What I Wore Mondays: Cozy Cardigan Edition
So let me just start this right off the bat by saying that glamorous woman, I am not. However, when you spend your days in nasty yoga pants and then when you do happen to take your homeschooled children to an event and find yourself amid cork-shoe wearing, denim jumper wearing women, you feel like you need something, some type of incentive to actually get yourself dressed and attired in something fashionable.
And so I thought of doing this. At least once a week I'll be dressed. Well I am dressed every day thank you very much :)
I don't think I am the queen of fashion but at the same time I think I can figure out what goes well with what. So I'll show you what I am wearing.
So here you go...
I know, I know, I'm gorgeous :)
Here's what I've got on...if you can get it still, I'll link it up.
Cardigan (Chaps, 3 years old)
Bandolino Cognac leather boots (2 years old)
Sapphire diamond ring (3 years old)
Vintage Denim Purse (Coach)
So there you have it! It was a blustery, cold day today and it felt so good to put on a thick sweater and feel cozy while running errands and taking care of the house.
Anyway, I don't feel like the prettiest Momma in the world, but like I said in my
last blog I am trying hard to rid myself of the lies that Satan has been feeding me...because by golly I am God's and I am precious in His Sight! No where in the bible does it say God wants to gouge out His Mind's Eye when he sees me :) Whew about that, right?
As my husband took photos of me and then I went through them to find the best one and then I posted it and then I told y'all what I was wearing I was trying so hard to not apologize. To just blurt out "never mind, I'm a big ugg-o, no one wants to see this!" Because even if no one wants to see this, I am doing it to hold myself accountable to having a good enough image of myself and enough confidence to post away on this little blog of mine.
So I challenge you to stand with me and dress yourself so you feel pretty, take a picture and post a link in the comments section. I'd love to see other Momma's standing up and feeling pretty in their every day role, whatever that entails for you!
Hope you have a fabulous Monday! God loves you very much, xo