The Witwer Group

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January Christmas Prep: Advent Ahead of Time

If you are like me, you are just kind of over Christmas by the time you get yourself off the couch from New Years.  

Are ya with me?  

This weekend we took down all of the tree and festivities around the house.  

I guess having a son born the first week of January was a good thing because it really makes me get my rear in gear with getting the house back to normal because we seem to blink and then have a Birthday party to plan and decorate for.  

So here we are...shaking it to get Christmas back into the attic.  

As I did it this year I organized and planned while I was putting away.  I know, I know, what a royally amazing idea, right?  

You see this year we started the advent calendar about December 10th.  10 days behind schedule, that's normal, right?  

Don't judge me :)

Well maybe do...a little.

But I digress.  Anywho, this past Christmas we did this amazing advent calendar from Focus on the Family called "Journey to the Manger".  Here it is, check it out!  This year, as I mentioned we started December 10ish and so, being fashionably late, we would do like 3 days in one day to catch up.  So not a lame mom am I, right?  Ugh.  

So this next Christmas I am going to be ahead of the game.  I already went this weekend and printed out everything I need to start this ON TIME!  So excited that I was able to tuck this all into our Christmas stuff and I will have it ready to go when December 1st rolls around!  

Now, I'm not affiliated with them I just used this advent program. I'm not sure if they are going to have this available all year or not but in case they aren't go print it all off now or soon!  It will be another thing you don't have to do in the madness of Christmas in December.  And it is so stinking cute to do!  There are fun activities to do and fun game type things to play during the easy on Mom and Dad and so fun for the kiddos...even if you cram three days into one :)  

See how clever I am?  :)  

Stick around for some more posts in the series on how I am getting ready now for this next Christmas!