Calvin's Room

The great unveiling...

Thought I would show you some details of the new is a shelf of Baby Witwer's built in bookshelf. Nick's mom got us these cute Pooh letters before we were even expecting Emma and I love them:This is a peek into Calvin's closet. As you can see, I already have a Halloween costume for our little guy! I insisted that the closets be yellow, I think it makes it so cheery, Nick thinks it looks like an old lady's house:

Here is a shot of the changing table. It was originally natural but Calvin's room is the darkest room in the house, so we decided (read I demanded because I am mean) to have white furniture. So poor Nicholas had to paint everything which he did an amazing job on. The changing mat is a contoured mat with a Wendy Belissimo cover which is the softest thing in the makes me want to be changed:
Here's Calvin's crib and you can see the jersey's painted over it. How cute:

Here is Calvin's Cubs nightlight and more cute jerseys...there are a lot of cute jerseys in there.

So of course we still have some minor details. I need to make the valances for the window still but the curtains are up so that can wait if needed. Blankets, diapers, everything is in place and ready for action. I am just so excited that it has all come to fruition. Now we just need a little man to put in the nursery. Enjoy the pics, love you all!