developing an ulcer about it. Yes that's me miss spontenaity. :) So here are some of the things running through my head:
Is it ever going to feel like I am caught up?
When is the sense of guilt going to end? I feel guilty when I play with my kids, I should be cleaning...and vice versa
Stay tuned for year 6 of the melodrama...will Nick ever develop into a romantic?
I completely understand the pursuit of weightloss will always and forever be an ongoing thing...but I often times wonder if I will ever be happy with, well, me.
No one believes me, but I am a trendsetter...totally.
My husband should be the mayor...and my husband is way better than yours...don't even try to say he's not.
Yes in case you were wondering I am an all or nothing kind of gal.
If anyone ever calls one of my kids a retard I will drive to wherever they are that moment and punch them in the face
I can punch really hard
I have come to the point in my life where I am realizing that all of those people I once would have killed to have recognize me or respect me...I could care less because 90% of them are losers.
Will this be the year I don't kill the gerber daisies?