Kitchen Sink Eye Candy
As a mother and wife, I don't think there's any place in the home that we look at more than what's at the Kitchen sink. We are constantly beguiled by dishes, filling cups, rinsing crap out of things (well, hopefully not literally!). Then there is always the deboning something, the chopping, scrubbing, disinfecting, thawing, draining, and soaking things. And as much as I just
love gazing at the neighbors house through the window above my sink, I decided to go ahead and jazz up the wall next to the sink a bit.
How do we get this to stop??? Anyone?
While I could not for the life of me find where I got this printable online (sorry!), I did find a similar free printable here at The DIY Mommy. You should totally check out her blog as it is just up my alley and awesome.
Here's a view of what's there now. By the way, I can see that a couple of the frames are crooked... thank you Captain Obvious. :) Just wanted to show you how we do real-life around here.
This area is a work in progress. Each time I find something I love or a picture which brings me such joy I spray paint a frame and find a little spot for it.
I have to say that my hot husband kissing his little lady is one of my fave sites of all times. My family just melts my heart.
This is a watercolor of one of my favorite places on Earth, the Muddy Boots Cafe located in Nashville, Indiana. If you are anywhere near the Midwest you need to go visit. Visit now. Visit often. Just visit. Sit and watch the way the sunlight flits through their wavy glass windows. Just do it. Go now. I'll wait here...
I had to hack away at a wedding photo to make this print but I just love it. Another random thing I saw online somewhere. So lucky this man is mine.
On a side note, my husband of nearly ten years opened up to me for the first time the other night and told me about when he decided he was going to propose to me. It was so incredibly sweet.
So that was a view of what I look at every day by the kitchen sink...what do you have to enjoy as sink eye candy?