The Witwer Group

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My Day

Praise the Lord, its sunny outside! That always helps to boost your spirits doesn't it? How are things in your neck of the woods? Things here are going great. I am finishing up work and everything for Cal's Birthday party. I think the whole thing of getting the house ready is a little more complicated because we haven't gotten all of the Christmas decorations put away. So we are stumbling over boxes while cleaning while putting things away.
I have to tell you guys, I wore my Woolrich vest today with a scarf around my throat. I feel very tre chic today. Amazing how scarves can make you feel pulled together, isn't it?
Nick and I had one of the worst days ever. We were at one anothers throats from about 5:15 in the morning on. But we went to bed together and happy and that is all I can ask for as a wife. Amazing that God gives us do overs, isn't it? I wish Nick could give me one because I sure screwed up yesterday.
Well that is about it that is on my mind. Hope you all are having a good one. Just remember to give a thanks to the one who gave us this sunshine.