Why Is Your Quality Management System Separate From Your Business Management System?
If you’re a quality manager you know what a quality management system is and how it functions. If you’re a manager in another area of your company, you at least know what a quality management system is for about 2 different weeks out of the year, one week for an internal audit, and one week during your surveillance or certification audit. If you are a specialist or production you get reminded constantly about the importance of the quality management system, especially if you produce something incorrect.
At any position within the company you know why you’re in business…..Right? Maybe everyone even knows the business plan, and goals for the department, plant, division, etc.
That’s good. If you do know why your company does what it does, and who it serves, than you know your quality management system. What you may not know is how to keep the business of the company and the QMS one system. What you may not even understand is that the QMS is not supposed to be something the quality people do and let you know how it’s going once a month and how many findings “they” had at the last audit.
Your quality management and the requirements of your system, certified or not, are the requirements of those that your company serves. What’s important is how you monitor, improve, react, and prevent the positive and negative results from your production, or services.
If you are running a quality management system that is separate from your day to day management system, let The Witwer Group LLC. provide integration so you are living in real time with one system and getting the maximum performance out of your company management.