The Witwer Group

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The Henry Ford Museum

I’m just going to get to the point here…The Henry Ford Museum is the best museum we’ve ever been to.


You read that right. After visiting the Smithsonian, traveling through over 30 states, and seeing God only knows how many National Parks, I am here to tell you that if you are looking for a museum that has it all then you need to go the Henry Ford museum.

Now I realize that this is a lot to say. After all, it isn’t known as a science museum or a childrens museum. If anything I would say it would be known as an auto museum. However I think you will hands down say that it is all of those once you have visited for yourself.

Also the museum has the most diverse collection of artifiacts that I have ever seen. Seriously. If you want to see the history of the toaster and how it got its beginnings then you can see that here. Or if you want to see Mr. Ford’s personal collection of violins, you can see that too.

The diversity of the museum is what blows me away each time I go there because I forget how many things that are to see.

I mean, where else can you assemble a Model T, sit in Rosa Parks’ seat on the bus, see the very chair Lincoln was shot in, the only remaining Dymaxion house, and countless other things?

See what I mean?

Not to mention the extensive automobile collection (it’s Ford, so of course!) plus the trains, the planes, and all of the machines and guns your boys can handle. Every time we go there we see something that we never noticed before plus with their ever changing exhibits there is always something to learn there. We have experienced everything from the artwork of Norman Rockwell in person to the hands on automation of Pixar at these exhibits and have loved each and every one of them.

Because we love it so much and because we love visiting over and over, I wanted to let you in on this deal I found:

This Martin Luther King Jr. Day the museum is offering free admission! Isn’t that amazing? You can visit anytime between 9:30-5 for free!

I know you and your kiddos will love going as much as we do!

They have an amazing Exhibit going, With Liberty and Justice for All, that would be perfect to visit on this historic day.

Have you ever visited the Henry Ford Museum? What was your favorite part?

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