
Sometimes you're just sitting around like this...
 And then you decide you need to make cookies!  So you put on aprons and get to work!

 We had so much fun making cookies for Daddy!  And in our new mixer we were able to whip up a double batch of his favorite cookies-snickerdoodles!
 I was amazed...even Cal was able to hold on through the entire cookie making process.  Usually he fizzles out after egg cracking, which as you know, is usually towards the beginning.  This boy is growing up!
And here's my big girl with some of the final result.  Ignore the one with the oven mitt through it.  Someone learned how to get cookies out of the oven...with the help of mom of course :)  They were so yummy and we had such a great time.

hello there

Well as normal when life gets busy the blog is the first thing to go in terms of priorities...

Hope you all have been having a wonderful summer.  We sure have. 
 Our dear kitty Roscoe was put to sleep on July 1st.  On July 3rd my in-laws neighbors had kitties who were ready for new homes.  It was earlier than we had wanted to get a new cat but we took home 2 KITTIES then.  It has been crazy around here with little Otis and Stripe.  So just to review we now have 2 cats, a dog, a turtle and 9 fish.  Nick said anymore and we're going to have to get a permit or something ;)

 the kiddos enjoyed tennis lessons this summer.  It was a great place really close to our house and they always seem to have lots of fun in their lessons.

In other news my sister got married.  We ALL were in the wedding.  Emma was the flower girl and Cal was the ring bearer! They are just the cutest!

And now I am onto my biggest endeavors...the Fall/Winter Children's resale.  This is the event where I sell all of the toys and clothing that our children have outgrown.  It takes a lot of time to wash, iron, price, and ready everything.  I'm also on the marketing committee where we spread the word about the sale and raise money to give certificates to moms in need to shop the sale and get things for their little ones.  I love being a part of it!!!

After that I will be scurrying around to ready our classroom for this upcoming year of homeschooling!  This year we are starting Classical Conversations!  It's a classical model of teaching and the children will be learning the same thing for the majority of their subjects so hopefully that will really help me in teaching them.  Last year some of our days would go until 8 until 5 and it was just getting to be too much!  Classical Conversations typically has a co-op type set up you join and go to one day a week but Cal has been accepted into an autism school so with that we opted to just do it at home.  I'm very excited!  :)

Well that is all that has been going on around here.  Hope you all are well and enjoying your summer!


Hi all!  Things here have been zooming by this summer and I hope you have had as great a summer as we have!  Things here have been wonderful.  We've gone on two trips, one to Illinois and one to Pennsylvania.  We've had an evaluation with a wonderful Autism school that we are hoping to get Calvin into.  Emma is enjoying a ballet intensive class.  We've just been busy.

Anyway, I am so lame I don't even have any pictures to share pulled up or anything.  I just wanted to hop on here and let you know I am still alive and living.  When life gets crazy the blog is the first thing to go.  Hopefully one day I'll figure out how to balance this all!

My goal this week has been to get this house clean!  Last week I was preparing for my baby sister's wedding shower my other sister and I threw. The week before we were in Pennsylvania.  It's just been a long crazy process that has left our house cluttered and hairy and messy, yuck!  This week is operation cleaning up so hopefully next week will be operation school planning!

Hope you all have a great week :)