Last night was his first night home and he slept from 11 pm until 6 am without waking up...I was impressed to say the least.
I successfully had a vbac (vaginal birth after cesaeran) which I was so happy about. When I had Emma I felt as if I had missed out on the whole birth experience so I was glad to be able to go through it this last time around. Sunday night I went grocery shopping, came home, made an apple pie, fixed dinner, and was going about business as usual. About 7:30 I started having contractions and by 8:00 they were lasting almost two minutes and were about 3 minutes apart. We arrived to the hospital shortly after 9 and the next morning I had him. I had nubain and an epidural which I could not imagine not having...what a godsend. I am so blessed by Nicholas who was amazing during the whole labor and the entire experiece has made me fall in love with him even more.
We got home yesterday and the house is gradually getting cleaned up and straightened, and I feel as though life is starting to be colored in as normal. I am just so happy I didn't have to have a c-section as I felt so awful last time and this time I feel like, well, I feel like me which is wonderful.