The Apples of My Eye
This past Sunday we went to our usual haunt and went apple picking! We usually go earlier in September but it has been so warm that I guess it just isn't feeling Fall-y enough, if that makes sense! So we packed a picnic lunch and went to an old mill by the apple place. It is just so amazing to me that it is still in working order and up and running! We actually went there because we are running low on cornmeal. LOVE buying local and supporting this historic landmark!
Anywho, apple picking was wonderful as always. For some weird reason it seems to be the one day that the kids decide to not fight and get along every year. It is always so picturesque and humbling...God chose us to parent these amazing two children. Here are some of the photos...I'll explain as we go:
We just had an amazing time. Maybe a little TOO amazing as we picked over 40 pounds of apples! My angel of a mother in law is digging up her Pampered Chef apple peeler so I won't be husbandless after all of the pies we will be making. Last year Nick willingly peeled but he's already said no way hosea to 40 pounds. I also have to tell you that we picked for a while and then decided to find a different variety (because that's how we roll) so we walked a ways. We got to red delicious (fail, I know) and there were people around. Emma stops and says "can we just pick these apples? My dogs are barking". A couple of people just started cracking up and one guy yelled "awesome! that made my day!" and could not stop laughing. I'm so glad my children bring joy and laughter to so many people. It makes me beam.
Happy Wednesday!
Psalm 17:8
"Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings"