The Witwer Group

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Oh Christmas Tree

The day after Thanksgiving we always go and get our Christmas tree. 
If you don't do this, you should.  I highly recommend it. 
It's so nice to be able to get our tree on Black Friday and then have the rest of the weekend to just relax, ease into the holiday season, and decorate to our hearts content. 
It seems like if you put off getting your tree that things always come up and then you are stuck getting your tree way close to Christmas. 
Here's Emma on the horse drawn wagon. 
Here's Nick with his buddy, his dad.  We've gone with his mom and dad to get our tree every year we've had kids.  It's always super fun.  It makes me glad we planned our family and our plan to live close to our familys. 
We always go out to the tree fields on horse drawn wagons.  These are some worn out horsies. 
Here's my world standing in front of our tree.  We've never had too hard of a time picking a tree.  After the entire thing is suffocated with lights and ornaments it's hard to see it anyway. 
My little snowmen.  If you look closely you'll see that he had me put his hat in top of the snowman's hat. 
And ta-da!  Here's the finished product!!!
Love getting a fresh tree every year!  And going to chop it down ourselves makes for some priceless memories...the hot cocoa, the bells on the horses, it's all just magical. 
Have you put your tree up?  What are your Christmas tree traditions?